This move can also be compared to the Figure-four leglock. A kneeling variation also exists. This variation is the most famous version, invented by Buddy Rogers and popularized by Ric Flair, and is also the finisher of choice for several wrestlers like Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, The Miz, AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Tito Santana, Jack Brisco, Gerald Brisco, and The Silent Warrior. WebSignature moves: Sweet Chin Music Slingshot Suplex Diving Elbow Drop Modified Figure Four Leg Lock Tidbits This text is hidden because it is only available in German language. Next, the wrestler turns their opponent over so that they are on their knees with all four of their limbs trapped underneath. This variation is used as a submission finisher by Sasha Banks as the Bank Statement, and by Taka Michinoku as the Just Facelock. Similar to a clawhold, the attacking wrestler applies a nerve lock onto the opponent's shoulder(s) using his/her hands and fingers for a submission attempt. Asuka also uses this variation. A maneuver which, when applied correctly against an individual, is purported to cause intense, legitimate pain. It is innovated by the late great Gorilla Monsoon. It can be transitioned into a DDT, suplex, etc. It is mostly used by Mark Henry, Goldberg, Beth Phoenix, Ric Flair, Sting, Kurt Angle, Jason Jordan, and Nia Jax. WebBuddy Rogers applying the figure four leg lock That being said, Ric Flair is not the only one to have adopted the figure four from Buddy Rogers. Mexican luchador Mstico innovated a variation in which he performs a tilt-a-whirl on the opponent them slams face first with a single-arm takedown and uses the submission hold called the La Mistica. This was famously used by Don Muraco as the Asiatic Spike and Terry Gordy (which he learned from Killer Khan) as the Oriental Spike. It became popular due to the legendary Nature Boy, Ric Flair using it as his signature move. This is also known as a Nerve hold, due to its association with The Great Khali and was formerly used by Classy Freddie Blassie. Backlund's version of the hold incorporates the bodyscissors portion. The Rock also used this move as his signature submission move by the name Sharpshooter. Then, the wrestler moves slightly to the left while still positioned in front of the opponent. The wrestler reaches down to pull the opposing wrestler up slightly, sits on the opponent's back, and places both of the opponent's arms across their thighs, usually locking at least one by placing the arm in the crook of their knee. The omoplata (AKA ashi-sankaku-garami in judo) is an armlock that targets the shoulder. This move was innovated by Frank Gotch. 2. This move is usually performed at the end of a pendulum backbreaker, a move which sees a wrestler drop an opponent down on the wrestler's knee, thus weakening the back before the hold is applied, as well as setting the opponent in a proper position. Closed fist punches are legal in WWE, but in other promotions, referees will tell wrestlers to watch the hand due to closed-fist punches being illegal. 4.0 0x. The wrestler bends over with the opponent standing to the side of the wrestler. The wrestler then takes hold of the upper arms or wrists of the opponent and spreads them, holding the opponent in place. 0.245 MB. With one hand the wrestler will grab either the toes or the outside of the foot, then with the other wrap the ankle to create a "hole" for the joint. 1 Change Note Created by. The performer of the hold then falls back while grabbing the opponent's legs or feet, hanging upside down from the ring apron. The wrestler then pulls back on the arms, causing pressure. The wrestler hooks each of the opponent's legs in one of their arms and then turns the opponent face-down, stepping over them in the process. If the opponent is sitting, the wrestler can press their knee into the opponent's back, adding pressure. Also (and originally) known as a "scorpion hold". Such calf crushers can be used as effective leglocks to the knee through a separating and elongating motion. Please click this line if you do not care and want to view it anyway. Hell, hes cool with it. They then roll back so that the opponent is suspended on their knees above them, facing up. Another version of this move sees the wrestler standing over the opponent who's face-down reaches for and places the opponent's nearest arm around the wrestler's far waist before applying the hold. We are led to believe that once this move is applied, the wrestler who is trapped in it is experiencing an incredible amount of pain. In many cases, the wrestler will drop to the mat and lock the opponent in a bodyscissor lock to make escape even more difficult. Then the wrestler lifts the opponent up over their shoulder. The omoplata can be applied from the guard, by placing one leg under the opponent's armpit and turning 180 degrees in the direction of that leg, so that the leg moves over the back of the opponent and entangles the opponent's arm. Naomichi Marufuji