Chest-Voice: (F#2) G2 D#4 (G#2) Head-Voice/Falsetto: (C4) D4 D5 (E5), The lowest I can get is f3 and my highest is F5. I ironically have the same voice type and range as the singer from Avenged Sevenfold, M. Shadows. The daily requirement for choline varies with age. Also, bear in mind these classifications are generic, and each individual is unique. Whats my voice type. Soprano This is the highest female voice type with a typical range of C4 to C6. My range has seriously changed over the years. Here are the five key voice qualities for voice classifications: In addition to these key voice qualities used in classifying singers, some vocal teachers consider other factors like speech level or the vocal register. Low is B1, High is D4, I would say D5, but it kind of hurts at that one. What would I be? Understanding The Major Classifications of Male Voices. Mezzo Soprano, I switch into C5 myself and Im a mezzo as well, but if you work at it you can used your mixed to reach the C5 and higher. What exactly is my classification? I can reach higher than c5. As a singer, you are will be able to perform any song more soulfully and powerful if you have a wider vocal range to handle different octaves and registers efficiently. F3 C5 is my vocal range and im a 23 yr old female. I can also sing to a A2. 3. A3-C5 what does this make me ? I have no clue how to learn my range. im a bass? Hi, my name is Alex, and i am a 16 year old male. I can do from an D3 to a E6 so what does that make me? Now, move down in half steps from that note until you reach your lowest comfortable note. My lowest note is a D3 and my highest I have sung is a B6. A soprano is likely, if your voice has a deeper quality when its lower then a mezzo soprano. I never thought I was a bass, but I can go as low as Db2 all the way to G5. It took a lot of practice to build that upper range out with full power. So far I just attempt throat coat tea, breathe easy tea, ricola lozenges, ludens lozenges, and slippery elm tea. I always feel like my voice is plain sounding although. Your propaganda isnt impressive. I can go higher than E6 comfortably without screaming, but I dont know where the puts me. Dont feel bad though, weve all been there at one point! Thanks. I recommend using someone elses ear to test your true range. Hi! Supposedly my range is an E2-C5 however, my lower register (even though i have a naturally really deep voice) sounds lacking and cant get good resonance or tone despite being able to reach those notes. I believe I got F4-E2 and C4-G4 what would that mean? Ok Im 20 I can go as low as a G3 but Im comfortable singing in A3-F5 I can go up to an A5 in my head voice but its soft I cant do it for that long so do you think Im a mezzo soprano or an alto or am I both. could anyone tell me what voice types me and my friends have? BecomeSingers is reader-supported. However, you dont need to become an expert. Violet. My lowest note is a C3 and my highest not is a G6. Beyond E5, my vocal cords begin to strain. Based on your range that would fall under either an Alto or Mezzo- whatever you prefer more! But if your simply going by what sounds you can make then everything goes. In those days transposing sheet music wasnt so easy, so if you couldnt sing a song in the key is was written, then tough Having said that, Im sure the music teachers didnt realise I had such a low voice. Im comfortable through my whole voice, singing any part as long as its in my range. What part should I sing if I can sing F2 A5. Where does that put me? However: My range is E3-C5-A5. Im not a singer and know nothing about this, but I think there might be a difference between being able to produce a sound with a component frequency in the D1 or A_7 ranges, and actually singing in D1 or A_7. By singing it is possible to expand your range for instance my sister can sing all three female voices ^^. 16. top Identifying your vocal range and voice type Find yours with an app If when I am straining, rarely I will be able to do C2-C8. Im singing a comfortable low note of D3, and a comfortable high note of F5. I can now comfortably sing D3 to C6 and if well warmed up can probably stretch that a bit either end. The irony is that the vocal range itself has no ability to identify the voice type of a singer. hi. my lowest so far is a2 and i got up to c5-c#5 and up to D5 without squeezing my throat and hitting my head tone muchactually sitting down. For some reason my chest voice doesnt extend as far as the majority of mezzo sopranos so I always thought I was an alto. But I believe I also have an sufficient control over Vocal Fry and more importantly the Whistle Register. My vocal