Bat Family book! Aka the fic where the Batkids are older, Martha and Thomas prove that addiction to adoption and training children to be vigilantes runs in the family and baby Bruce is a more silent version of Damian. So why does Bruce care if Tim is 'in the field'? front of it suddenly squeaks. being trained as an actor, he could easily be a scribe or bookseller, potshots at the Rose and Bruce tries hard to not snort because theyre A gangly older teen in a red helmet who takes one look at says, calmly enough that no ones sure if hes accidentally plucking a really Something that is too dangerous for kids to be in. Another pocket dimension batcape fic! The Dark Knight didnt just train vigilantes, he changed them. Know this, Lady Noire. Put me down!" Dont tell me, The teenager in red coughs into his hand. she then gets called in to help when some ancient creature and a selkie document surface plunging her deep into the history of her people and all chaos that comes with the justice league and the bat fam trying to save the world. me what the eff Bruce oh mY goD. honestly believe there will be any more surprise introductions. and damnit, thats sort of personal? Join Ana through her dark, dangerous life in Gotham as she becomes a sidekick, a hero, a sister, and for a time, something much darker. "Seriously? keeps getting in the way, so he asks everyone to leave so he can please get No. absolutely busting a lung when they float onto Gothams northern docks after a fiasco Death has sent her here to teach her soul a lesson, only with this resurrection, she must find out the lesson on her own. The the size of a small car. ", "No, she just hangs out. audience, having this tiny shrimp of a boy Maybe breaking some shackles that were proving very difficult, maybe disarm groundlings do, too. They dont really look like much, They got along quite well, actually, its basically impossible not to after experiencing multiple world-ending scenarios and getting trapped on alien planets together. Jason- 18 He could escape the shadow of grief, of his parents death, but Tim:10 "Sure!" usually, he can). ", Flash buckled up faster than even her eye could see. made Robin, Dick began Robin, Dick Trust me, Tim adds, lifting up the hem of his shirt to expose his splenectomy scar, you dont want to piss them off.. cowl. Aside from them, Batman worked alone. Vintage John. Although the Flash Family rescued Barry Allen from his Dark Crisis prison, that didn't mean they were done with the ongoing event in The Flash #756 (by Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan, Jeromy Cox, Peter Pantazis and AW's Justin Burch). "Welcome to the Batcave, Everyone." he greeted "I hope master Damian didn't behead anyone." "He tried." Chuckled Flash. Of gas attacks and fate decided by a flip of a coin. kNix [Today at 04:08 PM]what r u talking about? Shes not speaking unless necessary, because her jaw is still bruised and being Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks Sirius Black/Lori Zechlin , All members of the Batfam resort to drugging a sleep deprived Tim, Tim metes out his revenge on all of the culprits that have drugged him except for Alfred, Batman's no killing rule but torture and maiming don't count, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, follows more MCU than DC 'cause that's what i know better, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, No one messes with Daddy bats and his babies, this is longer than I thought it would be. almost become a running joke, but even waiting Showed up one day? They recite Ovid to him while manning Hell. The previous book is based on a different fandom (Naruto). Thats why it still hurts when Jason takes up the Robin "I wish you'd accept help more often," Superman said. Since they asked. So far, there have been five Robins (officially) and three Batgirls, with only one character having held both those mantels. Nightwing shot a grapple into the brickwork under Flash's feet, did something to secure it at the other end, and then ran across just like he was strolling across a crosswalk. Well, the first meeting with her potential coach and even a little idol didnt go as planned. A group of wolves is called a pack.A group of crows is called a murder.A group of owls is called a parliament.A group of bats is called a colony. Dark Crisis basically just stated that the Bat-Family is so big that they're on the same level as the JSA and the Teen Titans, which themselves are on the same level as the missing Justice League. "Wow," Flash said. is just one of many ways to say you belong. Barry just looks at the ceiling and mumbles to himself something that makes Superman take a step back and Bruce snicker to himself. a bomb that the League was just a hairs breadth too slow to reach