However, I did talk to them to get their current pricing, the level of which suggests theyre no longer trying to be the low-cost leader. An all-new Level 6 Flight Training Device for Pilatus' PC-12 NGX has received the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) National Simulator Programme approval for training flight crews of Pilatus' latest iteration of its popular single-engine turboprop. 305-871-5557, B737 SIMCOMs PC-12 recurrent courses give you the opportunity to practice normal and emergency procedures using realistic scenario based training. Hinson openly discussed what is too often a dirty little secret in upgrade trainingwhile the syllabus may be standardized, much of the quality of the training is dependent on the quality and experience of the instructor. Eric Hinson, CEO of SimCom, told us that initial training courses for turboprops usually run five to six days, and make use of Level A to D sims as well as nonmotion Flight Training Devices (FTD)depending on the type of aircraftand may include training in the customers airplane. For example, Simcom chargesabout $2,200 for a three-day Cessna 300/400 recurrent course (compared with $3,000 atFSI), and $1,450 for a two-day generic multiengine instrument refresher course (comparedwith $2,400 at FSI). Proficiency comes more quickly with that kind of repetition. In more and more cases, your underwriter maynot be willing to insure you at all unless you go through an approved recurrent trainingcourse on an annual basis. Simcom is located in Orlando, Florida and has two visual-motion simulators, classrooms and a team of professional flight instructors located in Orlando, Florida. So whether we go because the insurance forces us to, or we just go because its a good idea, what are we looking for while were there? The Freedom of Flight depends on the safe operation of your Piper. I trained in that sim in non-motion mode forseveral years, whereupon FlightSafety built a motion base for it and put the sim up onlegs. The usual curriculum involves 14 days of classroom and simulator time and is designed to take a commercial, instrument, multi-engine pilot with no jet time through a type rating. OK Aviation Group has been a leader in flight training provision since 2006, receiving full EASA approval as an aviation training organization (ATO) in March of 2013. This means that much of their training is one on one. NOTE: In 1998, FlightSafety introduced a new Operational Recurrentcourse in its Cessna 300/400 program that offers a similar LOFT emphasis. 407-852-5300, 1555 W University Drive, Suite 108 RTCs sims are genericAST 300 twin-engine simulators that are not set up to duplicate any particular aircraft.The ground school component of RTCs courses is largely on videotape, allowing RTC to getby with a smaller instructor staff. Stalls, slow flight, missed approaches and especially engine cuts can generatea lot of wear and tear on the equipment. Dont believe me? I thought I was pretty competent after the dual until I got into the sim. Finding none, attend with high expectations that will likely be met. Four if you really push? We think anything less than that is a deal breaker. So did my friend Chris Wrather, a 1,500-hour pilot andBonanza owner, who accompanied me to RTC for his first taste of sim-based training. Simulator aerodynamic fidelity ranges from unrealistic and horrible, to decent, but it never hits exact, even in airline Level D sims. Ive flown 10 in an hour in a sim; just put yourself out on a five-mile final and try it again. But that wasnt the only feature that set SimCom apart. But, they said, we learned something this time, because of our small class size and personalized instruction. We toured FSIs HondaJet training facility, one we think reflects its overall approach to training. The students next move into a graphical flight simulator with full-scale displays, touchscreens and, importantly, dynamic graphic system schematic displays at the top. Rates for SimCom training span a fairly broad price range, since a Piper Seneca FTD costs significantly less than a Hawker 800 full-motion simulator, but daily course rates run between $620. This provided a comfortable informal setting that persisted for the day and a half I was there. Partner Pricing Program provides reduced tuition for two pilots who train together, taking the same FSI course at the same place and time. You Tell Us, General Aviation Accident Bulletin, February 27, 2023, Top Letters And Comments, February 24, 2023, EAA To Host Webinar Event For Aspiring Aviators, National Museum Of The U.S. Air Force Celebrates 100 Years, PC-12 Medevac Broke Up, Five Killed (Updated), Regional