In fair dealing we want to focus on the facts of the problem and avoid the thunder and lightning being interjected into the fight by these other enemies of our Union with Gods Will. The cost of supply of a pastor during the suspension will be borne by the annual conference.81. Stay tuned as we offer service guides on good government to our clergy and their staff through these letters, grievances, pageantries and condemnations. See Judicial Council Decision 763, 777. Abandoned Catholics, abused by their clergy, kicked out, thrown into exile, still need to be fed. At the determination of the bishop, persons with qualifications and experience in assessment, intervention, or healing may be selected to assist in the supervisory response. It is the same with us Laity when a long litany of epitaphs are told to the Bishop that you and I are divisive, judgmental, dumb, stupid, have a devil in us, mentally ill, liars, haters of Church; Well I can think of one word that sums it all up and that is Haters. As a number of prominent Catholics have pointed out quite clearly in the wake of the Cdl. The Carmel Advantage To Considering YouR Bishop as a Devil. You can complain about the same by writing a complaint letter. Carmel has a capacity to sanctify to heal and bring a dead Bishop to life so when your starting point is an evil Bishop and you can inflame him with the Love of Truth and a love for God and Gods people then and there you have restored a damaged structure of reality, restored community between God and this soul and fixed at one level the loss of Truth in terms of the Illuminative Lustre of a Bishop once black as coal now shining like a star in the night sky. Finding new pathways for conversion and evangelization. When facts are disclosed, due regard should be given to the interests and needs of all concerned, including the respondent and complainant who may be involved in an administrative or judicial process. Our goal in this life is to behold the Beatific vision in the life to come. ANNOTATION:Bishop needs to hang on the cross, do less not more, stand still not run, not walk, just accept that cross of our existence through these letters. RE: LOOK Behold your Bishop whom your sins have crucified. Wuerl Be the Next One to Fall? A complete and honest public confession from you admitting: That any clergy under your authority who are guilty of homosexual behavior in any fashion be barred from any public ministry and proceedings initiated to dismiss them from the clerical state, including so-called gay ministries.. Special attention should be given to ensuring that cultural, racial, ethnic and gender contexts are valued throughout the process in terms of their understandings of fairness, justice, and restoration. We are from Flint Michigan, and we are entirely comfortable in our Cesspool Diocese, we have long experience drinking and washing in water from the cesspool, this is nothing new in terms of a Cross for us. She revealed the crime to her sister by working the details in embroidery, the fruit of her hands. NAG is a non- adversarial way to begin a conversation to heal the wounds in the church. No man with any degree of same-sex attraction should be ordained, much less a consecrated bishop. WebGuidelines to Write a Complaint Letter Be formal and prevent using harsh or offensive or abusive language. Please enable JavaScript in your web browser; otherwise some parts of this site might not work properly. Here are some templates for the same. Stay tuned as we share our stories of mutual crucifixion ours, yours and the bishops. A clergyperson shall continue to hold his or her current status while a complaint is held in abeyance. n7o\~o @G&T:mxW$`b0DO0QsSEZRia As an Oak tree what relevance is it for us in this instance to consider the past as acorn with pigs? who was a teacher of St. John Paul ll, and we believe was on the doctoral dissertation committee awarding St. John Paul ll, his doctorate which was one of two he was awarded and never able to receive because he lacked the money to have his dissertation properly presented to committee in a bound version. What is Lent and why does it last forty days? It can cause change. Circumstanced by the Sin of Betrayal, Dante locates at the deepest point in hell, the dwelling place of Betrayers; Dr. Jordan Peterson makes note of the caustic psychological reality of Betrayal, and offers a remedy for this sin asking that we all simply start, with a change, by an individual effort to; Tell The Truth, or At Least Do Not Lie, and Clean Our Room. You letter will help clean our collective room, our parish, our diocese and our Church. When you write your letter you allow the Bishop or his staff to simply forward it to the parish pastor or staff asking for a response and solution to your problem. The objective of writing should be obvious. Those cultures both avoid the negative and use the positive People of Determination. Fields in bold will need edited and include the date, the Does it still feel ok? This Love may require you to stay in community, with a devil on your left and a devil on your right and you simply doing your duty. I finding for informatin in usa and I read your post that so useful for me, thx google I found your site for great info. They hug T and whisper keep up your efforts. ~ ~ ~ In forced exile Outside the walls of our parish we wander. OSHAs new