What about the deuterocanonical books of Scripture written in the 400 years before Christs birth? He currently resides in Bradenton, Florida, with his wife Kelly and their four daughters. As far as original sin, if you look at catholic.com, the encyclopedia, it states that The Second Council of Orange, it states that, The death of the body, which is the punishment for sin. In other words, sin results in death of the body. Yes. All right. My argument is how the word adelphos is specifically is used to the New Testament Greek. Can you repeat the question real quick? Heres one, Trent, I dont like and I wonder what you think about it. He took his wife, but knew her not until she had born a son and he called his name Jesus. But the Greek word for until, eos, does not always entail a reversal of condition. The claim that Mary did not give birth to other children because Jesus is called the son of Mary. Okay. As Trent Horn shared with Matt Fradd on Sips with Aquinas Ooh. So do it. But that is simply not the case. If any man should presume to make such an attempt, let him know that he will incur the wrath of almighty God and the blessed apostles, Peter and Paul. Until his death of cancer at 74 in May, Zacharias had been one of the best-known figures of American Christian radio and TV for decades. It can mean half-sister, stepsister, sister-in-law.. And if he had met sister-in-law, such as Marys sister in John chapter 19, he wouldve utilize the Greek word, [Greek 00:47:36] thats used in the book of Ruth to describe Orpahs relationship with Ruth. He might bring it up in his rebuttal. I also want to thank Trent for agreeing to our second debate and we hit over 800, I saw in there, which actually our first debate, so praise Jesus for that. On the signing, Christie pointed out that one reason for joining the team was "basically doing Michael (Clemons) a favour" as a former college teammate and that it was tentatively for one game. As I mentioned in my book, the case for Catholicism Pauls letter to the Thessalonians, he talks about the force restraining the man of lawlessness. Shameless plug. And then Steve, because Steve, I can tell that youve really wrestled with what Catholicism teaches. Well talk about adelphos more in the rebuttal period. But the problem with this argument is that it says in Luke 2:22-24, that its offered for their purification. And I already cited Greek scholars like Bill Mounce and New Testament scholars, like Richard Bauckham, who agree with me that adelphi has a broader semantic range than what Steve has brought up here. Adelphos is not my issue. Mary was able to do something that Jesus didnt. Lastly, Psalm 69:8 is a messianic verse, I have become estranged from my brothers and an alien to my mothers sons. Because verse nine begins with for, which is a conjunction, meaning because, since, or therefore, indicating that the same Messiah who would experience zeal for your house in verse nine is also the same Messiah whose mother would have other children in verse eight, which prophesied Jesus younger half brothers not believing in him in John 7:3-5 and dishonoring him in Mark 6:3-4, which occurred earlier in Mark 3:20-21 when they accused Jesus of being out of his senses, just as the future King David rebuked his oldest brother. Now someone pointed out in the chat that only, what is it, 65% of people have submitted to my legality. Apologetics for the Masses #365 - 4 Words That Changed the World, Part II. But Paul stopped being a Pharisee after he became a Christian. Did they believe that the doctrine of Marys perpetual virginity violated the authority of scripture? Yeah. We receive no funding from the institutional Church and rely entirely on your generosity to sustain this website with trustworthy, accessible content. And also Greek scholars do not rule that out. Thats not true. It is a matter of which authority are you willing to submit to. Okay. For storing and sharing my Apologetic Infographics. In his recent book Why Protestant Bibles Are Smaller, Protestant apologist Steve Christie claims that all Christians should accept the Protestant Old Testament canon and reject the deuterocanonical books of Judith, Tobit, Baruch, Wisdom, Sirach, 1and 2 Maccabees, and portions of Daniel and Esther. Okay. Trent had mentioned about the age of accountability. Were going to talk about the dogmas of the faith. In fact, Josephus recorded a Zechariah being killed in the temple thirty-five years after the crucifixion (Jewish War 4:5:4). Posts about Steve Jobs written by Christian Apologist. On the one hand he could show the Bible teaches the opposite of these dogmas regarding Mary as an individual. In fact, Protestants believe in many doctrines that are not found in scripture like their 66 book cannon of scripture where that public revelation ended in the first century. So it must be used in some other way. For example, if the Bible taught that Mary gave birth to other children, that she committed a sin, or that she was not assumed into heaven, the dogmas would be falsified. In fact, the Protestant reformers, John Calvin said of Matthew 1:25, No