She eventually snaps out of it and tasers Hyde. Holding Henry hostage, Cruella calls Emma's bluff about killing her, not believing she can do it. Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) (35) Belle (Once Upon a Time) (31) Captain Hook | Killian Jones (26) Red Riding Hood | Ruby (21) Baelfire | Neal Cassidy (18) Include Relationships Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold/Emma Swan (134) Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold (16) Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard (16) She takes Mary Margaret to an interrogation room. Stiles doesn't know how to deal with that, and he definitely doesn't know how to tell the betas he and Derek were secret fuck buddies for a year and a half. Instead, they learn that the purple cloud was magic and that Mr. Gold also released a Wraith upon the town to destroy Regina. Before this, she says goodbye to all her loved ones. To Emma, she sees nothing but a normal leg. From a puppy to a child, it was said. He admits trying to take Henry out of town since Zelena threatened to harm him. After it is lifted, her parents finally admit their past with Maleficent, in which they allowed the Apprentice to doom her child to ensure Emma would not become evil. On the day Emma goes into labor and births a son, she struggles with her desire to keep the child. Emma presses Hook not to side with Cora, but he is embittered at her words. Emma explains why she needs the wisp, while Merida agrees they can fight in hand-to-hand combat for it, as long as no weapons or magic is used by either of them. Very much like their first meeting years ago, Neal pops up from the backseat, surprising her, before moving to the front passenger seat beside her. Emma and Graham head back to the station (Emma needed an ice pack to stop the facial swelling that Regina's punch gave her) where they share another kiss. Following Jekyll and Hyde's simultaneous deaths, Regina tells Emma that for the Queen to cease to exist, she must die and that although she and the Queen are separate now, her own capacity for evil is still there. Meanwhile, Emma goes to check for signs of a break-in at the apartment. Encouraged by these words, Emma goes to the police for help, and when asked for her last name, she adopts the surname "Swan" to pay homage to the advice she got about the ugly duckling and the power to change by believing in herself. ("Dark Waters"), In a race to defeat the Queen, who threatens to kill everyone with Acheron water unless Snow and David forfeit their hearts to her, Emma's parents track down a sapling born from a spark of true love, while Emma and Hook clear out Regina's vault, where they intend to imprison the Queen. Emma doesn't mind; stating that she won't need it after returning to New York. He prompts Emma to come along, however, she tells him that she has a session with Archie. She thought she had moved past it, but now she's not being threatened by any magical battles and no new portals have opened. With the last curse, she recalls believing in magic after touching the fairytale storybook, which triggered her memories of the Enchanted Forest. Mr. Gold can perform the spell, but needs a strong outlet in order for it to work. However, out of resentment, Emma causes Neal's bottle of milk to boil, which she plays off as a bout of magic practice. After this gruesome end, Emma awakens from the nightmare and apologizes to Hook for sleeping on the job. Henry had hopes of being in the Enchanted Forest, but a new operation in Storybrooke is fun too. Before leaving, he warns that she made a mistake by turning him into a hero, while she reminds him that though there are many heroes in town, they haven't stopped her yet. Unable to simmer her frustration, Emma hurls the vase of flowers in her office across the room. ("Think Lovely Thoughts"), Pan reveals Mr. Gold is now trapped inside the box before Emma cuts him with her sword out of anger about Henry, though it doesn't do much. She also read about research about swans in general, and the psychology of fairy tales. Emma sees reason in Tinker Bell's words, and recalls what Neal once taught her that it is "unwise to break into a place without knowing the way out." Emma quickly wins support from the townspeople after rescuing Regina from a fire in town hall, which she later realizes was staged by Mr. Gold. The storm ceases, and the group eventually reach the shoreline of Neverland. At Aurora's insistence she cannot be trusted, Mulan binds her up. After Regina teleports the fishing line onto the ship, the group discuss what to do with the caught mermaid, who sounds a conch shell and threatens them with death if they don't free her. Maleficent (Once Upon a Time) Elsa (Once Upon a Time) Red Riding Hood | Ruby; Chesire Cat | Noir; Mulan (Once Upon a Time) Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Dark One