range is from F#2-C6 (does not include Whistle Register or Vocal Fry) My head voice is from C5- C6. Countertenor is the rarest voice type. Im from Sarawak, Borneo (Malaysia). I love singing high alto thoughthats where my voice excels, Hi i dint come here to actually comment on anything but i was wondering if anyone can help me to know my vocal range? If you can sing a G7 (assuming youre not whistling, right? Ive been reliably measured as ranging C2 to D6, but Ive gone as low as A#1 and as high as F6. The high note is D5. If you dont know when that switch happens try singing the ng sound from the bottom of your range up and see where it breaks. That wouldnt be considered your range then. What is my range considered? C6-E7 in whistle register and sometimes even G7. I am a 14 year old male and I have a vocal range of B1 to F4 with chest voice, and up to E5 with head voice. Singers that I like to sing with include Bing Crosby, Josh Turner, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Paul Robeson, Dean Martin, and Harry Connick jr.. Then the highest note that I can hit comfortably is an A5, but can go as high as C6! Choose a low note of your range, such as C3 for men or G3 for women. Thanks for the reply, it was what I was thinking as Tenor tends to make me feel a tad out of my comfort zone, and bass a lot out of it. Ive been told I should sing Opera before, because of my voice. This is only helpful if you happen to be EXACTLY on those notes. I recently this year expanded my range, thats where I got the top notes G4-b4ish notes. My vocal range tested via app Sing Sharp is from the lowest E3 to F4. My current range is E2-B3 comfortably what would that make me? Accordingly, she can also sing the low notes of a soprano. Ive hit an e6 whistle note but it doesnt really count. Glad I know what type of voice I have now. Hi,I am a boy,Im 13 years old with a vocal range from B2 C6, usually I would sing alto but when take the next step I start singing with my treble voice my voice also light it only gets rough when I sing with puberty voice tenor sometimes I feel strained singing in my alto but not in my treble and what vocal range do I usually consider my self. Your range is quite strange. See also: high, note Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. I sing E3-A5-A7 (whistle note). , no falsette or whistle, head voice, what is the range and what does it called if Im F#2 C#6, You need to tell me if that C#6 is head voice, mix voice, falsette, or whistle. The vocal register is a natural tone of the voice that emanates from vibratory patterns of the vocal cords in the larynx. When all the planets are aligned I can hit a C6 but thats not all the time so my high note is A5. Ive been trying to find the distribution of voices in the population. Famous sopranos include Dolly Parton and Ellie Goulding. Then, sing it with the "uh" sound. Lets check and find your vocal range using this chart after you have test your vocal through the video above. I am a 18 Yr. old male. (E3-)G4-C#6 (-A#6) apparently??? falsetto range can vary between the two, in fact some baritones can have higher falsettos than tenors it will just be disconnected. Hi my question is similar to the others. Is there any correspondence between head voice and your brain because when I sing in head voice for too long my head starts to hurt. After that I did a lot more research, tried the app a lot mot, was in a musical play that year, and really took some time to reassess things Looks like I had made some typos. I sing clear notes and long notes with my radio, but I was never able to do that during my lessons. I can go from low E2 to high C5. I can get to an A5 in falsetto. Hello, I tried SingSharp and it seems that I hit G#2 to E4, using my normal singing voice. (A5 have to be warmed up well). I myself am a mix of mezzo-sopraano and alto (C5-E2) so I can hit most of mezzo-sopraanos notes and alttos notes. Im having very much trouble with identifying my range. Thanks . I was able to sing all the notes well but not comfortably. my lowest note is e3 and my hightest note is c6, im so confused right now, im like a tenor?, alto?, i dont know right now, but, for me is great Sorry if the english its so basic or something, im not a english-speaker. However, Tim Storms can produce a G-7 which cant be heard by humans. The high B of Nessun Dorma isn't the highest note required of Prince Calaf on the night. I have a low of F3 and high of F5(excluding falsetto, if I do that I reach upto C6) what can you say about this where do I lie in the table. Thats awesome. F2-C5, Im a girl, so Im assuming this is alto range? The only thing that really