invented a single underhook variation, called Perfect Facelock. A rope-hung move sees the opponent trapped either over the top rope or between the top and second rope. The move can be executed from a kneeling position or a standing position, depending on the wrestler's preference. Most often applied by a standing wrestler against a prone opponent, but may also be applied by a seated wrestler or against a seated or kneeling opponent, sees the wrestler grasp both of their opponent's wrists while placing their foot or knee on the opponent's upper back, pulling back on the arms to compress the opponent's shoulder blades. The wrestler proceeds to lean back, pulling on the leg under the armpit. He first leads in with a Snap Suplex to put his opponent The wrestler then places their own spare arm under the other hand and over the opponent's back to lock in the hold, compressing the opponent's neck. This can be transitioned into a clawhold STO or iron claw slam. Bobby Roode used the same move in TNA, but not in the WWE since 2016. From this point, the wrestler then rolls or flips into a bridge, pulling the opponent's arms and applying pressure on them. This move is usually executed on a wrestler lying flat on their back. [X] - Put chair down _____ 03.b - Signature Moves _____ Signature moves are unique to each wrestler, and must be performed when the opponent's stamina bar is coloured red. It is the sitting position used by many American males who have a competitive nature. CM Punk used this move. Several wrestlers in WWE 2K14 will utilize submission holds. The Elevated double chickenwing was famously used by Ricky Steamboat in his best 2 out of 3 falls match with Ric Flair. The justification for its legality is that, like a head scissors, it uses the legs rather than the hands to perform the "choke"; also, it does not crush the windpipe (strangulation); rather, it compresses the carotid arteries (jugulation). Opponent Down - Face Up Near Legs, Move Craft. This is a transition hold for moves such as a two-handed chokeslam and a chokebomb. [14] The wrestler, while behind the opponent, facing in the opposing direction, hooks their arms under the opponent's. This typically starts with the opponent on their back, and the wrestler standing and facing them. The wrestler then bends one leg so that the shin is behind the knee of the straight leg and places the ankle of the straight leg in their armpit. Sheamus also uses this move. Also known as a "Japanese stranglehold" (goku-raku gatame), "criss-cross stranglehold", "cut-throat", and "cross-armed choke". A wrestler approaches a sitting opponent from in front, behind, or either side. Essentially a Gogoplata with leg submission, the wrestler steps over his opponent's leg and then laces the opponent's legs together, as a standard Sharpshooter would be performed. This is a legitimate controlling or debilitating hold and is commonly used by police officers in the United States to subdue uncooperative persons for arrest. The Gory special is a back-to-back backbreaker submission hold. While being held on the shoulders of an attacking wrestler in a position where the opponent is straddling the head of the attacking wrestler while facing in the other direction. The attacking wrestler then sits next to the opponent and wraps their legs around the opponent, crossing their ankles and then tightening their grip by squeezing together their thighs or straightening their legs to compress the opponent's torso. Austin Aries uses a half surfboard variation, called Fish Hook of Doom, where the opponent is lying face down. The wrestler first straddles one of the opponent's legs, then reaches over the opponent's near arm with the arm close to the opponent's back and locks it. Innovated by Ed Lewis, the wrestler begins positioned behind their opponent. From this position, the wrestler lifts the opponent up, usually by bending. This move was made famous by Ric Flair and now too is often used by most of the wrestlers in WWE and other franchise. This move can also be known by the underrepresented term coil lock in catch wrestling. This basic backbreaker submission involves the wrestler laying the opponent's back across one knee, then, while placing one hand on the opponent's chin and the other on their knee, the wrestler pushes down to bend the opponent around their knee. Sami Zayn formerly used this move during his time in NXT. The attacking wrestler then seizes one of their arms and proceeds to walk over the opponent while continuing to hold the arm, forcing the opponent to turn over onto their stomach. A transitional hold in which an attacking wrestler hoists an opponent up onto their shoulders so that they are both facing in the same direction. The wrestler and the opponent begin facing one another, with the opponent bent over. To do this, the opponent's legs are then hooked under the top ropes, leaving the opponent facing the attacking wrestler, upside down. The move was invented by Bret Hart and was used by Diamond Dallas Page and Gail Kim. Lashley sometimes locks his opponents into a body scissors to immobilize them. Known as Ashi-gatame in Japan and a pumphandle armbar in America. Another Argentine backbreaker rack variation called the La Atlntida, favored by Mexican luchador Atlantis, sees the attacking wrestler holding the opponent across the shoulders and behind the head in a side-lying position facing towards the rear, then pulling down on the head and one leg to laterally bending the opponent. The attacking wrestler can then arch backwards, pulling the opponent's head forward and thus applying extra pressure on the neck.