Emma Swan; Dark One Emma Swan; Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard Bashing; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Believe in Swan Queen (Once Upon a Time) Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma . ("The Savior"), At the diner, Emma witnesses Regina giving a formal welcome to the Untold Stories residents that is met with approval. Emma then grabs the flame ember from Nimue's chest, while a beaten Nimue retreats after reminding Emma that she'll be in her head if her services are required again. She goes to check up on Hook, but then traps him. Following the battle, Mary Margaret opens up a dialogue with Emma about why she withdrew from the fight earlier on. Having known from first sight that she had to have her, and that she would make the girl hers. ("The Evil Queen"), Emma, David, and Mary Margaret investigate Regina's office after discovery of the destruction of the bean fields. During Emma's trip with Merlin, she admits committing an act of darkness by hurting Henry. Grabbing coffee and aspirin at the diner, she mindlessly sits at a table until she sees a familiar looking star tattoo on the waitress's wrist, making her realize she is Lily. Maybe I don't do everything for Gabriel like I thought I would Great storytelling with horrific grammar. As assurance, she recalls losing her first friend, and having trouble making friends since then, with August as the only exception. Realizing she cannot fulfill the plan alone, Emma sways Henry into helping her make a locator spell to find the dreamcatchers in the clock tower, but they are protected by a spell. My dad came running over to me trying to comfort me. She goes to the animal shelter to inform David and Mary Margaret of the results. Emma's goodbye letter, whose envelope is titled "for my family", The text page next to Emma's illustration in, The in-show inspiration for the character of Emma relates to the story of ", The scars featured on Emma's chest in the. In this episode, Emma saves her parents, Regina, Hook . Snow and Hook notice something off with her, but she assures them all is well before walking off into a clearing, where her hand begins shaking on its own. Emma is unsure about helping him, so he gives her his name card. Still upset about Hook's lie, she goes to face Zelena alone, but with David's persuasion, allows the pirate to come with her. The next day, at the playground, Henry claims to have found Emma's father and shows her a photo of Prince Charming in the storybook. During the face-off, Hook is nearly drowned by Mr. Gold on Zelena's order; forcing Emma to choosesave him and lose her magic or let him die. Up ahead, the ridge allows them to get a view of the island, but too much has changed since Hook was last in Neverland and he can't tell the difference between anything. With the war up and coming (plus one other unexpected thing), there just isnt enough time to nurture their hate/hate relationship. Annoyed, Emma fires her gun into the air, attracting an ogre. They provide details about the Chernabog, who devours the heart of the person who has the greatest potential for evil. When Gideon teleports in while holding Snow as his hostage, Emma makes him let her go before starting a duel with him. They believe in their world, Emma just might have her happy ending. He, however, thinks she needed the rest since he hasn't seen her sleep in days. Emma has doubts whether she did her best for Hook, and she vows to never lose anyone else. The trio refuse to budge out of the way, so Regina conjures a fireball. "Just get out now." As payback for killing her, she slaps Emma, before revealing she intends to kidnap the baby so Hades will revive her. Now, however, he declares he'll re-record Hades' story. However, despite that Hook taught Neal how to navigate using the stars, he also coached him that all map makers never reveal their secrets. Furthermore, Mr. Gold details the spell is the only way Regina can get Henry and the love she craves, but also vengeance from Mary Margaret. As they have a toast in honor of Neal, the ship suddenly rocks violently, prompting them to investigate and discover mermaids are slamming against the ship. Creating a portal with the dust, Emma arrives in Neverland to stop the Lost Boys from executing Hook before the both of them return to the loft. As they travel, she expresses admiration for what Regina is doing for Marian. Regina, recognizing she means well, tells Emma to stay out of the issue. When Henry writes another story, Emma reads it out loud, providing her parents with much-needed confirmation that Neal received their message. They take him to the nunnery, where Mother Superior oversees his well-being. Emma Swan, also known as the Savior and the Greatest Light,[1] formerly as the Dark One or the Dark Swan,[2] briefly as Princess Leia, and alternatively as Princess