matters is your singing voice , falsetto, and a good scream if you like rock or gospel, which is where you hear that, and sometimes blues. Im confused too I always called myself a contralto My range is B2 to G5. But as children go through puberty,. TenorThis is the highest male singing voice using modal voice register only. Im 17 and I just started singing last year. Saying C4-A5 for example doesnt mean jack to me. If probably like to extend my belts to an e5 or f5 so that, when I record music, I can sing the chorus of a song within the range of f4-b4(c5) and hav extra to play with so I could use those top notes as backing vocals with out using falsetto in those backing vocals too much.Any tips on me extending my voice? Male and I try to singe a variety of different Genres, though I am kind of enjoying the swing and jazz scene. In my late 30s I finally started playing the guitar, and how wonderful it is to be able to sing most songs I want in a key that suits my voice! My low motes are deep but as I get higher they sound very light and girly. Sopranos are also able to sing more high notes and sustain at a high pitch better than a mezzo soprano can, and they are also most often the lead role for operas or shows. Im 18 and Female, if that helps? 2. For female voice, there are three generally accepted categories, namely: soprano, mezzo-soprano, and the contralto. However, there are times when these 2 terms get confused with each other. Treble (F3-)Bb3-Ab5(-Db6) (This type of voice only applicable to kids below 11 years old, as their voices havent changed yet. Using myself as an example, I can can sing as low as an F#1, which is way outside of my class range, but that would be forced, if I didnt try to force at all the lowest would be D2 which makes a lot more sense. i did some reading and there is a possibility that i could be a tenor or a countertenor. rok wanita style korea. The thing is that I want to integrate a couple notes from the upper register into my full voice range. This record is for the highest musical note made by a human female. I do understand that vocal range however isnt the only thing that defines what singing type you are (as per the article) and there are also way more singing voice types than the main 4 or 6. Sorry, checked again and my lowest was D2. My vocal range is from a G negative 1-G4-D7. Usually I do growling and screaming. I can whistle and do falsetto and vocal fry etc. In either of these cases, terms like " bass-baritone ", " baritenor " and " alto-mezzo " may be used. Umm I mean D2 G7. Which is a normal for sopranos. B4 is a full tone above A4 so yes, it is ver high for a male voice. I just found this via a pinterest suggestion. You sir, are probably a baritone. My highest mixed note is Bb4/B4. Falsetto vs Head Voice Differences Explained! Is this natural talent or just normal? I am a B3-E6. its much more easier for me. So my 16 year-old daughter is being classically trained. Id like to hav a 2 1/2 full voice range, which has the top note d#5ish. I can hold briefly a D4, down to a C2, also briefly holding. What would my vocal range be if the lowest note I can sing is f3 and the highest c5? . And btw I like to sing low and high but not too high. a skirt korean style. Im 13 and my vocal range is G3 to C6, what would I be classified as? PD: Sorry if my english isnt perfect, my native laguange is spanish. You can learn more about Tessitura voice and vocal classification in this article: How to Find Your Tessitura Voice? Get someone else to help you find your range, and then Ill get back to you. But it all depends on what your best at. I know I might not be using the right terms here, but all this key and range etc musician talk is Greek to me. Which is altosometimes voices cant be specific and thats ok. Hi! I would comfortably say my low note is F1 and if I cheat and use the fry register I can go even lower. According to netizens, Taeyeon is the "Queen of OST," and indeed one of the best vocalists of K-pop. I also prefer to sing the higher notes if i can. My highest note c#6 and lowest is Bb3 is that ok I get called a squeaker alot, My name is maro my chest voice is very weak and in I sing soprano in clasicalchoir easy ,Im 20 will my voice change my chest voice is from e2 _ D 5 sometimes do but I dont know how to control it my whistle is from c 6 _ f # 7 smoothly please help me I want a career in music my head voice is my favourite part of my voice i have full control. This in range is the second highest female voice type. Im 15 years old and I have a range of a2-d4 in chest voice, e4-a4 full head voice(b4 if I warm up and even a belted c5), and a falsetto that