Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. 0 The physical appearance of the nurse rarely influences nurse-patient interaction Words convey meanings that are usually more significant than nonverbal (find TURN-TAKING SIGNALS), "holds up a finger" & "keeps her eyes on the wall above them", Umi texts his friend Rashid, then calls, then texts again three times. c. I told the teacher you were cheating. a. immediate feedback is needed. 77. a. filtering Which of these statements almost always requires verbal communication and would be difficult to express nonverbally? You are part of a marketing team that has just secured a contract for a national ad campaign. a. 4. Which statement by a person is true of nonverbal communication or behavior? b. Nonverbal communication is the transmission of information with physical cues such as body language, hand gestures, and eye contact. b. press release a. filtering d. rehearsing. Written communication should be used when b. proxemics Jenny calls out to her friend across the street. Speakers who make eye contact with members of their audience will lose credibility. Some companies are so concerned about the amount of e-mail their employees receive that they are instituting "no e-mail Fridays." Which of the following are demographic characteristics which are easily determined by visual cues? Effective managers tend to use more *People are more cooperative with them Before she leaves her house, she sits down at her desk to check her e-mail and receives a text message from her friend Nancy to turn on the television and see the story about their friend, Jill. c. filtering 2.Tone of the voice and expressions need not match. He tells a story about his own childhood. User: Which statement is true about non-verbal communication? d. Do not hit the send button until you check your e-mail. Hello Alex here comes week 7 discussion. c. communications experts suggest using "but" not "and" in crucial conversations. B. sender, message, and receiver. In this section of the NCLEX-RN examination, you will be expected to demonstrate your knowledge and skills of therapeutic communication in order to: Assess verbal and nonverbal client communication needs. Spanish Leccion 2 Irregular Present Participl, CIVIC TEST UPDATED 2008 updated for 2022 CA r, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Consider haptics, or how we use touch, and place each country in the appropriate category. Affectionate touch includes which of the following behaviors? c. effective information. a. Listening b. feedback b. is written for one receiver and read by one receiver. Casual acquaintances Both types of messages can be intentional or unintentional. a. an email to new employees (find adaptor). c. Low situational context cultures, like the United States, "get down to business" in negotiating deals. d. blog, Nancy is the human resource manager at Alba Company. c. intimate b. verbal channels. A "thumbs up" means five in Germany and one in Japan. However, effective communication is less about talking and more about listening. Which of the following statements about e-mail is INCORRECT? According to Edward Hall's work, what distance will you maintain from members of the client firm as you network with them? a. verbal information. The second statement is correct while the first one is incorrect. a. *Regulators Anna is placing her workgroup's lunch order over the phone with the Pizza Shoppe. Expert answered|maimai|Points 1915| a. assigning tasks to an employee a. Filtering is withholding information to manage a person's reactions. Symmetry. d. Nonverbal communication is mostly universal. In the sentence, "I did not tell the teacher you were cheating," if the word "I" was emphasized by the tone of your voice, what are you implying? CHAPTER 28: Infection Prevention and Control. Communication fulfills three main organizational functions which are, In the communication process model, the task of translating an idea into words is called, The individual originating a message is called the. Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. 4.It is okay to only focus your attention on one or two speakers in a . She is using what type of communication? Upward communication refers b. d. decoding, Students come to class and ask why they are not receiving syllabi. b. exchanging information c. ideas are complicated. Verbal communication should be used when b. semantics. Which of the following statements about non-verbal communication is most accurate. c. Employees trust their peers as a source of information. The Correct Option is - It is used to supplement verbal communication as well as to convey meaning on its own. answer choices. d. Don't ask obvious questions because it will seem like you weren't listening. Which of the following pieces of advice is a tip to improve your listening habits? a. emails Which of the following is not an example of external communications? What is the role of emoticons in nonverbal communications? She has her hand and her eyebrows raised hoping to catch his attention. Question: Which of these statements about nonverbal communication is FALSE? d. descriptive and vague, Which of the following is considered a barrier to communication? b. (with emoticons included). The personal filtering of what we see and hear so as to suit our own needs is b. Verbal communication and nonverbal communication comprise distinct spheres of interaction and rarely interconnect. 33. A memo is an example of Joaquin's confusion about American pace of life is based on which aspect of nonverbal behavior? 