Emma, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. SwanQueen. Hopeful of swaying Mr. Gold to their side, Belle breaks into the farmhouse cellar while Emma, David and Tinker Bell stand guard outside. She declines because, after so many sessions, her tremors and visions are still happening. Henry awakens Regina, who gives him true love's kiss and breaks the new curse. Later, Hook takes her to the dock, where they view the horizon, as he talks her into forgiving her parents. Exemplo: Snow e Mary Margareth no so a mesma pessoa. Neal offers to captain the ship on the journey back to Storybrooke. Mr. Gold, not interested in being a do-gooder, parts from the team, while Emma and the others continue with Operation Firebird, Henry's name for their mission. Instead, Emma kidnaps Zelena, intending to put Hook's darkness as well as her own into the witch, and then kill her as a means to extinguish the darkness for good. 85 pages Completed May 23, 2017 . The two have a shared moment about Henry when Regina brings up her naming of the rescue mission as "Operation Henry". We got to the stairs and started going down them, luckily I didn't get a contraction until I reached the last step. Near nighttime, they decide to camp out. In the woods, Hook and Regina try persuading her into forgiving her parents, but she isn't having it. Suspecting she is lying, Emma procures her real address and enters the trailer home with Regina, where they discover Lily has a collage of information about the truth. Nathalie Sancoeur doesn't like the word or what it represented. Her parents are appalled by this, but Emma reassures them that she is just trying to understand where Hook is coming from. ", "I was out on a walk and my phone was on vibrate. Emma is still reeling from finding out who they are and asks for time to adjust. Emma, discovering Elsa is gone, searches and runs into Regina, who is tracking the Snow Queen. Noticing ice tracks on the ground, she and Hook follow the trail to a warehouse. Now they're not just staying together for them, but fo We arrived at the hospital in 20 minutes Emma looked like she was terrified. Even Emma is stunned at her response, to which Mary Margaret apologizes and forgives him for his mistakes. I'm going to guess that I'm going to have another grandbaby sometime in 9 months." ("Dreamy"), Emma stays up all night interviewing David, but he sticks to his story of having nothing to do with Kathryn's disappearance. I'm going to guess that I'm going to have another grandbaby sometime in 9 months." When her son asks her how are things between her and Killian, she replies that the two of them are great and a family, almost," clearly insinuating that the arrival of their child will complete their happy beginning. Merlin believes it's unlikely, but he has hopes that such a person who is strong enough will appear in the future. He hung up the phone and said "He's on his way. Emma and Regina have been together, and have fallen into their roles perfectly. After receiving word from Regina that the Count, who wants to kill David and Snow, is on the loose, Emma begins driving her parents out of Storybrooke, but the car is thrown back by a barrier at the town line. ("Devil's Due"), Relocating to her house, Emma heals Hook's injuries with magic. Regina returns with Robin once the wardrobe is done, and despite her fear of consequences if Robin comes with them, Emma convinces her to make her own fate. From upstairs, Henry has been eavesdropping and pushes his way into the conversation. Emma is almost sucked in, but Neal pulls her up. She looks in the backroom, but she is sidetracked by her hand tremors, which are accompanied by her vision again. At the site of where the flame once stood, she harnesses the dagger, summoning the spirit of the first Dark One, Nimue, who is Merlin's former lover. At Regina's house, Mr. Gold reveals Hook has challenged him to a duel to the death. While changing clothes, she finds Ashley, a nineteen year-old pregnant maid, doing laundry. Now that Emma and Regina are married, all they want is to add to their family. Intending to "protect the future" by taking a forgetting potion, the Dark One also entraps them in his vault. During the search, they come upon Henry practicing sword fighting. Neither of them expected for long-buried feelings to be unburied, either. Regina persuades Emma to remain hopeful that there may be a third way to finish the final battle since the two known options, whether killing Gideon and darkening her own soul or being killed in combat by Gideon thus eradicating all light magic, will not end well either way. As they leave the inn, Henry, certain Emma is lying again, demands the truth. However, Emma is concerned Henry will grow up alone just like herself. While Regina hunts for clues on the Author in the storybook, Emma offers her a root beer. Undeterred, Hook tells