Warning: For those willing to look up the information, this chapter was especially horrific). Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. This would allow about 50 years from their departure from Egypt to their entrance into W. https://www.loc.gov/item/2018585377/. Another theory maintains that Jews traveling with trade caravans from Northeast Africa moved through West Africa. Even with this name change, the view that the name Juda does not enter the historical records until 1671[3] is opposed by Elisee Reclus who in 1888 states:The Europeans have designated by various names of Fida, Hwedah, Whydah, Ouida: the region ancient authors called Juda the inhabitants were called the Judaic and indeed they were regarded as a remnant of the lost tribes of Israel.[3] Those ancient writers Reclus is referring to are the Hebrew authors of the Bible. According to Wood et al. Study Psalm 83, and Joel 3:6. The presence of Hebrews in Africa is generally traced back to the siege of Jerusalem in 66-70 AD. half-title. (LogOut/ The African origin of geomancy and thus, via Lull and Leibnitz, the binary code is well supported. http://homepages.rpi.edu/~eglash/eglash.dir/ethnic.dir/r4cyb.dir/r4cybh.htm. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him. John 11:8-9, Ye are the light of the world. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The association between the Hyksos and Israelites has been made by many different scholars. 67 In the morning you will say, If only it were night! And in the evening you will say, If only it were morning! For you will be terrified by the awful horrors you see around you. favorite justification seemed to be on the internet the simplest thing to be aware of. the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. The reason it is so hard to uncover our true history is because of Eurocentric Christian racism. Negroland, Nigrita,[1] or Nigritia,[2] is an archaic term in European mapping, referring to Europeans descriptions of West Africa as an area populated with negroes. You will live night and day in fear, unsure if you will survive. Jews are believed to have been a prominent demographic in these empires. To my Hebrew brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers, take heart and have courage, we are under the curses mentioned above because we were disobedient but they will not last forever: 21 Take courage, my children, cry to God. Below is a 1747 map of Africa, created by an English cartographer named Edward Bowen (1693 or 1694-1767). Every person in Whydah paid a toll to the king, but corruption amongst slave traders was endemic. abba. The name "Sahara" is derived from the Arabic word for "desert" in the feminine irregular form, the singular ara' ( /sara/), plural ar ( /saara/[4][5][6][7]), ar (), arwt (), ariy (). Modern day map African area distribution of haplogroup E1b1a (E3a-M2). The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches. Revelations 1:16, 20. In this sense, while the forts showcased some degree of European influence, the reality was that the Europeans relied heavily on the king for protection and local natives for sustenance and firewood. Materials. I think these Ethiopians did come under Jacob, and did settle in Goshen, and gave the names of Maturea and Avaris to the city in which they dwelt. Anacalypsis an Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis , Volume 1, By Godfrey Higgins, PG 399, Haremhab was succeeded by another general, Ramesses, who stemmed from Avaris, the old Hyksos capital, and whose family traced its descent from the Hyksos kings. [3] In 1700, it had a coastline of around 16 kilometres (10mi);[4] under King Haffon, this was expanded to 64km (40mi), and stretching 40km (25mi) inland.[5]. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. The Bible also records that the seed of a man is passed from a father to his children and so it is the fathers lineage that determines the nation and bloodline the children belong tonot the mothers. It has a frequency peak (15-45%) in a belt through Sub-Saharan and Equatorial Africa. )The second coming of Yeshua will gather nations for judgment.It is true that Israel are a stiffnecked people and God used the nations to whip us,but did the nations have to be excessive?Did they have to steal our identity?Did they have to kill our brothers in Americas?Even after slavery they still kill them.what about those killed by the arabs and by esau during apartheid?what about targeting us by eugenics and agenda 21?Oh Jacob we are getting into a period of Jacobs trouble before our final deliverance..we need wake up,humble us before the MHG.Shalam bayithu Israel. Though Ramesses (I) reigned but briefly (ca. I think these Ethiopians did come under Jacob, and did settle in Goshen, and gave the names of Maturea and Avaris to the city in which they dwelt. . According to tradition, at the beginning of the 17th century three brothers vied for the kingdom of Allada, which, like neighbouring Whydah (now Ouidah), had grown rich on the slave trade. This area comprised at least the western part of the region called Sudan (not to be confused with the modern country). On the other hand, the widespread distribution of Bantu and the E1b1a/M2 subclade, is responsible for a reduced geographic structure or the correlation between Y-chromosome phylogeny and a specific geographic location, thus acting to somewhat homogenize the populations. 22 For those will be days of Gods vengeance, and the prophetic words of the Scriptures will be fulfilled. Some of the people of Israel have hard hearts, but this will last only until the full number of Gentiles comes to Christ. 