nationwide year-long pilot program that took effect on February 17, 2023, will aim to streamline the whistleblower complaint intake process. It must be in writing to the Diocesan Bishop. Letter Template: 1 Confirmation Letter to Bishop To, [ Mention the name of the recipient] [ Mention the address of the recipient] [ Mention the date] Sub- Confirmation letter to bishop. Please copy and paste the following into a Word document, fill out the relevant portions, print out and mail to your bishop. WebBishop _____ _____ Conference United Methodist Church Address Dear Bishop _____, We are passionate followers of Jesus Christ. We desire to accompany laity who have been labeled haters. Focus on potentiality: Longitudinal axis: Acorn to Oak tree. We believe you have more options inside the Church than outside the Church to punish, to protect society, to reform the evil inside the Church and seek restitution for the wrongdoing the wicked Clergy and their staff have worked upon you and your family. Book of Discipline: 362. Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens. Love is Light, love is Life. Whenever a person in any of the above categories, including those on leaves of all types, honorable or administrative location, or retirement, is accused of violating this trust, the membership of his or her ministerial office shall be subject to review. Clergy and staff can find it difficult to accept the Truth regarding the Order of Importance in the New Evangelization, in this extraordinary time of Mission. The letter of complaint is This process for healing may include a process of a just resolution, which addresses unresolved conflicts, support for victims, and reconciliation for parties involved.82 This can take place at any time during the supervisory, complaint, or trial process. Please contact me at the above address or by phone at (home and/or office numbers with area code). Bishop of (Diocese name) We believe your voice; Our voices, have not been heard and instead, too often have been represented and misrepresented by the polls and experts, by the clergy lobbies and their staff. Your email address will not be published. Would you like to sign up for only one day for the low cost of $1.99. Simply writing the campaign letter allows our voice a release of the pain. We have witnessed Catholic community and Catholic doctrine destroyed by clergy and staff in charge of making things better. We hope to establish a new pathway for haters to dress a Bishop devil in Holiness and take responsibility for the former devil Bishop progressing to a miracle worker. We have experienced what we would describe as their wants, the clergy and staff want political dominance and conversion to their form of spirituality and liturgy. WebDear Contact Person or Organization Name): Re: (account number, if applicable) On (date), I (bought, leased, rented, or had repaired) a (name of the product, with serial or The watcher community offers the people many options to use their voice. Tuesday, Wednesday, September 14-15 , 2021, RE: Persian Messenger Syndrome @ HRBURTON INFLAMATION RESPONSE IN BODY IS EVIDENCE OF INFECTION. That any matter that would fall under the jurisdiction of civil authorities be shared with them as well. We ask him to do this. You can change that. In our families it is close to 70%. With these three you can do much Good and proclaim much Truth. Keep in mind we ride for the Carmel Brand, That means we are informed and formed by the Carmel spirituality. With the agreement of the executive committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the bishop may extend the suspension for only one additional period not to exceed thirty days. Ordination and membership in an annual conference in The United Methodist Church is a sacred trust. Use this letter when you are thinking of leaving Church or you are considering returning to Church. WebEnsure to begin your complaint letter with a salutation or appropriate greeting. We strive for Holiness. Catholic life is difficult enough. Unfortunately, your (product or service)has not performed well (or the service was inadequate) because (state the problem). Maintain a firm but respectful tone, and avoid aggressive, accusing language. Do not discuss the criminal Trespass warnings, the lawsuits the pain. 1 from Andersonville Prison a Clergy Civil War Prison; This is a tribute prison in remembrance of the American Civil War, The Missionary Nature of Evangelizing The Lost Sheep via Disciplinary Ministry on Errant Members of the Clergy. Crucify the Bishop Really? HERE IT IS, COPY AND PAST FROM THE E-VERSION WHAT YOU NEED. Required fields are marked *. Like you, we have been lied to and lied about. Bishop the most difficult part of the exile is finding good water. See this page for a list of addresses for dioceses. Include a copy of your letter to the papal nuncio: Abp. To avoid the reality of the message the pain of the message the messenger was killed and with his death came hope a hope that the Truth of The Baptists message, the guilty feeling, the pain of knowing you have falsified a structure of reality by sinning and taking your brothers wife, all that would also die with The Baptist. What is the Church's position on homosexuality? It is both historical and Biblical. If this profound fracture of reality unregulated catholic clergy lobbies and staff still poses a potential