her to get on the horse with him, convincing her that they still have a future together in Storybrooke once her darkness is removed. Mary Margaret makes a final attempt to deter her from freeing the Author due to the villains' plans for her, but Emma wants answers from the Author about herself. At Robin's funeral, after everyone has left, Emma prepares to say goodbye to him alone when Hook unexpectedly returns. However, after the woman learns from Emma about Hyde's death, she reveals herself to be Jasmine, and that the Oracle was helping her to track down Aladdin, who is also a Savior. David receives a call from Leroy, who can't find Archie, which causes Emma to realize the person she saw earlier was actually the Queen in disguise. Regina refuses, closing the door, and as Emma walks away, she stops to look at the second-floor window, where Henry briefly meets her gaze before closing the curtains. 'Once Upon a Time' Fashion Spotlight: 4 Secrets You Need to Know About Emma Swan's Magical Wardrobe! In t, 'Once Upon a Time' bosses answer Yes/No/Can't Say (or a little more) to your Twitter Q's. Before Snow leaves, Emma says goodbye to her mother, who then departs for Oz with Ruby. On the street, Regina orders Emma to check out the stranger in town. After his death, she rejoins David to catch Zelena at the apartment, but she is already gone. Though Ruby has a difficult time finding a job, Emma recognizes that she has a knack for answering phones and hires her as an assistant. She investigates and raises her sword in alarm when spooked by a young boy, who presents himself as Peter Pan. Emma reassures Regina that she won't be a problem, especially since the father doesn't know Henry exists. Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. Mulan agrees, and gives Emma poppy dust to use on the giant. Upon leaving, Emma phones Mary Margaret for advice over whether to tell Henry about Neal or not. Afterwards, at the diner, she lets Hook to take Henry for the day and allow her son to learn about what Neal was like at his age. Meanwhile, Mary Margaret suffers as her quiet affair with David has become the scandal of the town, and she breaks up with him. Emma goes out in search of Mary Margaret and accidentally hits a man, Jefferson, on the road. She admits that she hasn't told her family because they'd want to protect her, and she would rather protect them since she is the savior. As they hastily leave, Neal steals a swan keychain for her. She, however, points out her savior status only exists because they made her this way at the expense of someone else's child. Emma's secondary necklace, in the shape of a circle, was chosen specifically by Jennifer Morrison herself. Though he reasons Mary Margaret is having a hard time, Emma believes it's time to move on. Emma's parents arrive home with Henry after allowing him to have a test drive using David's truck. Afterwards, Emma runs scans on the box for fingerprints. Graham cuts his ties with her and Regina blames Emma for it, even going so far as to hit her. Henry insists that Regina is framing Mary Margaret and presents a set of keys from Regina's office as proof, which he claims can open any door in Storybrooke. Graham doesn't find his heart inside, but they are caught by Regina. He started walking out and looked back at me, but I pointed at the door. Regina, having doubts about Zelena's claims, heads to the vault for evidence of their familial connection. she shrugged her shoulders. When Emma asks him if he likes the pizza, Henry indirectly shows his grudge against her remains by saying that it's good and doesn't lie. She hears more strange allegations from Henry that Archie is Jiminy Cricket and everyone in town is from the Enchanted Forest. "Dad." With Regina's instruction, Emma is assigned the task of projecting an image in the mirror of Ariel and Eric on Hangman's Island, which she does with success. Before she can ask him that means, he suddenly collapses and dies from a fatal heart attack. I walked over to her and sat next to her rubbing her back. Emma considers his words for a moment, before ordering Merida to take Mr. Gold into the woods to begin making him a hero, as she herself enters a nearby shed, which is filled with hanging dreamcatchers. Emma moves to use magic, but Mr. Gold freezes her and Mary Margaret. He reasons that her parents made a mistake, but they kept the truth from her because they were ashamed of their past, and only ever wanted her to be proud of them. Emma hopes with Mary Margaret's help, Henry will eventually see fairytales are not real. To test out the cave's rules, Hook goes first and confirms he and Emma kissed, but the real secret is the kiss itself helped him move on from his first love, Milah. The following morning, Mary Margaret gushes to Emma and Henry about John Doe grabbed her hand. When she doesn't listen to Henry, he purposely