ranges from b4-a#5(sometimes a b5 but its a little strained). The lowest I can go it A2-B2 and the highest I can go is A5. Hope its true! The absolute lowest I can go is A2, but comfortably I get to about C2 all the way comfortably to C6 and to E6 if I scream. Stop with the short-hand. My really comfortable range seems to be E1-E5 so does this make me a tenor? In his previous comment, he mentioned that the G7 included his whistle voice. My lowest note is D3 and my highest is C5, where does this place me? What would that make me? (This does not include my head voice or whistle tone), I am the same D3 to C5 comfortable singing range, could this be Contralto or Alto? Xiaozhainv Kosong High korean Pleated skirts Chiffon Casual. Im a 19 year old girl. I dont think youre doing it right, no one under the age of like 14 can hit below D1. Hello there. Head voice is ideal for R&B, soul, and indie rock where you want to hit those high notes while maintaining a full and rich tone. But I was definitely most comfortable singing from F3 to G4 and sometimes up to A4 if I drank enough water and did a warm up exercise beforehand (lol). My regular speaking voice is on the lighter/brighter side. your voice will get keep getting deeper as you get older, and if you try to relax as much as possible when you go for lower notes you may be able to expand your range by a step or a half step. So in the misheard words of Blink 182, Whats my range again? Understanding The Major Classifications of Female Voices, B. As an example, a woman can have a type of vocal range that can reach the high pitch of a mezzo-soprano. Please stop. im dont have any professional xp but im singing karaoke much of my free days. I have been tenor in choir, alto and I can sing most mezzo soprano parts. BaritoneThis is the midrange of the male voice, and it spans A2 to A4 with an extension down to F2 of up to C5. My higest was C6 if i really tried and lower than E2 what would mine be. Would that make me a Soprano Sfogato? Alto; though you can sing whistle notes, your average range qualifies for this range.. And hey, thats awesome- cuz thats mine:D. hi ya my comfortable raneg using your chart/video is a low A3 and a high F4/G4.I can get lower and higher but im straining really.What would i be classed as? Near the top it is harder to tell, as head voice comes into play. My vocal range is C3-F5 in full voice. starting to think maybe he was right. Does that mean Im a mezzo soprano or alto? Hey, that can be considered a Bass- there arent many of you out there! Thank you. You would usually sing with the basses in a four part choir. Where should I put my range? Thanks! Can someone help me? So basically, for an untrained singer, my range is from A2/B2-A4/B4. I am b2-c6, so I have a wide range (but better suited for a girl), I can be a tenor, high tenor, and a countertenor. My range on SingSharp is C#3-E6, what am I? Compared to that, a woman has 2 octave and additional major 3rd on the very bottom of the vocal range chart. In my perspective, as a non-singer, I consider myself lacking power and resonance, I suppose, but I have no idea. xD, if you are hitting up to an A5 then its mezzo soprano , I would say a mezzo soprano or mezzo for short. I am a 58 year old man and have a fairly wide range I think. I can reach A2 (thats my lowest, you know when doing the bass sound), My highest in normal voice is F4, and my highest in falsetto (or whistle, although I dont know if Im whistling when I reach six octave notes) is G#6. Im male 24 yo. im working on getting my voice lower (i need to for a show) and my range is continually growing in both ways. My voice range F2 to C5. I just need some guidance and advice on how to expand my range, unfortunately im a perfectionist when it comes to music so i would love to have a wider range. my low is G1 and my high is G2 (I used several voice range programs to help me) what exactly does that mean about my range, other than the fact that it is exactly 1 octave? Video above see also: high, note Farlex Dictionary of Idioms upper register into full. The swing and jazz scene and if I can sing all the notes well but not too.. Im assuming this is alto range included his whistle voice deep but as I get higher sound... The population to that, a woman can have a type of mezzo-soprano. Heard by humans -A # 6 ) apparently??????... Previous comment, he mentioned that the G7 included his whistle voice either an alto and... The contralto is only helpful if you can learn more about Tessitura?! Could be a tenor all depends on what your best at whistle and do falsetto and classification... 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