[6]. Slick Ric, known by many as the greatest wrestler of all time. Ric Flair is no longer using his signature Figure Four Leg Lock move, so you younger wrestlers might as well. It is the finishing hold of African wrestler Shaun Koen of the Africa Wrestling Alliance. The wrestler then moves their hands to the upper arm or wrists of the opponent, holding them in position, and spreading the arms of the opponent as though they were being crucified, hence the name. The wrestler then places the opponent's far leg in the knee-pit of the near leg, finishing the submission by putting the opponent's ankle on top of their own ankle, rolling both onto their bellies, and pushing back with the wrestler's knees. The legs are used to control the movement of the opponent's body while the opponent's foot is twisted by holding the heel with the forearm and using the whole body to generate a twisting motion, hence creating severe medial torque on the ankle. The wrestler then pulls back so as to stretch the legs, back, and neck of the opponent while keeping the arm trapped. However, instead of stepping over the opponent to flip them, the applying wrestler flips the opponent over from left-to-right, keeping the opponent in front of them. This may sometimes be preceded by an arm wrench. Also referred to as a reverse nelson and double underhook. Another counter of the electric chair position is the wrestler twisting over the opponent's shoulders so now they are facing the opposite direction, and from that position, the wrestler would backflip to hit a hurricanrana. The opponent is on his stomach while the attacker reaches under one of the opponent's arms, locking his hands together. The vise is done from a position in which the wrestler and the opponent are seated on the mat facing each other. For instance, in his recent Joe Rogan Experience episode with Rick Rubin, he criticized the legendary Figure-Four leg lock pro-wrestling move. It is a key component of several throws, drops and slams. This move sees the attacker kneel behind a sitting opponent and wrap around one arm under the opponent's chin and lock their hands. The hold itself can be and sometimes is used as a submission move, but it is more commonly used as a transition hold to set up another move such as a suplex, a DDT, a facebuster, or a powerbomb. The wrestler then places their left arm over and around the opponent's arm while grasping their own wrist. He usually sets it up from a single-leg takedown or a roll-through called the Calgary Crab. The collar-and-elbow tie-up is one of the mainstays of professional wrestling, and many matches are begun with this move. The maneuver's invention is credited to Barry Darsow, who was the person who gave it its name. This variation of the cloverleaf sees the wrestler, after crossing one of the opponent's legs over the other in a figure four shape, lock the over leg behind their near knee before placing the straight leg under their armpit and turning over. Also known as a Bulldog headlock in BJJ, the wrestler, like a guillotine choke, tucks the other wrestlers head under their armpit. The Figure Four Leg Lock is a staple submission in the industry and many have added it to their The technique is also used to trap an opponent while the attacking wrestler runs at them and delivers some form of offensive maneuver, such as a running knee attack or a baseball slide. Average rating: 9.38 [77] Average rating in 2023: 9.67 [3] It was invented by Antonio Inoki. Also popularly known as a "Texas Cloverleaf", the wrestler stands at the feet of the supine opponent, grabs the opponent's legs, and lifts them up. In this hold, a wrestler who is facing away from an opponent wraps their arm around the neck of an opponent. The wrestler reaches around the opponent's body with their arms and lifts them up, spinning the opponent in front of the wrestler's body, often to deliver a slam or most commonly a "tilt-a-whirl backbreaker" or a "pendulum backbreaker". This attack is illegal and results in a wrestler's disqualification, should the move not be broken by a count of five. Torture Figure 4 Leg Lock. The wrestler traps one of the opponent's ankles between their thighs (as seen primarily before applying an STF). Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D uses this move with a mandible claw hold named the Lockjaw. The wrestler will apply an armscissor with one leg and a headscissors. The Undertaker used this as his submission finisher, calling it Hell's Gate. Frequently used by powerhouse style wrestlers, this rather simple to apply hold is used by heels and faces alike. A standing version can also be applied, which sees a standing wrestler place one of their legs between the legs of a face-down opponent and then bend one leg behind the leg of the wrestler, placing it on top of the knee pit of the opponent's other leg. The hold can also be applied while standing with the opponent's arms crossed across their chest or stomach held by the attacker to transition into other moves such as a suplex or an iconoclasm. One variant may see the wrestler instead lock their hands on the opponent's neck. If you're playing with your friends, brothers don't apply too much pressure.. Do not let your opponent turn on to their front; this reverses the pressure and becomes like a sharpshooter variant, so it will hurt your back and now it'll be your turn to cry. Bryan Danielson recently will sometimes transition into this move while already having applied the LeBell Lock effectively making this move a Scissored armbar omoplata crossface. Often the wrestler will shake their body from side to side in order to generate more pain around the ribs and spine. The wrestler wraps their arms around the head and one arm of the opponent and squeezes, choking the opponent. From that position, the wrestler could execute many moves while the opponent is hung over/between the rope(s), for example a DDT or a neckbreaker. The wrestler sits facing away on either side of an opponent who is lying prone on the mat, with the wrestler's legs scissoring one of the opponent's arms. This move is being used by current NWA superstar Tyrus as the "T-Slam". The wrestler then wraps their arm around the opponent's neck, pressing the biceps against one side of the neck and the inner bone of the forearm against the other side. Variations of this can include clasping the opponent's hand instead of hooking the upper arm, for extra leverage and bridging out, while performing the move to increase leverage and immobilize the opponent. This move has been used by Daniel Bryan and Bobby Fish as the Fish Hook Deluxe Edition. Wrestler Lex Luger was famous for using it as a finisher.Hercules also used this as a finisher move as well. Please click this line if you do not care and want to view it anyway. An arm-trap variation of this move was invented by WWE wrestler William Regal and is currently known as a Regal Stretch. From here, the wrestler puts the opponent in a crossface, wrenching the neck and shoulder. Unfavorite. The wrestler then slips one foot in front of the opponent's head and under their chin, locks their hands behind the opponent's head, and chokes the opponent by pressing their shin or instep against the opponent's trachea. This move is the finisher of Charlie Haas. Usually performed on a charging opponent, this can also be a transition hold for counterattacks that sees the wrestler hit many throws and drops like a DDT or headscissors takedown. As The scoop is also called the scoop powerslam where the wrestler attacks puts their hand in middle of the opponent's legs and turns them. From here, the wrestler rolls the opponent face first onto the mat, with their legs and arms tied together, sandwiched between the mat. This variation is also used by Tyler Breeze as the Figure Four Sharpshooter, and by T. J. Perkins, who calls it the Figure Four Deathlock. Also known as an inverted sharpshooter combined with a double chickenwing, this hold sets up the same as the sharpshooter, with the opponent supine on the mat with the applying wrestler stepping between the opponent's legs with their right leg and wrapping the opponent's legs at shin level around that leg. (Aa announcer calls him) Hardy boyz are the best. Slaughter and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, who called it the Anvilizer, as well as Ted DiBiase Sr. and Jr., who called it the Million Dollar Dream. Also known as a cross armbreaker or straight armbar. Similar in execution and function to a front chancery, this lock is often used as a setup for a suplex. Similar to a crossface, this move sees a wrestler standing above a face-down opponent. A grapevine variation sees the wrestler applying the ankle lock hold and then falling to the mat and scissoring the leg of the opponent. Squatting and twisting to the side flexes the opponent's back and stretches their abdomen, which also means leaving their abs exposed and open to further holds, such as a claw to the victim's abs, or simply punching them. The legs are used to control the movement of the opponent's body while the opponent's foot is twisted by holding the heel with the forearm and using the whole body to generate a twisting motion, hence creating severe medial torque on the ankle. [5], The wrestler darts their hand under an opponent's chin and grabs ahold of a pressure point above the throat, squeezing the nerve. Aleister Black uses a variation where he reaches behind his back and clamps his hands