swerves the car as the vehicle crashes into a ditch. Regina takes in the lost baby girl and bonds with her, eventually telling her personal things, having no idea she's actually talking to Miss Swan, who is hearing everything, and it changes how she sees Regina (in a good way). The two women get into a fight, but Tamara uses a magic bean to open a portal. "Ok Emma, there is still one baby that needs to come out. Regina has a hard time discussing her feelings.They're helping each other, one day at a time. Rumplestiltskin then aids them in tracking down Prince Charming and Snow White's locations. When they learn unwanted news about the baby's health, the couple ask Emma to do something she is unwilling to do. ("The Heart of the Truest Believer"), At some point after this, Emma finds Tallahassee and stays there for two years. Together, the women get Excalibur from Mr. Gold, with Emma intending to absorb all the darkness and having Regina kill her to extinguish the Dark Ones. Henry relents by agreeing to grab her car keys from Dr. Hopper's office, although he actually goes there to get his book and is shoved down the stairs by Fiona. By chance, Mary Margaret offers Emma a spare room in her apartment. However, Emma hasn't told Henry about her relationship with Hook yet. As Hook passes her the powder, Emma spies a tattoo on his arm with a woman's name on it, and guesses that he loved this person. Inside the home, following a video game session, Emma sees a star imprint on Lily's wrist. Deciding she had given up on all chances of love, that all changed after a one night stand that lead up to something that could be much more. Mary Margaret counsels that this theory of hers should not be known by Henry because even if Emma no longer has feelings for Neal, it will drive a wedge between him and Tamara. When Hook hints that she desires to leave town, Emma finds her intentions questioned by Regina. Later, Hook returns to her, revealing Liam took the pages while under duress from Hades. On his request, she magically separates him and Mr. Gold, and he begins to die. Emma looked terrified I knew she wouldn't do this without Killian. Henry dislikes using such a dark tactic as it is not heroic at all, but no one has a response. Iam not the cheating type here" Regina knows that Emma is talking about her and Robin which makes her feel irrationaly guilty. Then, he leads them to a giant beanstalk stretching up into the sky, and explains there is an enchanted compass at the top, but first they must deal with the giant guarding it. "Mom, did anyone get a hold of Killian?" Hook, having already searched around, approaches. So I did. In a world where there is only true love's magic, it holds many suprises for Emma. Mr. Gold believes that he deserves thanks for bringing Emma to her parents, breaking the curse and saving Henry's life, which she is doubtful he has any credit in. Feelings kept under lock and key and feelings that she never thought to feel, was emerging little by little changing her life completely.Everything changed, she changed, the center of her life changed. A frustrated Regina then rips out and crushes both Snow and David's hearts to make Emma will remember her true self, to no avail. ("A Tale of Two Sisters"), During a night at the apartment, Emma sees Henry packing a basket of goodies for Regina. "Look, I'll make you a deal; I will unlock those handcuffs if you tell me everything you know"she said sternly. Eventually, Snow convinces Ruby to attempt true love's kiss on Dorothy, knowing she has feelings for the girl. He is suspicious about all the old friends she's never mentioned and how people seem to whisper secretively around him. Emma Swan leaves her parents loft at 9:30pm, and doesn't return home. Finally there was a knock on the door. I tried to push, but I was so exhausted. "No help me up." Because the wound came from Excalibur, it cannot be healed, meaning Hook will die. Snow tearfully closes the portal door, which briefly emits a bright light on Emma's side of the door. - A SwanQueen ficlet. When Zelena agrees to use the Crimson Heart to remove all her magic to help revert the crystals, she asks Regina to take care of Robin if anything goes wrong, which Emma backs up by promising to look after the infant as well. With that, she follows David into the portal back to Storybrooke. She is half-sister to The Truest Believer Henry Mills. She is also an allusion to the Black Swan from the Swan Lake ballet. Ruby comes back with his bagged food just as he says Storybrooke is starting to grow on him. She panics and retreats into the bathroom, but returns to threaten Henry with a police call, but he promises to give them the excuse that she kidnapped him. At the mine site, Archie dives into the sinkhole before the entrance collapses. Henry praises her for the escape plan, but Emma has no idea what he is talking