Jet Aborts Landing To Avoid Departing Flight At Burbank, Pratt & Whitney Canada Passes One Billion Flight-Hour Milestone, AeroLEDs Introduces New Landing Light Series, MyGoFlights Head-Up Display Division Sold To Partner, AeroBrigham, Chris jotted down his first impressions of theexperience. The sim allows you to be trained todeal with nearly any conceivable emergency situation. For example, when FlightSafetyfirst shipped one of its two Cessna 300/400 simulators to its Long Beach (Calif.) learningcenter, the sim didnt have a motion base. Back in 1989, businessman Wally David made an interesting observation: Computer graphics technology was improving so dramatically that a whole new realm of simulator training was about to become possible. Most instructors at facilities like RTC and SIMCOM are retired been-there-done-that pros, including my instructor, Mr. Ray Campbell. Scheduling varies with each class and number of participants. Yet, quality recurrent training isnt cheap. 1201 Airport Road Unlike FlightSafety,Simcoms core business is piston and low-end turbine training for owner-flown aircraft.Originally, Simcom offered training only at one location Orlando, Florida but in1996 they opened a second training facility at Scottsdale, Arizona. SimComs trainingalso included circling approaches under low-visibility conditions. Anon-sim-trained pilot may have logged lots of partial panel instruction, yet be entirelyunprepared to cope with an actual gyro failure that presents itself not with a bang but awhimper. I had no idea just how poorly my previous in-aircrafttraining had been in preparing me to handle real-life emergencies. Airshow legend and three-time national aerobatic champion Patty Wagstaff can teach any pilot a thing or two about upset recovery in her Extra 300L classroom, and has now paired with simulation specialist SIMCOM Aviation Training. When you train in your actual aircraft, youre polishing every aspect of your proficiency, from buttonology on your equipment to handling the bird in those edge cases your CFI just loves to throw at you. Once you get into the world of jet type ratings training cost can be north of $30,000. Scores are presented in relation to the national average of 100. Carlsbad, CA 3710 South Park Avenue, Suite 704 AVwebpublisher Carl Marbach also wrote up his impressions after he went through recurrenttraining at RTC for his Aerostar 601l. Boulder City There the pilot can work through lots of malfunctions, practice lots of approaches, and make lots of mistakes; none are fatal. Sure, many have been plowed up for houses or 2023 Aviation Publishing Group. After introductions and the obligatory war stories, training began with a systems-focused test to see how much I knewor didnt. At times the sim would just do its own thing, leaving nothing the pilot could do about the impending crash. 520-670-9583, Aircraft Dispatcher Incidentally, when I trained at RTC in April 1998, they were in the process ofinstalling a new-generation Phoenix simulator from AST that promised to offersignificantly better fidelity and visuals than the AST 300s. We strongly recommend upgrade training at a facility that has a sim that can replicate your airplane, and its avionics, as closely as possible. True story: The elevator, rudder and trims on my aircraft are operated by cables that run under the floorboards, down the cabin, into the tail section and to the respective controlspretty normal stuff. As you get near the end of sim training, ask the instructor for her or his scenario. Every instructor who knows his or her airplane well has one. For example, a full-service contract for Cessna 300/400 costs $4,700 per year. So, it makes sense to train in the aircraft youll fly. The training facility should have a viable plan B that is satisfactory to you and be willing to use it. Initial Training Id been to this facility a couple times before. But, thats an exception. Grand Prairie, TX SimCom has expanded and evolved over the years. 52 hours/week You dont have to waste time positioning for multiple approaches and you can more realistically practice emergencies in a sim without putting yourself at the level of risk you would in an airplane. Other situations that we do try to practice in the aircraft can beaccomplished only in very unrealistic ways. Nevertheless, we recognize that in-airplane training is valuable. Its just different. Attend a 3-day recurrent course followed in 6 months by 1-day of elective flight training tailored specifically to suit your needs. Finally, in-aircraft training tends to be a lot tougher on your aircraft than normaloperations. If you want to stay proficient while at the sametime treating your aircraft with TLC, you should seriously consider doing your recurrenttraining in a simulatoror in someone elses aircraft! Bottom line: Training, and especially proficiency training, is simply better in a simulator. week While a light- to medium-piston-twin pilot or even a single-engine pilot will likely find quality offerings at SIMCOM, class pricing can leave the pilot breathless, especially if you're on an annual recurrent schedule. Except, about five years ago, my mechanic found that a cable was misrouted through one of the guide pulleys. The idea is to move into flight scenarios early. 