or indirect menace to church society, it should be overcome by prevention, by knowledge. Your letter can be a rebuke of evil. And may God preserve us from the nest mentality, that of jealously guarding ourselves in the small group of those who consider themselves good:the priest with his loyal followers, the pastoral workers closed in among themselves so that no one can infiltrate,the movements and associations in their own particular charism, and so on, he said. See Judicial Council Decisions 691,700,751,763,768. Learn English and Attend College in the U.S. Only we are going to Lansing Chancery offices to have the Bishop or a third class relic of his, restore the brain the clergy and staff made disappear when it was indicated you were stupid. WebA. We recommend Do hire an attorney, do ask him about requesting crucifixion, castration denigration from clerical state and a finding of fact the cleric or staffer raped the bride of Christ. % We teach others these concepts that require love. I just want to walk away from it all, The Church, The Faith the troubles. We know this since the pastor will publicly state do not write the Bishop come and see me, and we say Oh sure so said the spider to the fly. Since they label us haters, we use that term; However our chosen name isPeople of Determination. We are labeled haters by clergy and staff. Lots of fun here and lots of shame for those causing troubles. A lock ( Im curious how creative writing instructors at colleges and universities handle students who write about really disturbing things and who seem potentially dangerous to themselves and others? Ask your favorite Church man or woman to seek approval from Rome for such an order to exist. The Brazilian Padre Alexander we say thank you, one of the few to offer us Hope, support and affirmation with a few kind words. Stealing the lightning and thunder of bad people! Like you we have collectively suffered abuse at the hands of the clergy and their staff. Are you still good with this? Enclosed are copies (do not send originals) of my records (include receipts, guarantees, warranties, canceled checks, contracts, model and serial numbers, and any other documents). We have collectively experienced what you have experienced, and we have chosen to stay. When you say we are haters that admission steals the thunder and lightning of the Clergy and their Staff crowd and allows the Bishop to focus on the Facts, avoid emotion, Bishop can then say, Hey they admit they are haters for the purpose of this squabble now tell me do you have any photos of them with their hands in the cookie jar? Bishop can simply say what are the facts in this instance of bad behavior. #1 RE:What is the Policy of the Lansing Diocese on The Persian Messenger Syndrome: aka Kill the Messenger. PROBLEM: State a Clearly defined problem you have thought through. We intend to purify our cesspool Diocese and show you how it will work in your Diocese. It is difficult to capture all the concepts necessary to ease the suffering experienced. The problem that seems to be more prevalent in society is that simple relationship friction escalates into hurt feelings and calling the police or a lawsuit. Further back in time to Greek mythology, we learn, in orderto hide his guilt, Tereus cut out Philomelas tongue. Our goal is Holiness. The letter must contain:- - your personal details (name, address, telephone As you draw closer to Christ have no fear, he will take nothing from you, in fact you will find you have more options with Christ not less. Come and see how we do it. We as people of determined determination invite you to witness as we Catholic Voices refuse to be silenced and instead invite others to behold the Crucifixion, perpetrated by Clergy and staff, behold the Way of The Cross that Leads Home. That order of importance is this: TRUTH must not be feared even the Truth about ourselves, so says St.John Paul 11. Carmel Care Note: Church Militant and Vorhis focus well on the clergy sexual abuse, Hitchborn and Lepanto institute focus well on clergy financial abuse, Life Site News focuses well on the culture of death and abortion. Premium users have access to full-length programs with limited commercials and receive a 10% discount in the store! Submit news to our tip line, if you have acted on it since your ordination, if you have knowingly ordained men to the priesthood who have same-sex attraction, if you have, in any way, participated in covering up for homosexual priests or retaliating against any individuals who have credibly reported lewd behavior by homosexual clerics, for the good of Holy Mother Church, you must now come clean if you have been duplicitous in any way. We recently as Church lost 20% of our family in a five (5) year period. SOLUTION: State a Clearlydefined solution you have thought through. %PDF-1.5 You Will be Putting Love Where There is No Love! The loss of community. We will attempt to develop these in future installments should the Bishop tolerate us a bit more and extend our life in exile a bit longer. Your little Therese. Abandoned cats see a human setting out food and water learn totrust and look for the water and food. x[ms~:MMih:N%fsI.41x Warning: This is pageantry so be careful you do not let others set you up, use you to ambush the Bishop. Given work that needs to be done. .djc" 5=Q. The loss of innocence when being