just and well grounded inference can be drawn from these words of the evangelist as to what took place after the birth of Christ. Martin Luther even called this argument against Marys Perpetual Virginity based on Matthew 1:25 babble and without justification. I do talk about this in my book and there, I note that its used differently than in Sirach 18:17, where the word is also used in those situations. Can you give one example in the New Testament where it describes God or Jesus being a preemptive savior instead of a redemptive redeeming savior? Sure. In the Darby translation of the New Testament, where in second Thessalonians Chapter 2, when it talks about worshiping images and worshiping idols, it actually uses the word veneration and it literally can be translated worship. and so this may not satisfy Trents answer and he might smirk a little bit about that, but Id say probably the first theologian to agree with me is the Apostle Paul. Jesus is never referred to as a preemptive savior, but as a redeeming, delivering savior, which includes redeeming and delivering Mary from her sins. Wait until after the debate, but if you want to go there now, its about that. Jude 9 talks about the archangel, Michael, contending with the devil disputing about the body of Moses and taking the body of Moses, the dead body of Moses, that being assumed into heaven. So thats also a bad argument. She would have to have a heavenly body. Mark chapter three, even though it doesnt explicitly state that these are Jesuss siblings, the Greek word literally means to be, like of that individual. And again, thats the view of John Chrysostom. Defenders Media provides media solutions to an alliance of evangelistic ministries that defend the Christian worldview. I would say that this is a really important question and one for us to look at, that for Protestants and Catholics to have dialogue with one another and to get closer to the truth, I think its huge to be able to move from And what this debate is about, is about do these beliefs contradict Scripture? None of the authors of the deuterocanonical books refer to a delineated list of writings (Hebrew, Ketuvim) within a closed Hebrew canon that did not include their own works. Jesus Christ did not inherit original sin, but he became sin which is why the father had to turn away from him. Origen and Melito present lists that modern scholars recognize are of Jewish origin and so they lack the deuterocanonicals, but even these lists are missing books such as Esther and Lamentations. Thats all I got. And, as it turns out, Christies book fails to produce any such standard. I dont know how you would feel. But here Strongs says brother but that could also mean half brother, right? It has to be interpreted charitably, or its possible there might be an error in a magisterial statement recounting history, but that doesnt apply the charism to the doctrine itself. His primary concern is to simply say that Jesus had no earthly father. Oh, youre on mute. Im also going to send Matt a link to my other channel, verasage.us/stevechristie. And so when we look to Mary, we always follow the words that she uttered to the servants at the Wedding Feast of Cana, Do whatever he tells you. And Jesus tells us to honor our father and mother, and we should honor his father and mother. Sponsored by SaltLending.com and Epic.Tech. And so I would say if youre a Protestant, for Protestants and Catholics, if the Marian dogmas can occupy at least that place. Christian apologist accused of denying fundamental truths. Although the Pharisees had authority regarding ritual practices, they did not have doctrinal authority over other Jews, including those who came to believe Jesus was the messiah. Thats all I wanted to say. Are you talking about 19 probably later, after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, I know not Oh, the ones that have not known a man? So for an ancient Greek speaking person, why would adelphe have a narrower semantic range than adelphos when the only difference here is the gender? I think it says a lot about you all that you would take your time, all 735 of you, to be here. Thanks for correcting me on that, Trent. William Albrecht has done a lot of great work on Mary. No, it doesnt. Paul himself reaffirms this in Romans 9:11. So thats another one. Trent models that approach each. Some people dont die at all. So Steve even admits that Jesus is an exception to the claims about the universality of sin. Okay. Does the Bible ever say Mary was not assumed into heaven? Kelly said, for the great majority of the early Church Fathers, the deuterocanonical writings ranked as Scripture in the fullest sense (Early Christian Doctrines, 55). It can only mean figurative sister or biological sister. In this debate, originally hosted at Pints with Aquinas, Trent Horn engages Protestant apologist Steve Christie on the question of whether the Marian dogmas contradict what is taught in sacred scripture. And so if it doesnt contradict scripture, then it should be an issue between Catholics and Protestants of secondary importance, much like how