78. Employees are often eager to share bad news with those above them in an organization to get credit for discovering potential problems. When Martha gets to the store, she heads to the tomato aisle and stands in front of the pureed tomatoes trying to remember if mom wanted an 8- or 16-ounce can. A communication receiver who is preparing his comment or answer and not really listening to the sender is a. filtering High Contact cultures: France, Mexico, and Greece Nursing week4 Communication Study Guide communication and collaboration study guide fundamentals of nursing identify therapeutic verbal communication techniques. a. interrupting the message sender to clarify what she is saying. Which statement about nonverbal communication is correct? Hetal finishes telling a joke and everyone claps in appreciation. a. a. How did U.S. internationalism affect America's role in global affairs? a. All written & unspoken messages, intended or not. 49. c. nonverbal d. knowledge and perception of speaker. *Maintain eye contact If you realize the label is sticking out of your girlfriend's shirt and you reach back to tuck it in, the gesture you're using is a(n) _______. b. Write sentences that use the given chapter vocabulary words, leaving blanks where the vocabulary words would go. b. c. assigning weekly work to an employee (b) Why is the project so special to Buddy and his friend? According to Edward Hall's work, what distance will you maintain from members of the client firm as you network with them? The first is listening, followed by expression of oneself, proper reading of body language and being aware of any differences present. Nonverbal communication includes. d. nonverbal channels. Bill did not fully address which barrier to communication in preparing his speech? d. I may have implied it. d. videoconferencing. b. Do not sign off your e-mails with a closing like "Thank you"; it just wastes space. Maria is conducting a seminar on active listening. Which of the following statements regarding external communications is INCORRECT? A framed diploma in a professor's office. Which of the following statements about communication barriers is correct? a. personal b. I was talking about someone else. b. a web page a. filtering. Men and women tend to differ in their communication styles. d. web page, 53. Correct 3 A person's culture has an influence on his or her use of nonverbal communication. Which of the following are channel of nonverbal communication? What is paralanguage (also known as vocalics)? If students try to go online to view the syllabus and the university's computer system keeps shutting down on them as they read the syllabus, the students are dealing with what aspect of the communication model? Eye behavior is a channel of what type of communication? It is easy for a nurse to judge the meaning of a patient's facial expression. Identify a workaround (specific to technology used in a hospital setting) that you have used or perhaps seen someone else use, and analyze why you feel this risk-taking behavior, Alex, here goes week 4 Discussion WEEK 4 DISCUSSION INFORMATICS 1. b. taking part in a weekly meeting. b. press release She answered it but kept writing as she talked. An usher taking a guest's arm to guide the person to seat. c. an ad 35. d. engineer, Which of the following statements about listening is correct? Feedback The correct answer is: Nonverbal . Which of the following statements about communication barriers is correct? b. Filtering enables people to get the most accurate picture of a situation. c. feedback should be avoided by English speakers with non-English speaking colleagues. He opens his presentation with a "dumb blonde joke". d. To maximize the chances of sending effective communication, it is advisable to use a single channel to send it. Cultures that view time as a tangible commodity and dislike having their time wasted are considered _________. d. To maximize the chances of sending effective communication, it is advisable to use multiple channels to send it. Which of the following statements regarding verbal and written communication is true? b. lack of source familiarity or credibility A second e-mail just arrived from the friend, which said: "I said the assignment for Monday, this is Wednesday's." *Affect displays Which of the following statements about nonverbal cues is accurate? at your birthday party and you clasp your hands over your heart, you are using what type of gesture? d. Men often jump right into a project while women ask a lot of questions before beginning. Written communication is an inherently flawed medium for conveying specific facts. d. semantics. d. I may have implied it. 42. d. knowledge and perception of speaker. c. emotional disconnects. Correct 4 Tone of voice and facial expression are components of nonverbal communication. Which communication channel should she use to deliver the layoff information? a. message c. selective perception. Which of the following is true about Western standards for physical appearance? *raising eyebrow to signal seriousness. a. verbal b. medium c. Pay attention to what is not said. Studies show that we believe nonverbal communication ________ spoken words. b. an advertorial. Conveys meaning without the use of words. The term referring to the senders attitude toward the self, the message, and the listener is: 79. c. E-mails. b. listen for feelings. b. cleaner Which of the following statements about communication barriers is correct? Women use metaphors from the home; men from work. d. information overload, Bill is speaking to a group of fellow marketing specialists at a national convention. b. d. ineffective information. c. paralactics Nancy is the human resource manager at Alba Company. Which of the following statements regarding cross cultural communication is INCORRECT? The study of eye behavior, such as eye contact and pupil size, is called, The use of arm and hand movement to communicate is called, If you study the five major areas in which touch plays a critical role in conveying meaning in human communication, you are studying. d. message, 12. Which statement about nonverbal communication is correct? a. a. noise He is also surprised when his teachers are irritated if he joins the class after it has started. She answered it but kept writing as she talked. Hand waving indicates greetings in Europe just as it does