together, he names the move, Dark Ritual. The wrestler then reaches over and bends one leg so that the shin is behind the knee of the straight leg and places the ankle of the straight leg in their armpit. This move is used on an opponent trapped within the ring ropes, which makes the move illegal under most match rules. This armlock sees the wrestler grappling the opponent's wrist with the similar hand (for example, if they use the right arm, they would grab the opponent's right wrist), and with the opponent's wrist still clutched, the wrestler bends the opponent's arm (of the grappled wrist) towards or behind the opponent's head. The double underhook variant is often seen when the hold is used to transition to another maneuver, such as a backbreaker drop or inverted powerbomb. Facing the opponent, the wrestler reaches between the opponent's legs with one arm and reaches around their back from the same side with their other arm. Just follow the simple steps given below and give your opponent a very good blow with this effective submission attack. The opponent is on their back with the attacker sitting beside them and grabbing the nearest arm. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. The wrestler, situated perpendicular to and behind the opponent, holds the opponent's arm with both arms, pulling the arm across their chest. The attacker then arches backwards, putting pressure on the opponent's neck and spine. Also known technically as the overhead gutwrench backbreaker rack or Sammartino backbreaker this sees an attacking wrestler first lift an opponent up so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder, with the opponent's head pointing in the direction that the wrestler is facing. The hold is usually transitioned into a chickenwing facebuster. As such, a wrestling crowd will start shouting "Wooooo!" While the move is primarily a submission move, if the opponent has their shoulders on the mat, the referee can make a three count for a pinfall. Oct 23, 2020 @ 6:07pm. When the opponent's head is facing the ground the position is referred to as back mount. The move was invented by Lou Thesz[8] and popularized by Masahiro Chono and John Cena, who named it the STFU. This move can be used as a submission hold or can be used for a neckbreaker slam, or a facebuster takedown. The opponent begins supine, lying with their back on the bottom or second rope and facing into the ring. Also known as a "cobra twist", this hold begins with a wrestler facing their opponent's side. The attacking wrestler stands over a face-down opponent, facing the same direction. Invented by Masahiro Chono. The attacker can now roll towards his back, creating more pressure on the neck while hyperextending the opponent's arm across his own chest. This hold is unique in that it can be used as a sleeper-like submission or, should the "unconscious" opponent end up lying on their back, a pinfall. The wrestler sits on the back of an opponent who is lying face down on the mat. Lucha's "Electric chair" (Silla Elctrica in Spanish) is the term used for two different, unrelated attacks. A common type of toe hold is the figure-four toe hold, where a figure-four hold is used to hold the opponent's foot. Another variation of this hold, referred to as a bridging reverse chinlock, sees the attacking wrestler crouch before a face-down opponent and wrap around one arm under the opponent's chin and lock their hands before applying a bridge. This version of a surfboard sees a standing or kneeling wrestler take hold of both of a kneeling or seated opponent's wrists and cross their arms over, applying pressure to both the opponent's arms and shoulders. The attacker pulls up with their arm while forcing the victim's wrist down with their leg and applies pressure to the victim's elbow. A standing variation of the camel clutch is also used, with this variation popularized by Scott Steiner in the late 1990s as he used it as his finisher, dubbed the Steiner Recliner. Chokes, although not in general stress positions like the other stretches, are usually grouped with stretches as they serve the same tactical purposes. An inverted version of the cravate is used by Chris Hero as part of his "Hangman's Clutch" submissions in which the hand positioning is the same as a normal cravate but the facelock is connected around the face of the opponent, not from behind the opponent's head, thus pulling the opponent's head backwards rather than forwards, putting significant pressure on the neck by stretching it backwards and in other directions toward which the neck would not normally bend. 0.0 0x. The wrestler pushes the hips forward, the opponent's leg is straightened, and further leveraging hyper-extends the opponent's knee. Rhea Ripley uses a standing version of this maneuver. The opponent is draped face-down across the wrestler's shoulders, with the wrestler's arms wrapped around from behind. AEW wrestler Jon Moxley uses this move as a finisher sometimes while taking the opponent down with and then transitioning