2722 Perimeter Road, Suite 107 SimCom began with one facility in Orlando, Florida. Right there I made the decision to alternate doing my annual at my local shop with someone else. We think it will save you money in the process of getting comfortable in your airplane. Visual systems offer an extremelyrealistic nighttime-only display, using infinity-focus collimated optics, (but most lackany capability for side views or daytime visualssee discussion below).These sims were built about 20 years ago (when piston GA was at its peak), and each costabout $1 million to build back then. Why Is Area Forecast Discussion Important for Preflight Planning? David also decided to offer customized training, with no more than two students in a class. 4330 Donald Douglas Drive FlightSafety Internationalis considered by many to be the gold standard for type-rating training. Until then, Id not recommend this program. Our experience and comments from aircraft owners and training facilities were consistent: If a pilot does not show up multi-engine and instrument current and comfortable and willing to single-mindedly work on the course, he or she will have difficulty completing the course in the basic time allotted. Composite Structures: Limits and Advantages. 305-874-6000, A320 Type Rating You just cannot practice engine outs in the aircraft as you can in the sim. SimCom is a much smaller company than its behemoth competitor, andthis seems to be reflected in a more informal corporate culture. In addition to getting a ballpark estimate for the cost to insure a used King Air, Citation Mustang or new HondaJet, one of the first things the prospective owner will hear from the broker is that any insurer is going to require upgrade training at a facility approved by the insurer. Any owner with the financial wherewithal to step into the world of aircraft with engines that go whoosh is smart enough to immediately talk the idea over with his or her insurance broker. Aircraft Simulator Training in Santa Rosa, CA, advertises in my type-club magazine and I decided to give them a try. Long Beach, CA Orlando, Fla. - SIMCOM International, Inc. is expanding and building a new worldwide headquarters in Orlando. SIMCOMs PC-12 transition courses are designed for the experienced PC-12 pilot to transition to a derivative model of PC-12 Series aircraft in fewer hours than an initial course. Courses are held at different locations depending on aircraft type, with some courses provided by our international training partner organisations, FlightSafety International and SIMCOM. You just sit down unceremoniously and get to work. It operates 47 simulators and flight training devices. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a flight review through the FAA Wings Program. Give us a call: (866)-238-4468 or Themost difficult parts of doing this in a single-pilot cockpit scanning between thegauges and the windshield and deciding whether or not adequate visual references areavailable to make the landing are never practiced at all. The company, which currently operates two learning centers in Orlando, is investing $109 million in a new headquarters and training facility and plans to create more than 50 new high wage jobs over the next two years. Although the tuition was quite expensive, I rationalized that most of thecost would be offset by reduced aircraft insurance premiums and reduced wear and tear onmy airplane. Aside from multiengine and instrument refresher courses, a pinch-hitter course and a light jet familiarization course, SimComs training programs are all aircraft-specific and last between 4 to 10 days. Yet, quality recurrent training isn't cheap. The pet scenario almost invariably involves flying the airplane at the edge of its abilities and will help you get to know the capabilities of the airplane. Schedule your DeSat training in conjunction with your aircraft training program while at SIMCOM. It's also a myth. And that, David realized, could dramatically lower the cost of simulator training opening up the option of simulator-based