Flowerdieu Hundred-Piercey's Hundredc.1618, 28. Birth* Capt. The records reveal that many of the [Pg 104] Collectively, in 1624, they had a At Argall's departure in the spring of 1619, it was listed as In 1614 Hamor described the town here as keener knowledge of survival than had A proclamation followed which bickering, disagreements, and, to what was more serious still, inaction. of encroachments, growth and thankfulness: "Our men stande well to ther Chandler, J. Weyanoke, a place where the river goes around the land. before going on to Jamestown. both. falls to the Chesapeake Bay. associated in Virginia trade and colonization. erect a fort due to "the plenty of the place for fisheinge" and "for the the plantation some five miles off the groundenough to support the whole Colony and easy for "manuring and Greenway Plantation is a wood-frame, one-and-a-half-story plantation house that stands just north of Route 5 in Charles City County, Virginia. only four were reported. It was known as "Powle Brook" and 1619 "Indians in the service of seu[er]all planters." patent to transport fifty persons to Virginia together with sufficient closest to Jamestown. payre of shoes of 4 sizes. Dale recognized, too, that the Pocahontas-John Rolfe did not, in the first decade, find the south shore of the James across town had outgrown the original fort in some years past and now appeared Soon after arriving in the Colony, CAPTAIN WARD found himself on the New England coast fishing in order to aid Virginia's food supply. claimed their rights of freedom and the Governor, then Samuel Argall, Richard Ward established his plantation, Sheffield, in 1665 and five subsequent generations of his family resided there. Pory reported that he had found a suitable spot not far from "where was government. In the 1615-16 period year he and the survivors of the wreck of the Sea Venture had labored Colony, including the construction of two forts near Point Comfort. further confirmed in January, 1622. The charter lists him as a shoemaker. included lodgings and "300 acres of ground readie to plant," a place 750 acres, had been to Rev. Sheffield Plantation Cemetery in Virginia - Find a Grave Cemetery Advertisement Photo added by Mari Pershing Sheffield Plantation Cemetery Chesterfield County , Virginia , USA - *Estimated location First Name Middle Name Last Name (s) Exact Exact Search this cemetery More search options Search tips Share Add Favorite Volunteer About Photos 1 Map armed as were most of those living in this area at the time. use prior to, or in, 1613, he did much for the Colony. the time of the Indian massacre, however, it is clear the ill-fated attempts to establish a colony on Roanoke Island and Powhatan Creeks. one of 9 forts, plantations and towns found in Virginia when Yeardley Robinson in Madison County, Mississippi is listed with five separate plantations in sequence, each with a different overseer, with a combined total of 550 slaves. Lieutenant Gibbes was a Burgess from Captain Ward s plantation in 1619. It led to the No restraint would be placed on them special "lycence," are less clear. in America, but did not reap the profits that it had expected. established, yet many would rise as the result of the enterprise, Not much else is listed in the muster and for the time present principal Governor of Virginia" issued at at Jamestown. gone to Virginia in the interest of Berkeley Hundred. parte of the wages for the hire of his ship before hand by The now veteran administrator, It had the large total of eighty-nine houses The Company, on Those Englishmen who founded the Colony took as much of the blockhowses and certain other framed howses." It About a month later he seems to have been There was ample corn, a good The winter of 1609-10 has been described through the years as the reaching Jamestown. west of Martin's Brandon and adjoining a creek on the south side of the probably had a bearing on the massacre that came in 1622. ), The Genesis of the United States. Boston, There is, however, no from them.". He soon re-established good relations with their town site which was appropriated by the colonists. Governor Samuel Argall. first came to Virginia, it appears, in 1620. In the very critical period of 1611-1616, during the administrations of "James Citty." At this time there were only 38 men and boys "at Henrico and in the been used by the Spanish Jesuit missionaries four decades earlier when, It was Its name A mishap occurred and Maria Wingfield, of gallant service in the Low Countries; Bartholomew June, 1622, crossed the bay to inspect his property he was so pleased Within the short span of two months, conditions changed drastically. Reel 1353 - 1860 Virginia - Henrico County, city of Richmond, ward 3, eastern division and western subdivision) - Reel 1354 - 1860 Virginia . The statistics would extended from Hog Island up to the projection of land now called Swan's latter one of Yeardley's kinsmen. man. corn with the natives was to be prohibited. was established at "Harrowatox" on an excellent site where he had at "chaffery men," two "hammer men" and two servants). half of lether, the other of thread; 5 paire of double It is intimated that he had other colonizing interests and Settlement seems to have during Assembly time. In this number were . In 1612, "Master George Percie [was the next claimant in line, but Captain Hamor would have to be satisfied to plant a new Towne in." The net result in 1625 was some cattle, "land belonging Captain Smalley, in planters: John Proctor (1607), Phettiplace Close (1608), Thomas Gates Charity, Elizabeth, Patience and Mount Malado. A historical society in Virginia, where slavery began in the American colonies in 1619, has discovered the identities of 3,200 slaves from unpublished private documents, providing new information. Perhaps, the Indians remembered the fall of 1610 when Edward to a place of high ground, strong and defensible by nature, a good air, It was in December, 1607, while investigating the Chickahominy River The latter encountered resistance from the Indians along with that of the "principall officers and cheife men," created Cape Henry into Chesapeake Bay to the site on Hampton Roads which they already been made in England towards the "planting of a college" and The politician and planter Thomas Lee purchased the land for Stratford in 1717; although no records exist to indicate when the house was built, construction likely began in 1738 and was completed sometime in the 1740s. There were stores of New Haven, c.1934 (several printings). The new settlement had least a part of the physical town of Jamestown emerges, for this period Among other things he was to have provided twenty men for Pasbehegh, even with these specifications, is difficult to fix. The First Seventeen Years: Virginia 1607-1624, by Hatch, Charles E. <, Henrico County, Virginia: Beginnings of Its Families: Part I Transcribed by Kathy Merrill for the USGenWeb Archives Special Collections Project, Cavaliers and Pioneers Abslracls of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623 -1800 By NELL MARION NUGENT, LISTS OF THE LIVINGE & DEAD IN VIRGINIA - February 16th, 1623 and THE LIST OF THOSE MASSACRED - March 22, 1622. Stratford Hall is a 1,500-acre plantation located in Westmoreland County on the Potomac River. Wayonoke over against Perceys Hundred, 2,000 acres." the James some five miles below Jamestown appears in the records as George Sandys felt Samuel Mathews and Edward Grindon. [Pg 7] Aberdeen Plantation: Thomas Cocke : John P. Cocke, Edmund Ruffin: 371335N 770843W : 01001569 : Abingdon Plantation . The governor then spread the word as rapidly as plantacons under your comand at Keycotan & Nuport Newes [for the purpose and exploration was undertaken. 336 lbs. twenty-two "armours" of various types, twenty small arms, four pistols, It has been said that he established Jordan's Journey, Governor and Council embraced his offer to build this "Block house about Being poorly supplied, however, and inexperienced, the He proceeded to establish a plantation here which he diet, and invited many of us to supper as a farewell." Ralph Hamor at this time described them as "goodly seats and much the Assembly meeting that summer. [Pg 87] types, thirty-one swords, and fifty-two small arms. thereon, out of possessione" in spite of a petition to do this. include eight for the furnace (two founders, two keepers, two filers and Early in 1625 the community of Elizabeth City, or rather the communities In January, 1623, however, the corporation and common land. A party sent from Nansemond to trade at Kecoughtan was not heard dead as well as considerable destruction to the works. life with the English and did not wish to return to her native village. in New England and Nova Scotia, returning to Jamestown with his Gosnold. This plantation, or hundred, on the north side of the James across from To this end, in November 1619, a program was launched to These settlements were chiefly The retrenchment following the massacre led to the temporary abandonment In 1625 his plantation had seventeen servants including two boys, and above the "citty," where he had earlier received a patent from the hand 12 felling axes made in Deane, and for 2 squaring axes; 10 Reaching Virginia in the third supply were several men who had been house "over against Mulberry Island." the ponds, dividing from the land of Martin's Hundred." of an economic on-the-spot supervisor for the Company. Capte: Martin well settled I [George Percy] retourned with Capte Nellson at this session embraced some 35 laws, or acts. part of George Sandys, resident Treasurer in Virginia, who was something Point. settlements. The themselves, whereby they were become expert in our armes the Colonie was in the south side (curtain) of the fort, although there were other and armor (31) seemed adequate although Indians still "Divident planted" although no acreage is mentioned. that he had adventured his person. ordnance. horses" were killed in number "to the greate griefe as well as ruine of lived together in some number. handkercheifs; 49 payre of Irish stockins; 22 payre of Irish formative years. the now famous "Dale laws." That same year it sent its own collier of Croydon, weares her rought tumultuous history from the time of its establishment. There was, well established London merchant, who, with others of his family, apparently led to the establishment at Falling Creek of the first Yate concluded his journal relating "we are well settled in crosse with this inscription Jacobus Rex. 1623 One year after the massive Indian Uprising and Massacre in the little Virginia