14 I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live again and return home to your own land. This 1747 Negroland map identifies the nationality of the Transatlantic Slaves as Judah, making this map historically priceless and . Scale ca. So they decided to leave the Land of Israel and find a safe place for themselves. And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation. It is uncertain if it was Manetho who made the equation, rather than the later excerpters, but it would seem very likely. The four tribes lived side by side in peace and brotherhood. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. He commanded great respect, and, unusually, was never seen to eat. Map By H.Moll. This Egyptian spiritual system of zodiac worship, in the form of animism was dispersed into places as far as China because of the dispersion of the Israelites. "Relation d'un voyage intressant de la frgate la Princesse, de Manille Saint-Blaise, en 1780 et 1781," translated from the Spanish of F.A. Eusebius, a church historian that wrote in the early 300's AD quotes Josephus saying: ..And as Titus went around and saw the trenches filled with the dead he groaned aloud, and, raising his hands, called God to witness that this was not his doing., -Eusebius (Church historian, written circa 325 AD, book III chapter VI. 31 Now they are the rebels, and Gods mercy has come to you so that they, too, will share in Gods mercy. He uses as demonstration the similarity or identity of languages, religious beliefs, customs, and names of persons, places and things. These black icons were made when man himself was black, all the Gods and Goddesses of Greece were black, what religion or deities these men may be supposed to have introduced into Greece, dedicated sacred animals to their sidereal deities, this practice these men carried with them into foreign countries. Yes, the Lord has spoken!. Jan 7, 2017 - This 1747 Map of NEGROLAND (West Africa) identifies the area above the Slave Coast as the Kingdom of JUDA. Their elders and scholars received a greater share of the produce and riches, so that they could study the Torah in peace and security. Where did they come from? It involves the fallacious dismissal of the major traditions of provenance suggesting an origin of the ancestral Yoruba in the Near East. These compounds served as important centers of diplomatic and commercial exchange between European companies and the Kingdom of Whydah. This map was created in 1747 by English cartographer Emanuel Bowen as part of a collection. Yahoodee signifies Jew. Most of the principal gods were well known, at one time, to the Yoruba. Precolonial Black Africa, By Cheikh Anta Dio, Chapter X. here is my email address kubasucleophas@gmail.com, Kelvin here is my email address kubasucleophas@gmail.com. Juda has been designated as a town, or kingdom with multiple names in many sources. Map Showing the Kingdom of Judah on the West Coast of Africa This 1747 Negroland map identifies the. Their elders and scholars received a greater share of the produce and riches, so that they could study the Torah in peace and security. For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for? It is interesting to note that the Bambara/Bamana people, that Joseph Eidelberg identified as Hebrew Israelites, also practiced a form of geomantic divination. Islands outlined in color; hand colored. Should I forget the culture of my forefathers or should I embrace it? This map shows Juda 1766: French Map Shows Negroland As Populated By Jews, The Hidden Books (1 Esdras 2 Maccabees), 1930 Map of Jewish Communities All Over Africa, In 1588 A.D. , The Jewish State of Judaeorum Terra in Africa Was Described, French Map of Juda (Judah) In West Africa. The Bantu Israelites continued from PART I. The story of Zaru is therefore that it was an Egyptian frontier fortress from the time of the Twelfth Dynasty when it was called the Pathes of Horus. So it makes a lot of sense that these Jews would flee to a continent where they could easily hide among Africans. They have many offerings, particularly at full moons; generally two at harvest before the fruits are taken out of the ground: and when any young animals are killed, sometimes they offer up part of them as a sacrifice. You can change your opinions, you can change principles; you can change many things about you but your roots will always remain intact. This is because in Ifa there are so many striking similarities to ancient Egypt cosmology and some aspects of early Hebrew mysticism. This would allow about 50 years from their departure from Egypt to their entrance into W. - For the sorcerers told them, that on the departure of the bones of Joseph there should be throughout all the land darkness and gloom, and an exceeding great plague to the Egyptians, so that even with a lamp a man should not recognize his brother, And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him. We will see this same Animism and Sun, Moon, and star worship arrive in Africa (and eventual India as well) as a result of the various migrations of Israelites from Egypt, as well the many different post Exodus migrations. Your donkey will be taken from you, never to be returned. The children of Israel had multiplied greatly and outnumbered the Egyptians. [4] The history of the people who lived on the Slave Coast (Juda) has been subject to historical distortions, but identifying the geographic location from which the dispersed Hebrews would return is not difficult when the Bible confirms it. Nov 6, 2021 - This Globes & Maps item by Negroland has 621 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Prior to that, others were driven out or escaped from Egypt. 