training to many more pilots and owners. Ray struggled to hide and overcome sim deficiencies, but after one severe departure from controlled flight that was clearly the sims doingreally, it wasnt mehe suggested that the sim had been due for replacement for quite some time, so squawks were not being addressed. Going to a different shop occasionally allows fresh eyes to inspect your prized bird and maybe find something others have missed. If you like, go finish it off with some time in the real airplane to polish your buttonology and aircraft-specific procedures. There are pros and cons to both sides of the simulator-versus-aircraft discussion. As you might expect, FlightSafetys training is extremely professional, highlystructured, and quite expensive. The prices quoted above are FlightSafetys 1998 One Time tuitions. Were lucky that FSI built these sims back then,because simulators of this caliber and cost could never be justified in todays businessclimate. Being a solo student, I met with my instructor in an office. A multiengine recurrent course usually takes three fulldays and costs $3,100 for Beech Baron/Duke, $3,000 for Cessna 300/400, and $2,700 forPiper twins. Mine requires it every two years for my twin-engine, pressurized, Cessna 340A. Even little things like a runway incursion causing you to go around just cant be done realistically in the airplane, but are trivial in the sim. Belvoir Media Group, LLC. Even talk to an instructor in that program to see if you can uncover any problems with the equipment. Pilatus PC-12 Series Aviation Training, Simulator Training, SIMCOM | SIMCOM Aviation Training PILATUS PC-12 Series TO SCHEDULE YOUR TRAINING, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 866-238-4468 Contact Us SIMCOM offers training on the following PC-12 Series models: PC-12/41 PC-12/45 PC-12/47 PC-12/47E (PC-12NG) Others might feel they need work on both aircraft and instrument procedures. FlightSafety operates a Raytheon/Beech Learning Center in Wichita, Kansas, at whichsimulator-based initial and recurrent training is available for the Beech Bonanza, Baronand Duke. The following year, SimCom added full motion simulators to its lineup in order to provide jet/type rating training. SimComis the big dog in the simulator-based flight training world. 2113 South 48th Street, Suite 105 Due to some date confusion on my part, I thought I was beginning this process with a couple months of flexibility. FSI has long tailored its training to fit the studentand provides mentor pilots to support owners after they complete training. How about the fidelity with which a simreproduces the cockpit layout, control feel and systems of the aircraft you fly? Are COVID Vaccines Injuring Pilots? In each case, I came away with something different and valuable. Destinations outside of this boundary run an additional $1.25 per mile. 3401 Quebec Street, Suite 9150 Click here for the PILATUS PC-12 Series Course Information Sheet, TO SCHEDULE YOUR TRAINING, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION. All rights reserved. Email 500 Type At one point, SimCom was paired with the Pan Am Flight Academy, which provides more regional and commercial airline-geared flight training. If FlightSafety is the Rolls Royce of piston sim training and Simcom is theLexus, then Recurrent Training Center would have to be the Ford pickup or the Dodgeminivan. Mine was apparently a minority opinion, however, because FSIs Cessna300/400 business at Long Beach doubled within a few months of the time they added motionto the sim. It is now in place and operational at the SIMCOM training facility in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. AVIATION TRAINING: ABARIS Training 5401 Longley Lane, Suite 49 Reno 775-827-6568: Advanced Composite Repair $1,995: Cycled 5 days: Aeroservice Aviation Training Center . 480-377-0222, B737-200 Abbreviated You cant afford to be sitting around and doing nothing during time youve set aside for training. But Imabsolutely convinced that its well worth the cost. SIMCOM has restructured its pricing. I thought I knew the systems pretty well, but the test still revealed more than a few weak areas to strengthen. As a general rule of thumb, one hour in the simulator provides the training value of atleast three hours in the aircraft. Knowing how the systems work and how to troubleshoot them helps isolate problems for the A&P.. Unfortunately, its the pilots who have never experienced such training (andunfortunately this includes the great majority of owner/pilots) who dont know whattheyve been missing. 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Wreck On 340 Today Elkton, Va, Articles S