removed from our ministries, locked out of the Adoration Chapel. Persian Messenger Syndrome Catholic Church Sampling of infected breakthrough sites. It is a public progression of a prison diary of pain so it will not look like a novel. To that end, the following are my demands: A public admission and acknowledgement by you that the root of this problem is a crisis of homosexuality in the priesthood and the episcopacy. Click edit button to change this text. This review shall have as its primary purpose a just resolution of any violations of this sacred trust, in the hope that Gods work of justice, reconciliation and healing may be realized in the body of Christ. WebEffective complaint letters explain the problem and how youd like the company to resolve it. The bishop also may consult with the committee on pastor-parish relations for pastors, the district committee on superintendency for the district superintendents, appropriate personnel committee, or other persons who may be helpful. Catholics reduced to the status of a stray feral cat, kicked out of the way at the will of the pastor and fed at the pleasure of others. Instead, the money I would have given to the diocese will go to more honorable and worthy institutions and apostolates within the Church, as opposed to, e.g., the enormous sums of money being paid to attorneys to clean up after your and your brother bishops failings, as well as paid for settlement fees to victims of clerical homosexual predation and associated cover-ups. We will develop this more later. The staff encourage us to keep up our effort but they cannot be seen associating with us since it is guilt by association they tell us. We have stayed in the Church and have Faith, many in our family, parish and Diocese have chosen to leave and abandon The Faith they have known since childhood. Improper packaging Faulty product or improper packaging of the product can give you the reason to write a complaint letter. Christophe Pierre, Papal Nuncio to the United States. A public apology on your part for participating either actively by abusing these men or passively by allowing this abuse to happen by remaining publicly silent in the face of this horror. This is Catholic Lay Spirituality which requires a three legged stool; One leg is Christ, the second Reason and then Faith. You also Those who currently are ordained need to be barred from any public ministry. OUR PITCH: Before leaving Church consider some Dos and Donts if you have left consider some Dos and Donts before deciding to permanently stay away. We have a voice. Engdahl, H.: Witness Literature Philomelas Tongue. Matthew P. Schneider, LC. And if prevention, in this case spelled knowledge, implies research and hereby appeal to the witness of abuse, of totalitarianism, then it is testimony that becomes the foundation of any such endeavor. We have for our purposes here, three enemies to overcome, the devil, the world and the flesh. D. A locked padlock This saint reminds us that the devil is just part of our problems. Whenever possible, try to keep everything in writing that means try to communicate with customer service by email or chat instead of on the phone, if you can. Not all have the capacity to turn a Devil Bishop into a saint. We offer opportunity to upbuild the church. It is critical to introduce the person authoring the letter. Missionary work is not supposed to be comfortable. WebUnder Title IV any person can proceed with a complaint based on possessing knowledge of a potential offense committed by a member of the clergy. We do not even need the Bishops cooperation we can get actors to convey the message, the power is in the office of the Church not the person. The Abraham Accords represent an effort by opposite sides in the Family of Humanity, the Arab and the Israeli to seek peace and good will now and forever. The Love we have for our Father. YX{E7:(\3&~+|OF~SzW+W_|%Y$4.E6 PlHlb| Xj"OLX*c'n8)V}pa!h9%\[Y:b$,3s0Z96&W_qkg:[Fd11?g~'iqXEeyLJf}^ib+r.\rR?vWh*$"/H@|28N When a complaint is received by the bishop, both the person making the complaint and the person against whom the complaint is made will be informed in writing of the process to be followed at that stage. When and if the stage changes, those persons will continue to be informed in writing of the new process in a timely fashion. Do expect your attorneys eyes to roll back in his head and say we cannot do that in this lawsuit, even though these matters have history in Church. It is a popular term in the Arab Israeli world of conflict, when discussions revolve around the special needs population, the handicapped and developmentally disabled. 3339 Massachusetts Ave NW Use this sample complaint letter (.txt file) the next time you need to file a complaint. This Campaign series introduces or discusses or demonstrates ideas, basic building blocks for you to consider when creating your watcher community. Sincerely in Christ, Fr. RE: No Action Just Hang on Cross we will take care of the details. Are you unsure how to use it for your situation? Our history tells us God can be lost at the top by Clergy leadership and staff and these same Scriptures originating with Our Father, memorialized by the Holy Spirit remind us of this fact especially in the Loss of God when the clergy intentionally lost the Arc of the Covenant. 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