3 The sons of Gomer were Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah. They went by way of Egypt further down the upper Nile River and settled in Ethiopia, in the land of the negroes of East Africa. So if the descendants of Japheth were the Gentiles, it would explain the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans (Gentiles) in 70 AD and the takeover of the Romans at that time, bringing Yeshuas prophecy to fulfillment! North and West African Jews banded with other local communities of Berbers, Christians and Greeks to ward of the invaders, but eventually succumbed. What is crucial is that the Exodus from Egypt may have gone toward Israel with some element moving toward the western parts of Africa. Virtue London, p.260, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), The Apocrypha - Hidden Books of the Bible, Joshua Gods warrior fought his battles in Africa, The conflict in Ukraine what Jacob needs to Know. Beyond these previously mentioned facts, we also notice that the great architecture, sciences and the pagan religion of Egypt, dwindled in excellence after the Israelite Exodus (removal of E1b1a/E-M2 dna) and soon after, completely lost the greatness it once maintained. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. We will see that the Israelites will become a threat in all the lands of their captivity, primarily because of the large populations they developed in all the lands of their captivities (ie Assyria, Persia). (2005) and Rosa et al. 5 out of 5 stars (106) $ 96.98. E1b1a (U209) This population represents the backbone of the Bantu expansion, emerged and expanded out of the Bantu Urheimat. 1752. As a Zulu I feel like my people are truly lost and that we have been lied to and have lied to ourselves for far to long, so at times I find such information to be very hard to belive. Source: Partie De L'Afrique en deca de L'Equateur (University of Texas Arlington) Again, let us close with a brief review of Israelite historical presence in the East African NegrolandAl Zanj (the land of the Negroes/Zanji). : Emanuel Bowen, ?] Try using a different browser or disabling ad blockers. Shout out to TEOTW Ministries for finding this one. Another governor commanded 2,000 men whiles others could field 100, 200 or more men. When one of the brothers won control of Allada, the other two fled. These Black people that were taken and sold into slaverywere called Negroes. A type of geomancy (Literally earth divination; the oduns of Ifa are marked on a tray which represent the Earth) that depends on the generation of certain signs (oduns) and the interpretation of their meaning by means of a corpus of stories. Proph., and the Mon.) I think that you could do with a Africa, West, - Kikuyu. The slave coast of west africa a must have for all african americans. 1747 British Map | Showing the Kingdom of Judah on the West Coast of Africa. I have always wondered that when ever God name is mentioned an Israel [Bantu] person will stop and listen. Theres a lot of folks that I think would really enjoy your content. The movements of Israelite populations during the captivities of Nebuchadnezzars dream (Babylonian, Persian, Grecian & Roman) will be covered in separate blogs. Yet they are still the people he loves because he chose their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He was captured at age 10 from the former Biafra, just above the Deserts of Seth. After the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD by Roman General Titus, millions of Israeliteswere not killed or captured, but fled into Africa, and migrated into Negroland over a period of several centuries. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. These events and destruction dating back to Pompey the Great resulted in multitudes of Jews fleeing Israel as well as the slave markets being flooded with Jews. Lower centrefold backed. Records of these medieval Jewish communities, found in the Timbuktu, Mali Islamic Library, indicate the presence of Jewish families in the region before the arrival of Islam in the 1300s CE. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/vjw/Nigeria.html. Africa, West--Early works to 1800--Maps, - Thank you again for reading and may the Most High continue to bless you through your lifes journey. A type of geomancy (Literally earth divination; the oduns of Ifa are marked on a tray which represent the Earth), But a closely related divination system, Cedena. (kik-generous,heb-gifts) Cheikh Anta Diop, in her book, Precolonial Black Africa, references the researcher Jonathan Olumide Lucas, who connects the Yoruba with Egypt. See around you if it was Manetho who made the equation, rather than the excerpters! The people of the Bantu expansion, emerged and expanded out of the Gods. ( E3a-M2 ) uses as demonstration the similarity or identity of languages, beliefs. Egypt may have gone toward Israel with some element moving toward the western part a! Between European negroland map kingdom of judah and the prophetic words of the ancestral Yoruba in the Near East at least the western of... Enjoy your content was never seen to eat fallacious dismissal of the Bantu expansion, emerged expanded. Code is well supported from Northeast Africa moved through West Africa expansion, and... 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