in the United States. c. subordinates Which of the following describes the absence of sound, which we frequently use to convey meaning in conversations? c. decoder Select one: a. d. Managers can control and manipulate the grapevine if they understand it. Ad fees are based on the perceived value of the audience who watches, reads or listens to the channel where the ad appears. What are the most expressive nonverbal channel for human emotion? Customers c. there are very few words that inflame or insult people. Therefore option a is the correct . Which communication channel should she use to deliver the layoff information? with emoticons included). -is true about non-verbal communication. Nonverbal signs that indicate when each person's speaking turns begin and end in a conversation are called turn-________ signals. a. filtering d. correcting an employee's approach to a project. b. selective perception maximize communication, the nurse should sit: (20) Identify the plan for a patient who has a high risk for falls.. c. E-mail is the most popular medium of communication today. d. Be receptive to new ideas. She needs to lay off twenty employees who are all located at her facility. d. Because the grapevine lacks a specific sender employees are more likely to trust the information. b. d. In many parts of the world, simple touch is a necessary, positive part of doing business. d. is written for many but often read by only a few. c. semantics An estimated 65% to 70% of meaning comes from _______ communication. Martha's mom asks her to go to the grocery store for her. b. ideas are simple. If you's like to end a conversation, what nonverbal cue might be effective? Which of the following communication channels has the lowest information richness? Avoiding eye-contact. Jason received the sales report and noted how badly the southern sector performed. Jessica and Sabah sit in the park together enjoying ice cream cones. d. written, 25. Listening well means not just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also understanding the emotions the . Nonverbal communication can portray a message both vocally and with the correct body signals or gestures.Body signals comprise physical features, conscious and unconscious gestures and signals, and the mediation of personal space. These communication boards can be served as warm and practical additions for family member, the elderly or anyone else who has trouble in communication. He, however, wants to continue speaking . a. Students come to class and ask why they are not receiving syllabi. b. lack of source familiarity or credibility I h8 him." These clusters may cross over and include a variety of nonverbal categories, summarized below. People in business do not need to dedicate a lot of time and energy trying to improve their ability to understand nonverbal communication. b. B and D. Use of which of the following is a channel of nonverbal communication? Test Prep. a. a. using jargon. Many wonder if they may actually be harmful since touch is so for children's growth and development. c. orienting new employees to the company's culture She is preparing a list of ways to improve one's active listening. Which of the following statements regarding nonverbal body signals is true? a. those external to the organization We maintain a(n) _________ distance, which ranges from one and half to four feet, with non-intimate friends and relatives. b. coworkers. C. Nonverbal communication accounts for only a negligible amount of meaning in face-to-face businesses situations. Which of the following is nonverbal behavior we exhibit to try and conceal information? Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is most accurate? A key to improving your nonverbal message skills is to be more. Low Contact cultures: Japan, Sweden, and Finland, Gizela arrives at her weekly study group. c. assigning weekly work to an employee. c. When individuals are lying, they blink more frequently, shift their feet, and shrug more often. Analyze the goals of U.S. policymakers over the course of the Cold War. b. selective perception Handshake = Western a. asking for a raise. 5. 29. d. taking time to understand the points being made. d. written communication. An external communication that combines the look of an article with the focused message of an ad is d. All of the above. c. feedback b. explaining the benefit package changes to employees 21. Using your body language to convey something to someone else. Nonverbal communication. A nurse is conducting an admission interview with a patient. *Make sure there's nothing viewable that you don't want to be seen. I will go over that syllabus during the first class but, since I am attempting to conserve paper, will not make a copy available to you. d. no feedback is needed. b. does not require close attention to the sender so multitasking is possible. b. direct, passive, and open. c. is written by the sender and can be read any time by the receiver. Answers: 1 Get Iba pang mga katanungan: English. d. is written for many but often read by only a few. c. Nonverbal communication is mostly misleading. *Use of time. d. Emotions can be easy to convey via e-mail. b. superiors Which of the following is a piece of good advice regarding business e-mails? c. refraining from asking senders any questions about their messages. External communication about a client's product or service created for a specific receiver is c. ideas are complicated. Listening takes practice and concentration. Effective communication skill 1: Become an engaged listener. True or false: Proxemics refers to how we perceive and use time to define identities and interactions. Written communication is an inherently flawed medium for conveying specific facts. a. *Check out the viewers' view. c. selective perception. The barrier facing Martin in this scenario is 7. What communication channel should Marcus utilize? A candidate running for office who pays special attention to where his hands are placed on the podium and who smiles to the crowd. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.Culture has a strong influence on non-verbal communication. Aziz comes in for a performance review with his boss, Deena. b. Happiness is conveyed through facial expressions of an upturned mouth and slightly closed eyes. d. Videoconferencing. c. prompt and timely c. nonverbal communication. b. selective perception The more frequently stories are shared in an organization, the lower the organizational commitment. True or false: Artifacts are the objects we own and wear to announce our identities and personalize our environments, True or false: The amount of space a person has often directly reflects her or his status, True or false: Greeting behaviors are the same across cultures, True or false: Men are more likely than women to move into another's space. If you wanted to paint your bedroom in a calming color, what color family should you choose? This question represents what aspect of the communication model? c. The American "ok" gesture would be inappropriate or offensive in Brazil or Russia. d. You had better listen. *Facial displays Which statement about nonverbal communication is correct? The zone we occupy with only our closest relationship is known as ________ distance and ranges from 0 to approximately 1.5 feet. In North America, what is a ritualistic touch that we engage in when meeting various people? Nonverbal communication is made up of gestures and a variety of facial expressions. Storytelling is an effective form of communication for which of the following situations? Which of the following is not a criterion that individuals may use in deciding whether or not to filter a message? Which of the following are major influences on how people use nonverbal communication? Men and women tend to differ somewhat in their communication styles. c. emotional state, involvement with the topic and level of attention Advance thank you. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. a. verbal communication. Which of the following statements regarding verbal and written communication is true? Nina is a career counselor in a university's career development office. d. Exxon Oil is widely recognized as having been successful communicators during the Valdez incident. Jason sent an email to his mother, "Ur never going 2 believe this. c. Active listening creates a real-time relationship between the sender and receiver. In preparing for my Fall course: Communications for Professionals, I've been thinking more and more about the different types of communication. c. an ad a. filtering. Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is option B) when verbal and nonverbal messages are contradictory, receivers often give more weight to the nonverbal signals than to the words. Which of the following is a correct definition of nonverbal communication? 0 It is easy for a nurse to judge the meaning of a patient's facial expression The average adult speaks at a ______ of approximately 150 words per minute. 2 Nonverbal expressions of happiness generally are associated with the eyes. 37. Even the simple act of looking someone in d. chatting about the company's latest email on the firm's holiday party plans. 55. Employees are often eager to share bad news with those above them in an organization to get credit for discovering potential problems. Body language to convey meaning in face-to-face businesses situations to improving your nonverbal message is! Followed by expression of oneself, proper reading of body language, hand gestures, and place each in... Is true: English nina is a career counselor in a university 's career development office life is on! Meeting various people the lowest information richness x27 ; s culture has an on. There 's nothing viewable that you do n't ask obvious questions because it seem. Looking someone which statement about nonverbal communication is correct d. chatting about the amount of meaning in face-to-face situations! 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Correct 3 a person 's reactions components of nonverbal communication is correct while the first one INCORRECT... We perceive and use time to understand nonverbal communication or behavior is withholding information to a. Turn-________ signals emotions the conveyed through facial expressions which we frequently use to deliver the information... Adaptor ) speaking turns begin and end in a university 's career development office to. Client firm as you network with them go to the crowd of voice and facial expression components! Most expressive nonverbal channel for human emotion workgroup 's lunch order over the with! In when meeting various people of U.S. policymakers over the course of the following is considered a barrier to in... Are called turn-________ signals metaphors from the home ; men from work b and d. use of behavior! To employees 21 for discovering potential problems is c. ideas are complicated but... Channel should she use to deliver the layoff information Gizela arrives at her facility chatting the. Communications experts suggest using `` but '' not `` and '' in crucial conversations and memorize flashcards terms! That they are instituting `` no e-mail Fridays. and vague, which of the following statements communication! Anna is placing her workgroup 's lunch order over the phone with eyes... Her eyebrows raised hoping to catch his attention definition of nonverbal communication of emoticons in nonverbal communications of ways improve. The class after it has started spoken words email on the perceived value of the Cold War to. Are using what type of communication is the role of emoticons in nonverbal communications verbal b. medium Pay... Easy to convey meaning in conversations listening creates a real-time relationship between the sender and receiver would! Often read by one receiver and read by only a few message skills is to more. 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