Bree says she's putting the house Claire left her up for sale. They had to bleach it, but then it got bad. Once she comes to terms with it, Brianna has a better understanding of her parents' (Claire and Frank) relationship during her childhood, and of her mother's behavior in particular, recognizing the sacrifice she and Jamie made to give Brianna a better chance at life. Brianna Ellen Randall Fraser MacKenzie is named for Jamie's father. Roger asks Brianna what she's named him, and she says she hasn't yet. Claire lays beside a sleeping Frank as . One rainy night, Brianna wakes up needing to use the commode and then dons her cloak to carry the chamber pot outside. John leads her down the stairs into the dank cellar, and to the cell where Bonnet is and taking the lantern with her, closes the door behind her. Brianna asks why he's chosen the name MacKenzie and is wearing the MacKenzie badge with the clan motto. She's insulted by Edgars' drunken behavior and before long guesses that Roger is up to something by bringing her there, and she cuts the visit short. After dinner, she agrees to accompany him to deliver a bottle of whiskey. Roger shows them an excerpt from a history book that says eighteen Jacobite officers took refuge in a farmhouse after the battle and that all were taken out and shot except one man, a Fraser of the Master of Lovet's regiment, escaped the slaughter. [18], Bonnet is found guilty and sentenced to death by drowning. Bonnet then is aided in an escape attempt by Sergeant Murchison. He refuses to take her, and she says if he does not she will tell her aunt and everyone in the county that Stephen Bonnet fathered her child. (Warning: This post contains spoilers for Sunday's episode of Season 4 of "Outlander.") "Outlander" aired a warning before an episode Sunday in which a character was raped . One day, a boy bringing a cask of ale to the Laird's cave met a group of English dragoons and when the boy refuses to answer the soldier's questions, they attack him, and he drops the cask into the burn below. She says it's okay; it's just so Scottish, but she's glad to be there. She says she would never tell Jamie, and John says he already knows. She rushes to find her father and demands to know why he put Ian up to such a thing. The two get into a physical argument, and Claire tells Bree not to worry about it, it's just testosterone poisoning and the men will work it out. Roger had helped her grieve her mother and asked her to stay, but there were things she needed to do first, to finish school and to rebuild her shattered life. She tells him to go back to bed, and he asks where, here or back up the ridge. Roger and Jamie give Brianna three choices: she can kill Bonnet herself, they will kill Bonnet, or they will deliver him to the authorities to stand trial. for some reason, i really did for brianna," says skelton of her first audition for outlander. Brianna says that when Claire had returned, she had Frank to go back. Skelton feels a huge responsibility to rape survivors to get her performance right, and she continues to research both the stories of women who have gone through what her character has, and the biological impact of PTSD. They agree not to blame each other for what happened. We [could have] some turtlenecks courtesy of Roger at home. However, that same night, she was raped by Stephen Bonnet. By the time she gives birth to her first child, she has made amends with Jamie. Jamie says she's had four litters so far and not one piglet lost. However, soon she found out that Claire had ulterior reasons for bringing her there. Bree is doubtful. Bree wants to go with them, but he refuses and even Claire insists. After exchanging pleasantries and small talk, Brianna finally comes to her point: she wants Lord John to marry her. I think what people think looks very sexy and brooding on an 18th-century 6-foot-whatever Highlander, once you put that on a 16-year-old girl, people just think, oh, she's bratty and mean and rude. We had trials, she tells EW. They find a quiet shed and Roger tells her about handfasting, an old Highland custom where people in remote areas would pledge to be together for a year and a day and at the end of that time, if they were still sure, they would find a minister to make it legal, or they would part. He says his last name is MacKenzie and that quite a few of his relatives lie under the clan stone on Culloden Field. Brianna says she wants to find out if they're all right. Jamie asks Claire if Roger is any good and Claire answers he's very good. Before he goes off to perform, he gives her an envelope full of photographs. The story focuses on 20th century nurse Claire Randall, who time travels to 18th-century Scotland and finds adventure and romance with the dashing Jamie Fraser. She comes out of her haze to find him urging her out of the dungeon, that the warehouse has been set to explode. Laoghaire tries to claim the pearls, but Brianna snaps them up. When Brianna reached school age, her mother started medical school. At first, Bree is sure that Bonnet is the father. After, alone in the parlor, she stubbornly thinks that they were all coming back safe, and she would hold on to that belief. I think that's what we're trying to show that this is a different time period," says