people disagree about infant baptism. Go to Case For Catholicism, if you want more. The Isaiah 7:14 prophecy only indicates that Mary was to remain a virgin during her pregnancy and up to the Messiahs birth., The NAB continues, The evangelist is simply concerned to emphasize that Joseph was not responsible for the conception of Jesus, which is why Matthew stresses the child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. If Matthew wished to convey Marys virginity was perpetual, there would be no need to add until she gave birth to a son. She wouldve simply ended with he kept her a virgin or added throughout her marriage. My point was that we should not believe in doctrines that plainly contradict Scripture. A Response to Pastor Chip Thornton's Anti-Catholic Newspaper Article. Oh, absolutely. And we can safely assume that Jesus saw the body of Moses on the Mount of Transfiguration. Their issue is about the authority of the church. Good day, Trent. Yeah, sure. Were were talking about whats actually used in the New Testament, because even the New Testament writers would deviate from the Septuagint occasionally, because they would use a better translation. Im surprised that you would pick Aquinas since he did not believe in the immaculate conception of Mary. I just think, Well, yeah, Id also want to make my foster father perfect. Paul is not trying to make a statement about every single individual without exception. That rather, theres nothing in there to preclude people being assumed body and soul into heaven, including Mary. Since he is the uncreated sinless deity conceived by the holy spirit. Singing professionally for over 30 years, Steve Christie is a seasoned performer. If Mary was a immaculate conceived, why would Joseph and her kinsfolk who knew her-. So my question for you then would be what are some objections you hear from Protestants that when you hear them, you think, Oh goodness, you dont even understand the Catholic position. So starting with Trent. So if Mary died, which the dogma, the bodily assumption in 1950 strongly implies, this demonstrates Mary inherited original sin from Adam. A four-month investigation found the late Ravi Zacharias leveraged his reputation as a world-famous Christian apologist to abuse massage therapists in the United States and abroad over more than. The Story of Reality: Apologist Greg Koukl Discusses His New Book. Ive addressed some of them, but Ill address those other points hes brought up in my next rebuttal period. It uses [Greek 00:37:34], not [Greek 00:37:36]. Do you? Well, of course not. And even if it wasnt, I dont see the relevance to it. Because they have the same father but different mothers. But if their authority is a Roman Catholic church and the Magisterium, then it becomes an authority issue because then youre submitting to an authority that is also teaching something different about salvation that has nothing to do with these dogmas. You can see him and others talk about this on the Reason and Theology Channel. Instead, they describe Ezra bringing scrolls to Jerusalem and a process of later works being written that gradually developed into what they call a relatively complete Jewish Bible. But they also acknowledge some Jews accepted the deuterocanonicals as Scripture and that many Christian communities embraced these works as part of the Bible.. I didnt bring up [Greek 00:52:36]. I think a lot of people have this question, both Catholics and Protestants. My colleague, Tim Staples, has written an entire book on Mary called Behold Your Mother. And something else that the Pope says in the declaration is not infallible. Thank you very much, Steve. Click the link in the description below to go through to the greatest Catholic prayer and meditation app on the planet. Its a good question. So just a historical note for everybody watching. Well, the Septuagint was a Greek translation that was finished around 134 BC. I mean, its not a good proof text to use. Even a son of Mary would be interesting, rather its the fact that Jesus was referred through a metronym rather than a patronym, that normally in the ancient near east, you would refer to someone as the son of their father, the son of Joseph.. It doesnt even imply that. When it comes to ancient Jewish authors, Christians shouldnt be con-cerned if they, like most Jews today, didnt believe the deuterocanonical books were Scripture. I do believe thats good evidence that Mary was Josephs second wife, at least thats my personal view, but that doesnt prove that Mary didnt give birth to others. Well start with you, Steve. Landlord. But once again, we wouldnt assume Go ahead. Those would be irrelevant to the question. The Protoevangelium of James does talk about Mary being very mature for her age, walking at an early age, for example, and being precocious. Id have to respond individually. This is fantastic. Yeah. Can I quickly make a [inaudible 01:23:12]. I would stress that we look at what the church teaches in its magisterial teachings about Mary and her important role in salvation. And I showed that when I cited Acts 21, 25, as well as other examples around the same time period. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management 631-755-8843. The fact that this is used of Mary is very unusual. And so to say, who believed the exact same way that I believed? So these Marian Dogmas are not optional or fitting for the faithful Catholic to believe, but are required and binding to the Catholic to remain in good standing in communion with the Roman Catholic church, despite them all contradicting God breathed scripture. One of these would be Psalm 69, where it says of the Messiah, I have become a stranger to my brethren, an alien to my mothers sons. The messianic Psalms are applied to Jesus, but not in literal ways. It doesnt explicitly state that is [inaudible 01:14:05]. If Luke was communicating Jesus was Marys only child, he wouldve used the Greek word [foreign language 00:04:55] translated only begotten, rather than [foreign language 00:04:57] like he did elsewhere in his gospel, such as in Luke 7:12, 8:42 and 9:38.And in John 3:16, where Jesus is the only begotten son of God, meaning the only one. If she were sinless, what would happen to her if she-. For example, Denver seminary professor Joseph Dodson says, Scholars for at least three centuries have found value in comparing the deuterocanonical book of Wisdom and Romans (The Powers of Personification: Rhetorical Purpose in the Book of Wisdom and the Letter to the Romans). And Catholics are very clear, we do not believe anything that contradicts what we find in sacred Scripture. No, he was free from sin, but he still had a mortal human nature that could be subject to death. Coming to the industry in 1990, he soon discovered that the practice of Real Estate by most was not at the level of professionalism that he had envisioned. No, of course not. The word adelphos is used numerous times in both the Old and New Testament to describe people who have had the same parents. But in his encyclical, [foreign language 00:20:13] Pope Pius the 12 said Mary is the new Eve who is free from all sin original or personal. Does the Bible say that Mary herself committed a personal sin or that she inherited original sin? And its talking about the opinion of the fathers of the most glorious Virgin being an unstable miracle of God and being the mother of God. If you want to go more into that, my book, The Case for Catholicism has a chapter on the immaculate conception. However, Paul cant be saying that every single person commits personal sins because the Bible itself contradicts this. That seems to be something that went without contention. So theres lots of bad arguments. In week 7 vs. the San Diego Chargers, Christie kicked a 29-yard field goal with just :11 seconds to play, forcing the game into overtime. Can a conclusion be infallible if the underlying logic is false? Dont have the context of this question. He has the burden of proving that the dogmas contradict scripture. This is a great resource to have, and the beautiful photos of the children in the womb speak for themselves. We discovered it, carbon-dated it, thats the cross Jesus died on. Heres my thought on that. Mark - Hello Christie, thank you so much for . Well, it uses the Greek word for brother. And by the way, hi, Jeff. Id probably enjoy Polycarp. And in fact, in the Old Testament, only begotten and firstborn are used interchangeably. I was wrong there. I put you on the spot with that, so theres no worries. Yeah. He went on to score 1108 points in 156 consecutive regular season and post-season games and still stands as the top scorer in Bills' history. Offering a sacrifice to Mary would be an inappropriate. I dont think he could do that. A person could be a Protestant, because we have to understand what a Protestant is and we have to go back to the Reformation for it. Theyll say that I dont believe it, but Steve might say it doesnt contradict scripture necessarily. Born Thank you very much, Steve. Mary did not need to be immaculate conceived since sin is not a trait that is passed down physically, but a spiritual condition. So feel free to answer that briefly. Finally, Christies Pharisee argument for the Protestant Old Testament canon fails because its logic can be used to make a similar argument for a completely different Old Testament canon. In the late 1980s, Cohen was an ardent enthusiast of Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika reforms; he and his wife, Katrina vanden Heuvel, now editor in chief of The Nation, co-authored Voices of . Its [inaudible 01:14:35]. Well, the relevance is the fact that the word adelphos for brother, the primary meaning means a biological sibling, so unless theres a reason in the context of [inaudible 01:13:28]. Be sure to check out Steve's speech at Wyohackathon.io it was a very interesting talk about the history of money. Yep. So does the Bible say Mary gave birth to anyone besides Jesus? I believe hes referring to part of a declaration in [inaudible 01:35:47], the declaration about the immaculate conception made by the Pope in 1854, saying that the fathers had always believed this about Mary being immaculately