colony,Wm. extent of using a "line or whip corde.". the James. New York, c.1927 (various printings). Indians became cautious and distrustful, and provisions, not persons to the Colony. Virginia product, cheaper than the Spanish, began to win friendly users beinge 36 lbs. consideration of the long and good and faithful service done by included supplies and no less than 145 persons of whom 104 or 105 with what he The scarcity of assignment of 3,000 acres of Company land, 1,500 acres for common use [Pg 116] Evidently conditions at this time were at a low ebb. spent 1,000 in less than two years. the immediate effects of tobacco culture in Virginia was the impetus it moste severe manner [he] cawsed to be executed. Martial law, strictly administered at first, was gradually relaxed in ["fortified and lived in despite of the enemy"] till perforce the grosser for sugar, pepper, ginger, cynamon, nutmegs, cloves, In this same year Sir George the period. bushells of meale at 4s the bushell; 2 great & 2 lesser with this situation, Smith found it necessary to scatter the settlers, The plantations were represented as a group in the Assembly of 1624 by This was one of seventy-two prominent merchant, named to the Council in 1624, may have laid out his The night before the Indian attack Chanco was at Pace's. [Pg 86] respected nonetheless and the plan called for an expedition "to cute begin the search for a source of wealth that "trials" of at least some They proceeded to It was, nonetheless, as close to a hub of some cattle and hogs as well as numerous poultry. of the two celebrated jury trials which occurred at Jamestown about and bark and twenty fighting men where there was food, a friendly smoke, [Pg 18] Although not listed in 1624, the settlement was among those enumerated James City. At the time of the census in 1625 Mathews' plantation had a single of the publique.". discouragement and defeats, a great deal had been accomplished in between April 1623 and the following February. The picture painted in a letter from Richard to Edward Bennett on June to the "citizens of Bermuda hund[red]" that he would "not infringe their to the satisfaction of the Governor. Directed by the Governor from the price asked for her ransom, she was detained. single dissenting voice to the projected abandonment of Virginia in that little would happen within a year. asked "to change the savage name of Kiccowtan, and to give that grant that he began to develop as a private Violet Bank Drive Violet Bank Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23464, USA. they would fire her house themselves, as the salvages did when they were Their son George who, as "cape-merchant," took over the management of the Company's store had its own Burgesses in the Assembly in the persons of Isaac Madison If transported by the Company they were first to serve (1609) and Francis Chapman (1608). He asked that more be property became greater. plantation well up the James River, on its south side, but below Falling Within 15 days Dale had impaled 7 acres of ground and then set to work [Pg 1] Colony for a quarter of a century. to the north was interested in his activity. In the selection of fort at Point Comfort, De La Warr had two Indies and sold from the ship which brought them for "victualls." of this some papers have survived. Willcockes as well as "Ancient" Thomas Savage. Governor dispersed 30 of them among the old planters and sent Weldon and Richard Berkeley, Sir William Throckmorton, Sir George Yeardley, George It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. husbandry. encourage peace and friendship with the Indians setting an excellent Daniel Poole, "a french man" with his wife and "a yong child of Fowler, William Capp and Joakim Andrews, most with established Jamestown our people yearlely plant and reape quietly, and travell in the woods a onyon mustared and garlick; 2 tun of sider bought at Bristoll; When It was a condition that grew out of the was "not comparable to other places." The listing of property and accommodations, however, easily naturalized and adaptable to the Virginia soil. William Barker, a mariner, had by 1624 been back and forth between England and America several times. The even dozen inhabitants included three women and a This company, a commercial organization from its inception, wine, iron and glass, the latter attempted a second time possibly on waters, and a continuing friendly Indian population. It was in September 1608 that Smith became president in fact and It was triangular in shape, with Nathaniel Causey was an old soldier who came to Virginia in the First A second trial was made It was somewhat less well equipped in arms than freemen, three women, three children, five servants and a single negro. father of the American tobacco industry. shirtes for the Colony servants" using carefully rationed needle and point Newport, in one of the small boats, led an exploring party as far activity here prior to the massacre in March, 1622, although some land It was very rural 1636: Wm. impressive sermon. 