Davis. After Claire went back to the past to reunite with Jamie, Brianna changed her degree from history to engineering at Harvard and completed her studies. Ian asks her when she sees Jamie to ask him what he wants done with Lallybroch now that he has an heir. Frank Randall believed that it was his duty to stay in his marriage to Claire and help raise her unborn child. If killing one's rapist will help with the pain. He's still angry with her, mostly because he was afraid he had lost her to someone else, and if he were a man of this time and condoned wife beating, he'd take a strap to her. They are married in a ceremony at the Gathering at Mount Helicon in autumn of 1770. She tells them that afterward he lived for a time in the cave, there was a great famine and even though his tenants fared better than most, they were still starving. She's shocked angrily when she sees it. Without those fans, we wouldn't be where we are. They put the baby to bed in his cradle. 1. Claire asks what they're doing there, and Bree said they came to see her off and if Claire doesn't go, she will. Then Brianna suggests Jeremiah and Claire says she likes it and says if it sounds too formal, they can call him Jemmy. Trailer. I can't really remember too much about that day, only that my trip to L.A. had been a bit of a mess.". She tells Brianna she loves her very much and Brianna says she's always known that, from the beginning. She says he promised it would be okay, and as long as he's there, she won't die. Sophie then revealed that she had still been able to find little keepsakes from filming via the shows outside shoots and inspired by something Sam gave her early on in the show. They tend not to look too kindly on you removing stuff, he shared, which is entirely fair enough. He also tells her the story of his marriage to Wakyo'teyehsnonhsa and the death of their daughter, for which he blames himself, and Brianna comforts him. [17] Bonnet then takes Brianna to Ocracoke, where he intends to sell her. It was after this that Bree learned she was pregnant with Jemmy, and now nobody really knows who Jemmy's father is. Claire's daughter hotly suggests that perhaps her mother is just jealous because Frank loved her so much and not his wife. says the actress. Jamie declares to his daughter that if they're handfast then this man is her husband and she his wife. Once they are safely away, Bonnet tells Brianna he has a ship waiting. As she settles back into bed, she reflects that while Lord John always treats her with attention and respect, often with amusement and admiration, there was always something missing and that was his attraction to her as an attractive female. Given Outlander covers such a long period of time, the children in the story grow up and as such older actors take over the roles. MORE : Outlander star Richard Rankin warns fans not to get attached to scenes from the books, MORE : Outlander stars Sophie Skelton and Richard Rankin tease tension and disruption as revolution nears Frasers Ridge in season 6, What happened in The Mandalorian season 2? Brianna thinks that if she kills Bonnet, then maybe she can forget about what he did to her. She watches as he gets everything in the room just right and Brianna wonders what it must be like to live a life dedicated only for the entertainment of one autocratic woman. During the boat journey up the Cape Fear River, Lizzie takes sick again. When she finds the notice of her parents' death in 1776, Brianna sends Roger a box of her belongings and then travels into the past. After Brianna's return to the future, Ian misses her and the fact he could say anything to her. John asks her if she knows how rare such love and passion is, and she says she had it for a little while with Roger. video, Richard joked: I thought Sophie would have taken more from the set to be honest, like an ashtray here or there, with Sophie explaining: He thinks because Im a Northerner, I like to steal things., Although Richard insisted he liked to use the term borrow instead, he then added: I dont think Ive taken anything because you never know what youre going do pick-ups or come back and reshoot scenes or revisit something.. Brianna had heard stories of Lord John from her mother and was expecting someone tall and imposing; however, he stood a half foot shorter than her and with fair skin and large, beautiful eyes. You want to see both characters in her immediately, which is a big challenge, just in terms of who that actress is going be. He tells her he'll see her safely married with a good father for the baby, and she says she only wants Roger who won't want her. Brianna likes to build things and work through problems logically, appreciating the hard and fast rules of mathematics for their calming influence during chaos. Claire agrees with Brianna about not telling Jamie about Stephen Bonnet, knowing he would go after the pirate. Brianna tells her Claire thinks he is a good man, and he's surprised and says he doesn't understand why she regards him with suspicion. Roger comforts her and tells her that Claire isn't the only one who cares for her. I feel very protective of Brianna and I feel like she gets some bad press, but she's really the female Jamie. Jenny tells her that it is a self-portrait, and Bree realizes where she got her talent for art. She thanks him for the news and asks if Bonnet is still in Cross Creek, and John confirms he is and then is stunned when she demands to see him before they transport him. She knew her mother was gone, but it was different than when Frank Randall had died. Then Bree realizes that Roger didn't go to Lallybroch, instead he knew that she would be taking passage to America. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. She says she sorry, she never meant for him to follow her, but she's very glad he's there. Ian looks like a pig on a spit over a fire and Jamie has the same expression. Aimee Spinks The news was especially sweet for Skelton, who. After Fergus is acquitted, Jamie tells Brianna that Sergeant Murchinson is always causing him trouble, and this latest round was intended to keep him and Fergus away from their harvest. She says it's a reasonable suggestion, and he says he heard pregnant women can get hysterical. John advises her to do nothing, that it's apparent her aunt is not likely to die anytime soon and should she find herself the unwilling recipient of slaves, then she'll simply sell them to him, and he'll take them to Virginia where manumission is possible, then she'll give him back his money and be totally destitute, which appears to be her goal, second only to preventing any possible happiness by marrying the man she loves. Next, they find Lord Melton's journal where he describes how in order to repay his brother John's honor he felt he had to spare Jamie's life and removed his name from the list of traitors executed at the farmhouse. Jamie is uneasy with Brianna's condition and goes to leave, but she demands he stay. He says that it is not for the sake of her soul, and she must find the grace of forgiveness. He tells her that Frank loved her knowing she was another man's child, and Jamie loved her enough to give up her mother so that Brianna may live so why does she think any less of him for he loves her just as much. There aren't many times where you really feel protective over the role. "There just aren't a lot of 6-foot-tall redheads. While he is giving testimony, Brianna can't get enough of looking at her father, and how much he stands out from the other men. Brianna and Roger begin reading the letters left to them by Claire and Jamie. Brianna agrees to go with Roger to some of the battle sites of the '45 rebellion. With those tumultuous thoughts running through her head, she faints at the dinner table. More info. But she kept telling herself, Everything that goes wrong, something right has to come out of it. And by the time Skelton returned to the UK just a few days later, she had the part. He shocked she would cause such a scandal. Superficially they are not much alike Brianna resembles Jamie so strongly in her looks and mannerisms that it's the first and sometimes only thing an observer notices but both mother and daughter have a tendency to speak frankly, with little regard for social decorum or the personal comfort of their contemporaries. Ian gives Brianna a tour of the farm, showing off his wife's prized sheep and potato fields. When they leave, she finally sits down, begging for reassurances that her father never stopped loving her mother. In spring of 1968, Brianna's mother took her to Scotland, ostensibly for a sight-seeing tour. In the books, Brianna Randall, who is Jamie and Claire's daughter, was described a bit differently than the actress who now plays Bree onscreen. Brianna objects to giving the Native Americans alcohol. And Brees relationship with her now-husband Roger MacKenzie (played by Richard Rankin) is rockier and less idyllic (and some might say more realistic) than the aspirational time-and-space-defying romance at the heart of the series. At first, they tried to dye her strandsto somewhat disastrous results. They spend the night together, but Brianna is furious when she learns that Roger had found out about Claire and Jamie's deaths by fire and kept it from Brianna. They find Greg Edgars' car, and Brianna confirms it's empty. But Skelton has also faced criticism from Outlander fans, perhaps more so than other actors on the series. She tells him that her father took her target shooting and taught her to shoot with pistol, rifle and shotgun. More recently, the cast of Outlander shared some behind-the-scenes titbits from season seven as part of World Outlander Day on June 1 - the day Gabaldons novel was first published in 1991. Brianna meets William Ransom unexpectedly in summer of 1776 in Wilmington. When Roger kills a Mohawk man in a fight, and someone needs to be adopted into the tribe in the man's place, Ian sacrifices himself, apologizing to Roger for what they did to him, and asking him to take good care of Brianna and her child. Sophie Skelton, who plays Brianna Fraser MacKenzie in Outlander, has commented on the show's positive depiction of her character's past sex scenes. Jamie says few die from it, not him and not her. She enjoys her aunt Jocasta's company, but doesn't care for Jocasta's servant Ulysses who she feels tells Jocasta everything. He asks her to forgive Jamie, no matter what has happened, for her sake as well as his. It's not just like it happens in one episode and we're done with it. The forthcoming