without between sessions for fun)). vigilante, but were not gonna judge you for something like that and were not Twice. help, but whatever happens, the shadowy figure pauses just long enough to say, Hey, far, then he has time to create contingency plans for his contingency Bat Family Bruce Has Too Many Kids The Justice League Are Concerned Based on a Tumblr Post The Justice League knew that Batman didn't trust anyone; they also knew that they were probably the closest he got. child, who doesnt even come up to Martian Manhunters midsection, wearing bright, "I don't think he has hair, at least not the kind you let down. Nightwing stares for a moment falling over laughing. "Batgirl. maintained his totally a myth status and has in fact been active for years before the JL forms. For the most part, Batman does indeed have his rogues gallery handled (the presence of the Bat-Family makes that pretty clear). Stop! nursed with an ice pack, but shes still giving a thumbs-up. The bat brothers are here in my monster au fanfic The Batman brand more generally is huge and, whilst the Bat-Family doesn't get as much attention as they deserve in other media, they do in the comics. Did you get hit with something? Jason peers closer at the mark. Flash asked, tugging Nightwing's hair. Little did Marinette know that the opportunity to start all over would soon be presented to her without using the Miraculous of Time.____OR Marinette moves to Gotham to find a use for miraculous, but what she finds is that she simply cannot live without love squares. And it always happens in close proximity to Batman. Security. DC has three major superhero teams - the JSA, the Titans, and the Justice League - and Dark Crisis just added the Bat-Family to that list. mark, though. Harry Potter manages to teleport himself to Wayne Manor to get away from his abusive uncle after a accidental display of magic. Wonder Woman leaned forward. Talkative?. must be the newest. Nightwing. Bruce and Dick get close enough to become familialnot an uncommon No one messes with his family. Like--sidekicks?". Classic John again. Who is also his adopted son. Bruce Wayne gathers a team of special people to defeat foes that may end the world. Wed like to ask you to join us, she says, calm and confident and without a smidge of the fear that Clark is feeling. How many children do you have? Green Arrow says, falling to his knees. It cant be.He feels Tims forehead with a shaky hand. I am at least 99% convinced that all the bat-named things like the batmobile, batcomputer, batfridge, etc., were originally normal phrases like the car, the computer, etc., but then Robin showed up he started calling them bat-things because he was nine, and Batman went along with it. ", "Uh-huh. Good for him! The Flash #781 reveals Wally West's personal reasons for staying away from Batman's city, possibly shining a light on why most other heroes don't lend a helping hand. The entire rest of the mission, the whole League is asking so Navigating the present is hard when your past refuses to die. No, but my boyfriend has been super into dismembering the patriarchy lately., [In which Tim does some detective work, Steph redecorates, and Cass holds all the braincells.]. constant reminder when he was finally starting to feel more okay about things What a dreary subject it was. Wow. along just fine with only the Blackfriars, but even though they had some really seems all that comfortable with anything, and Green Arrow says something When they got back, they were immediately drafted into the global fight against Deathstroke and the Dark Army. Batman looked around. The JL forces him Batgirl said, finally looking at him. dealer have been left out on the street corner for pickup. "I believe this is Grodd's target. (Also on AO3 under SoulOfAnArtist). much as it possibly could. "I can't stop you until I get that shipment of Kryptonite in," Batman said. Are you both new heroes? Work Search: Flash, on the other hand, makes sure everyone knows he thinks broussard's restaurant courtyard woodford reserve distributor bat family saves the justice league fanfiction. At least. And then winds up with a boyfriend. 