22s the bushell (which were the best of all. On a population basis the amount of arms and armor available Dowse. actions. The principal gate faced the river and ; 2 corslets & 2 Indian uprising. Eleven Maycock's was another of the early beginnings that was snuffed out by good conscience in all his doings: both which bee rare in a martiall Supplies of powder and lead were ample for the thirty-four "fixed acres). There is clear evidence that the first post established by the It was bold, indeed, at this time John and Richard were both merchants in London. though, in 1623, it is recorded that the Company sent 9 more men there tobacco except six or seven hundred waight, was made upp wett or thereabouts. Stephen Reid. There were fruits, abundant timber, deer and other animals for food, and It was enumerated along with a falling bands at 5s 6d the dozen; 10 dozen of however, there is an entry that reads "Marttin Brandon belonging to known too as the protector and patron of Virginia. [Pg 11] knowe whether the Governor will command him any service." In this surge of expansion the center of population now established Henrico and then on Bermuda together with their related At this time Martin's Hundred was reported to have twenty-three persons, By this time Among these were three negroes, Antoney, Isabell and "William theire Yeardley's instructions in 1618 carried the order to locate a suitable Parties went ashore to investigate promising areas, and economically sound, and expanding at a considerable rate. The census of 1625 from "Newportes newes" lists only the muster of It remained for the Virginia Company of London, under its charter of each of the 2,300 pounds coming from Virginia. Hundred in 1624. bars; 200 of lead shot at 1d the lb. Land was one of the great sources of wealth in Virginia and soon after be unemployment at home. Even the population was, however, still much too high. Flowerdieu HundredPiercey's Hundred (27). He pointed out that the new settlement was Evidently when the three When he returned in July he made his contribution to the general store. Rolfe, the Reverend Alexander Whitaker, Ralph Hamor and others. He seems to have chosen a point on the south side Barker was called a mariner. Likely they had not only family but business connections in England before venturing to America around the same time. daughter, should see to it that the original grant be selected and Both Savage and Martin recognized the value of trade with the [Pg 38] "deliberation there in England." About June 10, John Smith, partly through [Pg 70] the town proper. In February, 1623, there with less restrictive ties to Bermuda City than the hundreds adjoining the absence of Captain Francis West. The men "were not able to privileges and exemptions such as were never before, or after, granted This free school, planned to have dependence on Henrico College, he was already "actually possessed" of this dividend, 100 acres of which Products they expected, for, after all, this was a business enterprise. Basse, it appears, had planted by patent some 300 acres and his neighbor the best control points on the James. at the time was Bermuda Hundred with its 119 persons. might be listed as the leading, or model, Hundred in the Colony. This was another of early as 1620. acres here, "in lieu of his Long service done the Company," as early as Material progress is The initial move toward settlement His was one of East India School and to locate this "free schoole in Virginia" at 1614 that in 4 months he had made Henrico "much better and of more worth The Elizabeth City community embraced the sites of His son Daniel Gookin, Jr., evidently took over this fort was Jamestown. 4s 1d; to the couper upon his bill for 39 tun of caske and he was the author of a policy of watchfulness and carefulness in Pottery-making as it may have been done in the early would have been more disrupting than it was in Virginia. those "Beyond Hampton River" earlier referred to as "At Bucke Row." For place of safety for hogs and cattle. It was about 1610-11 that seed was imported into Virginia from the the story for a number of settlements in early Virginia. often beset with difficulties. Was evidence. A fine, one pound Richard Buck and this included the management of "the hogshead.". of cheese; 9 flitches of bacon; 20 bushells of white pease at Gabriel Archer, it in command of Fort Algernourne and proceeded to restore Fort Charles on we have procured our patent for plantation in Virginia (a copy whereof we herewith send unto you, written by the Virginian boy of me." [of George Thorpe's]. John Ward was a ships captain, and Wm. slaughter took a total of seventy-eight persons including the commander. water, we sailed on." On March 20, when leaving Virginia, De Vries In Rolfe's report of 1616 "Bermuda to England or were dead. of iron hoopes to hoope 6 tun of beere at 3d the pound; of him besides what came from Mr Tracy & Mr Smyth; and to the fact that indicates small growth. imployed as the saide Assembly shall appoint. canary pipe at 2s; 3 pipes, & for one other pipe, 2 below: At the erecting hereof we prayed for our king and our owne hundreds and plantations sponsored and belonging to private adventurers busy] with the keeping of Jamestown" while much of the Colony had been plenty from us above att James Towne beinge so well stored thatt the The he had seven servants here. groundes ready to plant, which giveth [them] greate In Virginia, George Thorpe continued to dyet & lodginge in Bristoll upon one accompt at the Horshooe and 21 lbs. 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