conceived. Dr. Steven A. Christie MD Radiology General Radiology Kendall, FL Male 21+ Yrs Experience English 7500 SW 87th Ave, Kendall, FL Overview Location & Contact Education & Experience Overview. The importance of discussing these Marian dogma is more than merely to debate them. So idolatry, according to the catechism and paragraph 2113 says idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God. As Roman Catholics, because Mary was not an issue, they did have a problem with her being a perpetual Virgin and I believe Calvin was kind of on the fence about it, so its irrelevant because theyre Catholic. It is often said, in order to detect a counterfeit bill, you dont study other counterfeit bills, but instead you first study the genuine thing, then youll be able to detect a counterfeit easily. General Discussion (Forum) Main. For example, Jesus said among those born of women none was greater than John the Baptist (Luke 7:28)and John was not a Pharisee. Okay. So this question is for Steve and this comes from Kevin, whos a local supporter. When Jesus mother and brothers approach him later in verse 31, Jesus contrasts his biological brothers who dishonored him with his disciples, who were his spiritual brothers, who did the will of God. He says, Steve. Things like whether shes Mediatrix or Co-Redemprtix. Trent, whenever you begin, Ill click the timer. According to Dead Sea scholar Emanuel Tov, There is a special layout for poetical units that is almost exclusive to biblical texts (including Ben Sira) and is not found in any of the nonbiblical poetical compositions from the Judean desert (Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, 102-103). So probably honestly that one. Steve. Nice to have you. No, it doesnt say that but it doesnt say Joseph was bodily assumed into heaven and the same three dogmas could apply to Joseph as well, but we dont make as much why is there not a dogma those dogmas apply to Joseph. I have to say, maybe, and Trent brought this up in the debate, when it talks about the brothers and sisters of Jesus and using adelphoi to mean that it always means biological brother. And Im curious, you used a comment about Jesus being the son of Mary. St. Jerome, who was skeptical of the manuscript history behind these books, even tells us that at the Council of Nicaea the deuterocanonical work of Judith was considered part of the canon of Scripture. Should it be included in the Old Testament canon? In fact, as Baptist scholar Lee Mcdonald points out, the book of Malachi only implores its listeners to remember the law of Moses, which would be strange if there were a fixed set of writings established by Ezra called the prophets at this time. [W]e do not know the extent of his canon. I actually had the opposite situation and as I began to study scripture more in depth, I found to be deep into the Bible to cease to become Catholic. In Ineffabilis Deus, where immaculate conception is defined, the word unanimous appears once. Steven is related to James P Christie and Helen J Christie as well as 1 additional person. It can mean sister of having the same mother and father, or of having just the same father, or just the same mother. Yeah, no, Steve, if you want to give me the links to those over email, Ill be sure to put them in the description below so people can easily find them. Its referring back to 2 Samuel when its talking about the ark being moved to Jerusalem. Finally, lets look at the dogma of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. So just because this Psalm talks about my mothers sons, it doesnt imply that Mary gave birth to other children. Im running out of time. Thats just being read into the text. Finally, this debate is not about Marian doctrines or theological opinions about Mary. . So if Jesus has adelphi, he must have had sisters who were born of Mary. I had mentioned about the word all, pas, all have sin and fall short of the glory of God. . According to Robert Sungenis, president of Catholic Apologetics International, unlike Jesus Ascension assumptions in the Bible are under the power of God not the individual being assumed. First, Christies argument for the Pharisees canon being identical to modern Protestant Old Testament comes from a selective quotation from my colleague Jimmy Akin. Yeah. The earliest source sharing in this view that she died first is from the Dormition. Is used to the New Testament to describe people who have had the same father but different mothers because is... Her kinsfolk who knew her- used in some other way here Strongs says brother that., it doesnt imply that Mary herself committed a personal sin or that she died is! Authority of Scripture written in the description below to go through to the New Testament to describe people have... Fradd on Sips with Aquinas Ooh local supporter that, my book, the word all, pas, 735... These works as Part of the church teaches in its magisterial teachings about Mary Catholicism has a on! To submit to resource to have, and we should honor his father and mother immaculate conception defined. 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