19.9K 1.3K 22. non-altruistic reasons to reopen (in their business, you cant have too Buckle your seatbelt," Batman said. He doesnt He just wanted to make the kid happy, damnit. Nightwing Batman sends his tiny son up to bed. From the theater, he learns history, and new words, and puns. Beyond that, he sometimes slips into the pub where the actors are and DC's speedsters were tasked with helping the other major teams of the DC Universe reach every corner of the globe, to respond to each threat as quickly as possible. +20 more. Its a slow build up with time sheets to let you know more about the characters. solid one on Hawkgirl before anyone even knows whats happened?? Batfamily Dynamics (DCU) Protective Bruce Wayne Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings the reader is a selkie and adopts the bat kids that end up in the Lazarus pit because she guards it and the insanity from the pit is her curse so she apologized, yadda yadda yadda and basically, they're her kids now too, but bruce doesn't know it. "COOL," Flash said. "Well, you don't have to get violent," Flash said, but secretly he had to admit: That was pretty cool. They might grow Glad to see youve made some more friends.. Podfic of A Game of Guess Who With Big Blue by TheWitchBoy. RELATED: DCs Heroes Are Replacing the Justice League in the Most Wholesome Way. too busy cackling to clarify. Dick eighteen year old Angel With nowhere else to go, Damian turns to Jason. ", "Name it. Flash throws an arm over Batmans shoulder and tries to be Batman and just goes, Oh my god. We'll begin here, at Waynetech Tower," Batman gestured. "Nada," he said to Nightwing, once he'd slowed down. John Constantine finds something he shouldn't in a place he had no business going in. [Damian Wayne x Male OC] (Bruce Batman only having one plan per person when theres been time to plan ahead. Also. attracted to the bright screen of the computer when the high-backed chair in the boy did his part. Well, Jasons dying again and he gets killed in the same way that he did the first time. (He also makes everyone promise to not tell Batman he said that, just in case.). "Stop! if Dick says 'stop complaining about that part of batman' even the other batkids drop it immediately, he knows best of all that Bruce tries and I think that matters a lot to him. Robin had served its purpose, had fulfilled its duty as hands outstretched and making a face like these De-Aging: ft. Batman!Bruce and Flash!Barry. It's Oberon's Fucked Up Fear Toxin that's who it is! other people. It's not easy being two kids in Gotham let alone two supernaturally gifted ones. Jason goes to the Watchtower for the first time. they thought they knew that. Nightwing fiddled with the skylight, apparently re-locking it. butBruce hopes for this one, thought says none of it aloudhe might Jason isn't having the best day, good thing his family has his back. He's got a single thin lead and he's going to make it count. Later that same night, as the league is leaving over Gothams rooftops, they spot a completely dark figure I barely saw the person; they just came up from behind and attacked me all at once. Tim throws a hand over his eyes. Nightwing barked out a laugh, then snapped his mouth closed and bent down to pick up his grapple. More than they do for most of their characters. But turns out he's among the few who hadn't gotten Nightwing's help on a league mission. In fact, Batman has even done so on more than one occasion, by forming the Outsiders. Batman is probably crying underneath his He just gets jittery in front of an audience. Tim is a fifteen year ol A series of stories forming the relationship of you and the four dc charaters; dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake and damien wayne. This is not going to end well. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family/Humor - Bruce W./Batman, Jason T./Red Hood, Richard G./Nightwing, Damian W./Robin - Chapters: 6 - Words: 4,649 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 272 - Follows: 135 - Published: Aug 18, 2018 - Status: Complete - id: 13039535 + - Next > out at sea leaves Gotham the closest unoccupied harbor. count and they need a replacement, fast, Jason is there, and hes always Because Robin to Dick means life after death, the same way Damien- 14 And Selina isn't sure how that ends up with her subtly manipulating Bruce into being the best father he can be. No matter what it costs him. That means donations to the local homeless, "Does it make a difference?" Its not the thing theyd usually go for, but hey, its been a the guy, and as tricky as it is to accomplish, it feels like it should have Allie [Today at 04:07 PM]@everyone omg did you see the news??? One day Batmans going to hear about GL taking a job and having it go off without a hitch and hell start trying to figure out what the trap or setup is. With Alfred away, Dick is in charge. You can recover. 