about until finding Mary Margaret missing from the cell. While examining the hole, she finds a shovel shard. I said a little louder. To keep Hook's secret under wraps, Emma lies to them, professing she will punish them for what they did to her. He then gives her storybook photos of Emma as an infant and claims she is the daughter of Prince Charming and Snow White. Or maybe a nightmare. Once James' identity is known to her, Cruella drives up to join him. Inside, the cell's occupant is gone, but a spinning wheel with strands of spun gold litter the floor; evident proof that Mr. Gold is alive. ", "No, I can't I need Killian, please I need to wait.". He leaves and promises to buy her a drink in the future. #captainswanfanfic Fearing Marian will alter the future by simply existing, Hook and Emma decide to take her to the future. Since Anna fits the criteria, they use a locator spell on the necklace to track her, however, it leads them to a mine cave-in. At the airport, Emma helps Mr. Gold go through the metal detector, and calms him down after he refuses security's request to take off his shawl. Regina's cousin - Robin - armed to separate her from the w. Despite that she already gave him her answer, Emma returns the ring to him and gives him the opportunity to propose to her as he intended. Gaining a spell translation from Belle, Regina performs a ceremony to release the nuns, but she unintentionally unleashes the Chernabog as well. ("Mother's Little Helper"), When Emma finds out about the strange symbols Henry wrote in his Author trance, she enlists him to come with her to the library to research them. Following a quick chat with her, she heads to the site of Kathryn's disappearance and acquires information from Sidney about evidence of an eight-minute long conversation Kathryn had with David before she went missing. With reassurance from Henry, Emma calms down enough to focus her magic and heal Ashley. However, Henry is not in the booth and Emma deducts that he ran off since his backpack is gone as well. Only after this, Henry learns from his moms about why they needed the crystal. Emma proclaims Baelfire died a hero, and that he shouldn't change the future at the risk of making things worse. That night, the same man who chased them earlier arrives. Congratulations! Each contain happy memories both women have shared with Ingrid, who believes by returning them, they will love her. After Hook figures out the book is written in squid ink, Emma uses it to freeze Mr. Gold, before she and Hook search the pawnshop for the dagger and shears. Aladdin, overhearing their conversation, comes out of hiding to give Emma the Shears of Destiny. Due to Emmas pregnancy, and to ensure their childs safety, they make the decision to return to Storybrooke, despite the realization that they must once again say goodbye to Henry indefinitely. They make it to the town dock, and Emma is helped by her parents to take Mr. Gold to his shop while Ruby watches over Henry. Before she can, Ingrid pulls out a stone and takes away her memories of their exchange. Realizing she always had her sisters' love, Ingrid destroys herself to ensure the curse is lifted. Returning to Rumplestiltskin, Emma and Hook learn a special wand can replicate magic, but the portal has to be made by someone who already traveled through it. Hurt by his choice of words, Emma grabs her bag of belongings and storms out the back door to the bus stop, where Lily finds her. While Cleo is in the shower, Emma pick locks the handcuff and steals money from Cleo's wallet. It does not feel like a very long story because it is full of so much drama, intrigue, and adventure. When Hook rushes in to check on her, Mr. Gold escapes after the ink's effects wear off. She greets him with a kiss when he walks through the front door and notices he has been drinking rum. After forcing him to leave, they learn Ruby is out of a job and place to stay, so Emma and Mary Margaret take her in as an apartment roommate. Tired of her games, Hook calls her out for wanting something from him. After some snooping, Emma questions Mary Margaret Blanchard, Henry's teacher, because he previously used her credit card to make a payment on a birth mother tracking site. Dwobbits. Suddenly, they hear Henry's cry for help and split up, as Emma's companions are led to decoys set by Mr. Gold, while she herself confronts Cruella at a cliff. It is a long story, but one that will leave you at the edge of your seat. After Henry leaves, Hook reveals his selfish decision to keep the shears because they were the only thing that could save Emma, even if she hated him for making a choice for her that she didn't want. After he is gone, she asks Henry if strangers usually come to Storybrooke. David gives Elsa a shepherd's crook, and from it, she hears her sister's heartbeat. 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