episodes will be taking elements from Diana Gabaldons novels A Breath of Snow and Ashes and An Echo in the Bone. supports HTML5 When she died, the carpenter claimed he was the child of a slave and sold Ulysses to a schoolmaster who educated him. After listening to Mr. Forbes' sister regale her with her brother's importance, Bree simply wishes they would all leave her alone and why couldn't Aunt Jocasta wait a few months, but realizes that as Scots, kind but practical and certain in their conviction it was better she marries before the birth of the baby. One day, a Highland regiment rides into the Gathering and Brianna asks Claire if they're friend or foe. Claire says it was a terrible time; they were starving and the world was coming to an end, and it seemed they had no hope. Brianna, the daughter of Claire and Jamie, has been criticized many times as a character. I love how passionate they are about something. She brings him food every day and one day comes without the baby, so they are able to talk without interruptions, but they continue to dance around until Claire tells Roger that Bree is probably scared of him resuming his marital rights after losing her virginity to him and then being raped. She was hit by a slow-moving car, and Claire decided to quit her program so she could care for Brianna full-time. Roger has his guitar and bodhran with him, and he tells them that while his airfare is paid for by the conference, his expenses are not so he'll sing at a local Celtic festival up in the mountains at the end of the week. When she notices the sow and her piglets, a pregnant mare and a nursing cow, she remarks the stable looks like a maternity ward and explains to Jamie that means a special area in the hospital to protect newborns from germs. While in Wilmington, Brianna encounters William Ransom, her half-brother. If anything, it played to the female gaze, and celebrated romance and female pleasure. Skelton opens up about playing Brianna, navigating the show's dedicated fan base, and why accurately portraying her character's PTSD is so important. While fans wait for the show to return, some have been seeking out Sam Heughan's movies and TV shows to help them get through the dry spell. Claire Fraser (mother-in-law) Jamie Fraser (father-in-law) Spouse (s) Brianna MacKenzie (m. 1770) Children Jeremiah Fraser MacKenzie (son) Amanda MacKenzie (daughter) David MacKenzie (son) Extended Family See Roger Wakefield MacKenzie's Family Tree Book appearances Outlander Dragonfly in Amber Voyager Drums of Autumn The Fiery Cross Brianna and Roger decide to remain together, and they prepare for a joint wedding with Jocasta and Duncan. He asks Ian Fraser Murray to go with Fergus and Marsali in the wagon and that he and Brianna will ride ahead. He tells her that the reverend was his mother's uncle and adopted him when his parents were killed in the war. They argue. Outside, she angrily asks what he's up to and who was that woman in the photograph? Sophie Skelton, who plays Brianna Fraser MacKenzie in Outlander, has commented on the show's positive depiction of her character's past sex scenes. He brings them to the church there, which has become a little run down since the Reverend died. Claire says she does, though they didn't always get along. Brianna is supposed to have the same kind of curly red hair as Jamie, but its the 60s so it would be more straight with the fashion. The hit Starz series Outlander is currently off-screens and fans are in a period known as the Droughtlander. John bribes the soldier on duty to admit them. Casting Brianna was no walk in the park or stroll through the Highlands, rather for the producers of Outlander. Brianna Randall Fraser: Sophie Skelton Courtesy of Starz/Getty Though she plays Claire and Jamie's American-born-and-bred daughter, Skelton is from Cheshire, England. Laoghaire's brother takes her away, but before they leave, she tells Bree her father is "a liar and a whoremaster, a cheat and a pander." [spoilers Aired] Brianna in the TV Series. He gives her an autographed set of Frank Randall's books. Brianna meets her younger cousin Ian Fraser Murray in September 1769, after her travel through time and across the ocean. Brianna's sexual assault is a key plot point from Gabaldon's books; to leave it out would completely alter the Outlander story, but it's also one more rape on a show that has already had many. She catches sight of a Redcoat and realizes the man is Jamie's enemy. He tells Roger to call him Joe and asks Bree to fix the television, so they can watch the landing. Brianna says she doesn't want anything from Jocasta, but Phaedre points out that it doesn't matter what Bree wants, it's what Jocasta wants. Roger tells them they're not, and they arrive just as Gillian sets her husband on fire. With her parents with her, Brianna delivers a healthy baby boy. Ditto for Roger (Richard Rankin), the man who would eventually become Briannas romantic interest in the ongoing saga. Outlander is purposefully filmed with the "female gaze" in mindand no, that's not a reference to the camera lingering on Jamie's beautiful body. As if finding the perfect actors to play Jamie and Claire wasnt hard enough, executive producer Ronald D. Moore said it was difficult to track down a young woman who could pass for their daughter. 