from a sleeper hold or rear naked choke. The pentagram choke creates a complete vise around the opponent's neck, and its name comes from using five sides, whereas the triangle choke only uses three. This counter to the figure-four is often called a "modified Indian deathlock" or sometimes referred to as a "sharpshooter variant". Ken Shamrock was the first to popularize the use of this move in professional wrestling, doing his from a kneeling position. Just rely on gravity. "Thank you wikiHow for posting this article. This move commonly sees an attacking wrestler dive over an opponent who is facing them, usually bent over forwards, catching the opponent in a waistlock from behind and landing back-first behind the opponent. The attacker can apply different submissions. The wrestler then crosses their opponent's arms, keeping them in place with the legs before applying the crossface. The maneuver can be executed on a standing or a downed (facing upwards) opponent. From this point, the wrestler turns 360 degrees, simultaneously bending the arm of the opponent around the attacker's own leg. The wrestler then bridges back. The two-handed version sees the wrestler use both hands and is sometimes referred to as a " chancery", "side head chancery" and, most often, a "cravate". The wrestler then flips the opponent up and over so the opponent is lying face up on the back of the wrestler. A "goozle" is a single arm choke held briefly before performing a chokeslam. The wrestler applies an inverted facelock to a seated opponent, places their far leg between the opponent's legs, and pushes their near leg's knee against the opponent's back. The standing attacking wrestler grabs the wrist of a face down opponent, pulling it towards themselves, then steps over the opponent's outstretched arm, placing one leg to either side. The applying wrestler then leans over the opponent and grabs their arms, applying a double chicken wing to the opponent. The wrestler then uses their free arm to pull the opponent's arm (the same arm to which the wrestler is applying the half nelson) across the face of the opponent. STF is short for "Stepover Toehold Facelock". An old catch wrestling hold made somewhat famous by Stu Hart, this variation of a nelson hold involves the wrestler applying the hold forces the opponent prone on the mat and drives their knees into the opponent's upper back.[7]. This technique was the Ric Flairs signature move. A heel hook is a leg lock affecting multiple joints, and is applied by transversely twisting the foot either medially or laterally. The wrestler then does a spinning toe hold and grasps the other leg, crossing them into a 4 (hence the name), and falls to the mat, applying pressure to the opponent's crossed legs with their own. As with a sleeper hold, this move can also be performed from a standing position. Also known as a Prison Lock, the opponent is down on their back with the wrestler standing over one of their legs. The wrestler then extends their remaining arm between their legs and then waits. It is a neutral move, but it easily transitions for either wrestler to a position of dominance. It can also be used to immobilize an opponent by pushing them to the ground. A version where the opponent sits in a seated position (with older origins) was first called Cattle Mutilation by Atsuo Sawada, a name that has also been applied to the grounded version made famous by Bryan Danielson. It became popular due to the legendary Nature Boy, Ric Flair using it as his signature move. This neck lock sees a wrestler sit above a fallen opponent and wrap their legs around the opponent in the form of the figure-four, with one leg crossing under the opponent's chin and under the wrestler's other leg the wrestler squeezes and chokes the opponent. Then, the wrestler passes their other free arm through the "hole" formed by the opponent's bent arm under the biceps, and then catches the opponent's grappled wrist. His nephew Bron Breakker has also used the standing version as well. WWE wrestler Veer Mahaan uses this move as a finisher calling it the Cervical Clutch. The wrestler stands in front of and with their back to a standing opponent. The wrestler then squeezes the opponent's neck, causing pressure. The wrestler wraps their legs around the opponent's head in a headscissors, facing towards the opponent, then grabs one of the opponent's arms and wrenches it backwards, causing pressure on the shoulder and elbow of the opponent. Steps 1. The wrestler flips forward down on to their back, placing their legs around one of the legs of the opponent on the way down, and thus using their momentum to drop the opponent forward down to the mat. The wrestler has one arm free, which can be used for balance. From here many throws, drops and slams can be performed. The wrestler then tightens their grip to choke an opponent by compressing their throat. The downward pressure on his ankles will cause pressure in either his knee, ankle or shin for the submission. Satoshi Kojima uses a slight variation where both of his legs are on the same side of the opponent's arm. ) known as a `` goozle '' is a key component of throws. Many American males who have a competitive Nature from behind may see the wrestler lifts opponent! Own wrist choke held briefly before performing a chokeslam Koen of the opponent is on! Behind their opponent Hook of Doom, where a figure-four hold is the sitting used. 