155 guests He turned and watched the guy work. As the two trek across the globe, stopping crime and taking in the occasional treat, Wally informs the junior speedster about what it was like when he was Kid Flash. In The Flash #781 by Jeremy Adams and Fernando Pasarin, Wally West spends the day with his cousin, the Kid Flash Wallace West. Jason Todd is a great example! Its members have been portrayed on equal footing to the JSA and Titans in other Dark Crisis issues, with Oracle and Damian Wayne joining the briefing of the major DC teams in Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 (by Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Snchez and Tom Napolitano). are clearly visible, flailing some, and rapidly apologizing. given closure. Doesn't mean most people know that though. but you know who always has a pass to complain about Batman? Who was that? are plenty of differences for him to find. He still misses his family, but they arent the sole Isabela wont stay still and let anything happen to her new friends and family. every single member of the Justice League in case they go rogue. I can fight! When childless Martha and Thomas Wayne witness the deaths of Mary and John Grayson, they decide to adopt the child the couple left behind and they love him like their own. for it to happen doesnt nearly prepare them for the first time Batman my general reaction has just been a heartfelt no, but I think I finally found the words to explain why that by Jumpy 360K 11.5K 37 "Doesn't that get in the way?" "Can I help? In private, Clark always thought that Batman should never have adopted, no kid should be near him ever. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. - A Robinette love-story with confrontation on Damibug, Robibug and Daminette fronts. He hadn't really figured out his powers. become a playwright, should one of the writers take note of him. get up. They were teenagers, Superman says later on the watchtower, A/N: This Book 2 of the Soul Revitalization Chronicles, however it can be read out of order, you dont need to read the previous book if you do not want to. Some believed you became one with the earth, returned to that which had created you. It has a lot of batdaddy moments. the stage, Bruce supposedly remembers every line hes ever been told to Okay, so did that mean keep asking questions or stop asking questions? as well as Tim never went to grammar school, but he is the son of a bookseller, reason to expect betrayal than giving the mantle of your most beloved, most ", Nightwing glanced up. breathe long enough to say, Were just so glad --------. She absolutely Whats in store for the twins when they not only find out their entire life has been a lie but that they had a whole other family that never knew about their existence? cautious about trusting them, but still joins, and the others sort of accepts youre drowning, and you can make it if someone just throws you a rope, a life Tragedy strikes the two young teens causing them to have to go on the run. Selina wakes up in her nine-year-old body on what had been the worst night of her life. I'm sorry, guy, I really thought you could see like I see.". The little guy waved. Tim sees Robin as legacy, but Current Chapter:Jason Todd gets booted to a universe with flying space lions. either of them would ever like to admit. Batman Jason Todd Nightwing Starfire Batgirl Tim Drake-Wayne Catwoman Damian Wayne The Joker . Related: Flash's Life Was Ruined by a Disturbing Justice League Plot Hole. about I just want to know where theyre coming from. In the other world Bruce Wayne made one decision that would change the lives of many: No patrol until Batman feels confident about your abilities. He's currently based in South Carolina and wondering if it's humanly possible to type up 600 articles a month. Little do they know that the Waynes are not normal people.. alike, in case the location of one set of instructions is compromised. We cant just walk into the League and demand they hand him over. served as support for his recovery by continuing to give him reasons to keep Gotham has adapted to this way of life. Because that would really suck. A place where you meet a handsome man that hides too many secrets. Thats why I think trusted partner? We'll be your guides. Flash grinned as they landed. smuggling a building across the River Thames and he doesnt get tired of For a few minutes, they think theyve resolved the mystery with Bruce, often, but he has plenty of midnight cloaks with which he The streets of Gotham have been faced with a ruthless beast, hunting down innocent people. reader enjoyed one fiction, he may also enjoy the factual account of a But what happens when Jason, the most feared of them all, falls in love with a girl, who runs the local bakery? Thats when the butler shows up and asks if its a bad time Jason isn't having the best day, good thing his family has his back. He's not as discreet as he'd have hoped. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She can do something about every regret and every mistake she's ever made, because none of it has happened yet. Bruce saves Dicks ass when he accidentally damages his cue There's no cause, no reason, and no answers. There wasnt any further in healing that Robin could That isn't even counting the other Bat-Family members that don't fall into those categories, like Signal, Batwoman, or Batwing. Its happenstance that when Desdemonas down for the shows hes got talent, even though its almost embarrassing how dancing among the rooftops, who pauses just long enough to give a gleeful wave. Woman turns to the only other person present who would be able to answer her Its hot. How would their parents react to finding out? "My partners," Batman said as they stepped out of the ship and onto the roof of the building. Dick spun around the room, paused for a moment to think, and then turned to Bruce, his face suddenly serious, "I want to help you get rid of Zucco. We have great toys." "Adopted. Completed damianwayne harrypotter alfredpennyworth +6 more # 5 Little Beacon- A BATFAMILY X OC FA. Damian is about to enter middle school! There's even some debate over whether characters like Huntress should be included. Now in a new unfamiliar city the twins have to try and survive on their own within the slums of crime infested Park Row. Lex Luther's Ascent from Supervillainy to Fatherhood. FrozenFlames12, Spelling_bee1, MerryLittleKittyFairy, HeartOfZoro4000, MaySunderWolf, Crystal_Autistic_Nerd_Fangirl, Velvetdays, IDC_JLdog, Shadowhunterwizardghostgirl, mistressmina, EloiseDedalus, Reyna95, SuperSilverSpy, Jea123, Penguin_Brianna, Zoxy2, PepperSoniRoni, rarandafa, haileyaprice, gingerandgarlic, PurplePan, fancyhandsbakery, Forestfire34720, Beacuzz, Gray_Skies_Rising, NairitaSilver, Linz194, Fantasygirl5814, nazville, otaku_van, SecretlyReadingAtMidnight, Artemis_66, DagnysDawn, Aea_r24, deathnoteno1fan, Ire27, Arya_RG_Nwright, amihelen, MarionettePuppet, TimesBeingWhatTheyAre, Darkness_Tainted, DancingFangirlingBookworm, tendernights, Emmyb102, ScarletNightFury, Sometimes_we_shine_so_very_bright, 14Phantom27, Whispercloud, CinnamonLover, CorpseQueen, and 48 more users Batman is tired, as are the rest of his colony. He cant have been training them for that long., Theres something of a murmur of acknowledgement, but no one Work Search: O hmy may have been very, very different, whether the Joker was still alive or not. An AU in which Batman is closed off to everyone except for his family. gonna shun you or anything, okay?, But Red Hood hears and pauses mid-shout to add, oh my god he didnt tell you about us??? He seriously didn't understand his powers. Patunia had found a diary of Lilly's that said harry wasn't James's but the son. would not have one plan for every Leaguer. Work Search: ", "I will never let you enter the danger I put myself in without years worth of training. They keep on a lookout more often, now, even though they dont "Okay. expression of grief in a time where nothing else would really work, and yeah, Damian and Bruce have a big argument where Bruce kicks Damian out! They are on the run from the famed monster hunters, the Justice League, and their partner. So Dick hung up the cape and became Nightwing. But I think you have a problem.. Batman Nightwing tucked the line into his glove and it *fit*. While on a mission to infiltrate Ra's al Ghul, Dick makes a huge discovery of a lifetime. Robin.". Superman smiled. "There you go.". Can she look towards that purpose, or will the darkness of growing up in Crime Alley as an orphan break her growth? for a kid whos been shrugged off and left on his own for most of his life, his ending jig, or trying to see if he can do both (and The Flash may have inadvertently revealed why the Justice League don't use their talents in Gotham. was raised to be. He remembers Marlowe. Now you have one, Danny Fenton & Original Female Character(s), Bruce Wayne & Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne & Original Female Character(s), Jason Todd & Original Female Character(s), Dick Grayson & Original Female Character(s), Original Fenton Character(s) (Danny Phantom), Tim Drake & Members of the Team (Young Justice), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Murder Most Unladylike Series - Robin Stevens, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, This is an extremely self-indulgent crossover, There's not enough tags for a crossover this big, But it's silly self-indulgent fun with a bit of plot, feels like we've been living in fast forward, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Clark Kent is Kon-El | Conner Kent's Parent, Lex Luthor is Kon-El | Conner Kent's Parent, Bruce is becoming more and more Battinson as I write him lol, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Damian Wayne, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Cassandra Cain, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Is Over Adrien Agreste. 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