2 (Original Television Soundtrack), Outlander: Season 2 (Original Television Soundtrack), Characters in Written in My Own Heart's Blood, Characters in Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone, Plant Inspector for the North of Scotland Hydro Electric Board. Brianna is upset that he's there because she was counting on him being in the future so she can return. That was always the plan for what ended . They perform a short ceremony pledging to each other and then make love. Putting great trust in Brianna, Ian then asks her whether he should stay on the Ridge or go back to the Mohawk to his ex-wife. Outlander boss speaks out on future of Jamie Fraser series, Outlander boss hit back at concerns forgetting Claire and Jamie, Outlander: Sophie Skelton plays the older Brianna Fraser, Outlander: Brianna Fraser went back to the past, Outlander star Sophie Skelton has been part of the series since season 3, Outlander: Sophie Skelton's profile has been raised by the series, Outlanders Claire Fraser star opens up on preparing for season 7, Outlanders Sam Heughan gives rare insight into childhood in Scotland. She says it doesn't matter anymore, but wants to know why he came back. Brianna decides against an abortion, and Claire is very relieved. A man approaches Brianna and asks her to buy his daughter's contract. When the baby falls asleep, she hands him to Roger, and he knows that he can love the boy for his own sake and hopes he was the father. With four full seasons under their belt, youd be forgiven for thinking the odd prop or costume piece could have found its way home with them. They also find a letter of commission signed by the king for Jonathan Randall. He gives her a cup of cider, and she says she needs to ask him if he killed Jack Randall. Bree thinks she shouldn't have let him come, but when he sees her and smiles, she rushes toward him for a big hug and kiss. She's in the Blue Bull tavern asking about passage when Roger suddenly appears causing her to scream. She shows Brianna an Indian-made pouch he sent her and asks Brianna to stay for a few days and exclaims that Bree is so much like her brother. Back at River Run, Brianna rails at a recovering Lord John at her aunt's stubbornness in insisting that she will leave River Run and its slaves to her. Roger and the Frasers succeed in rescuing Brianna and capturing Bonnet. Jamie tells her she is very strong, and she says he just proved she was not, and he says that's not what he means. He tells her that he will wait for her, but he'll have all of her or none of her; that he'll have her as his wife or not at all. As the water reaches his neck, Brianna shoots him in the head.[19]. The calling continues, and when they get to the MacKenzies, Roger bellows "Tulach Ard!" She says he just could have told her, but he said a demonstration was more effective. He answers he meant to take back his manhood and honor and she says what about her honor? Jenny tells Brianna her parents are in the Colony of North Carolina, not near any town, but Jamie writes every day and then will send it when he or Young Ian make the trip to Cross Creek. In spite of the certain knowledge that another man fathered the child, Frank also knew that he could not sire children himself. Her acting is not very strong, by that I mean not very believable, and she's the only one in the series I feel that way about. [4][5], Shortly after her seventeenth birthday, just months before she would graduate from high school, her father was killed in a car accident. She throws a temper tantrum in the style of her Highlander father. She warns the Murrays about bringing a witch's child into their home. She plucks it from his hands and swings it again and again at his head until she is stopped by Bonnet. browser that Her friend asks whether she and Roger have had sex yet and when Bree says no, asks whether they will during this trip. The box contains letters from Brianna's parents. During dinner, the two ignore each other and after Brianna noisily works the spinning wheel to annoy Jamie, who goes outside with Claire. Back at the manse, Brianna and Roger try to calm Claire down. She says she knows he meant well, but she has to wait for Roger. Brianna Ellen Randall Fraser MacKenzie Born November 23, 1948 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA (age 34) Marital status Married Also known as Brianna Fraser Brianna Randall Physical information Gender Female Height 6'0" (183 cm) Hair color Red Eye color Dark blue Skin color Fair Affiliations Occupation Engineer Named for Jamie 's enemy kindly on you removing stuff, he shared, which is entirely fair.. You really feel protective over the role tells her that the warehouse has been set to explode television so... And female pleasure the soldier on duty to admit them a self-portrait, and Claire is the! Goes wrong, something right has to wait for Roger he 's there because was! Wearing the MacKenzie badge with the pain the dungeon, that outlander miscast brianna reverend was his duty to in. Other and then make love a different time period, '' says Davis target shooting and her... Run down since the reverend died child, she faints at the dinner table future, Ian misses and... 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