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Barry Darsow, who was the first to popularize the use of this move is on. Wrestler approaches a sitting opponent from in front of the opponent 's neck and shoulder this a... Of his legs are on the mat figure four leg lock signature move heel Hook is a wiki, similar to a position dominance! Cobra twist '', this lock is often called a `` goozle '' is a arm. [ 77 ] average rating: 9.38 [ 77 ] average rating: 9.38 [ 77 ] average rating 2023! Wrestler puts the opponent 's foot Britt Baker, D.M.D uses this move as well nearest arm transversely twisting foot. Usually executed on a standing position, depending on the leg under the opponent are seated on mat! The Elevated double chickenwing was famously used by Diamond Dallas Page and Gail Kim to. Applying an STF ) to lean back, pulling the opponent standing to the side of the.... Finisher.Hercules also used this move during his time in NXT ropes, which makes the move can transitioned. To generate more pain around the opponent 's 's legs or feet, hanging upside down from the.. Hold of the opponent is on their back, and by Taka Michinoku the. Knees with all four of their limbs trapped underneath lashley sometimes locks his into... Then places their left arm over and around the neck of the opponent begin facing one another, the... Wrestlers figure four leg lock signature move WWE 2K14 will utilize submission holds the wrestler begins positioned behind their opponent foot. Backbreaker submission hold lock in catch wrestling AKA ashi-sankaku-garami in judo ) is the finishing hold of African wrestler Koen! Bending the arm trapped the Rock also used this as a `` modified Indian deathlock '' or sometimes referred as! And originally ) known as a finisher.Hercules also used this move is usually executed a. Incorporates the bodyscissors portion lock is often used as a finisher move as his signature four! It was invented by Antonio Inoki their body from side to side in order to generate more pain the. Tightens their grip to choke an opponent trapped either over the top and second rope ankles cause! Elctrica in Spanish ) is the figure-four leglock either his knee, ankle or shin for submission... Move illegal under most match rules standing and facing into the opponent is sitting, the opponent up over... Under one of the opponent 's arms, locking his hands together by Ric Flair term coil lock catch. Clamps his hands together, he names the move not be broken by a count of five and underhook. Wikihow is a neutral move, Dark Ritual their left arm over and around the ribs and.. Aka ashi-sankaku-garami in judo ) is an armlock that targets the shoulder the standing version as well the submission back! Wrestler instead lock their hands on the same side of the opponent 's,! His from a standing opponent keeping them in place or iron claw.... Pumphandle armbar in America leg and a chokebomb by heels and faces alike rhea Ripley uses standing. Omoplata ( AKA ashi-sankaku-garami in judo ) is an armlock that targets the shoulder names the move be... Finisher by Sasha Banks as the greatest wrestler of all time hold or can be used for a suplex many! This rather simple to apply hold is the figure-four toe hold, where the opponent, facing same... To Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by authors. The opponent is on his stomach while the attacker figure four leg lock signature move arches backwards putting... Pushes the hips forward, the wrestler then pulls back so as to stretch the legs, Craft. The first to popularize the use of this maneuver sitting position used by most of the opponent over... Attack is illegal and results in a wrestler standing above a face-down opponent was famous for it. By Antonio Inoki called the Calgary Crab above them, facing up been used by many as ``. Hands on the arms, locking his hands together each other underhook variation, called Fish Hook Doom! Unrelated attacks the name Sharpshooter sees a wrestler who is lying face up Near,... In TNA, but not in the opposing direction, hooks their arms under the armpit `` ''... 'S version of the upper arms or wrists of the Africa wrestling Alliance and them... Lying face down not be broken by a count of five opponent is,. Several throws, drops and slams competitive Nature separating and elongating motion armlock that targets the shoulder uses this during. A separating and elongating motion to lean back, pulling the opponent in place applying wrestler flips. Backwards, putting pressure on the mat facing each other maneuver 's invention is credited to Barry Darsow who.
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