/* Navigation Padding Left/Right */ h2.progression-blog-title { font-size: 32px; } a.progression-button:hover, body #content-pro .woocommerce p.form-submit input#submit:hover, a.more-link:hover, .width-container-pro .sidebar a.button:hover, .width-container-pro .woocommerce button.button:hover, #content-pro .lost_reset_password input.button:hover, .width-container-pro .woocommerce input.button:hover, .width-container-pro .woocommerce a.button:hover { We may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. Below, we compare Ikon, Epic, Mountain Collective, and Indy passes to help you choose the right fit. footer#site-footer h4.widget-title { font-size: 16px; } Ski . Montgenvre for example is a very nice village. Austria, Wochy, Francja, Sowacja. Here's a breakdown of every resort by region: Epic Pass cost: Adults (13 and up) $783; Child (5-12) $399. .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled #prohibition-header-search-icon.active-search-icon-pro i.fa-search, width: -moz-calc(100% - 30px); padding-left:0px; footer#site-footer { /* > HOTEL / RESIDENCE + SKIPASS Dovesciare ti offre la possibilit di acquistare lo skipass online su Snowit, grazie all'innovativo servizio skipass potrai andare accedere ai tornelli degli impianti sciistici in oltre 40 localit senza pi fare la coda in cassa. Skiers who put in at least five days will be close to earning their money back when buying either of the full-fledged versions of the passes, which retail at $783 (Epic) and $999 (Ikon). If you purchase a 6 day pass then you will automatically receive 2 free days across the border in Montgenevre. Detailed price list check Saver season (BS): 12.12. The max and min adult Sestriere lift pass prices range from 136 to 196 for 6 days of access to the Sestriere ski lift system. width:94%; .infinite-scroll .woocommerce-pagination { background:#fa4e3c; On the higher peaks you can almost always ski in winter. DALL 8 AL 24 DICEMBRE 2021 Informiamo tutti i gentili clienti che il 5 settembre 2021 si conclusa la stagione golfistica del Circolo Golf Sestrieres. Weihnachten 2021; Silvester 2021/2022; Karneval 2022; Ostern 2022; bernehmen. } Both passes include big-name, world-class resorts, and discount pass programs for youth, military, and more, so it's really a matter of personal preference. Parcella Stima Immobiliare Ingegneri, Ski pass prices for 2022/2023. .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover a, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li li li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li li li li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li li li li li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_top_header_color #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a, Stagione attuale: 04.12.2021 - 24.04.2022 : Stagione generale: Inizio Dicembre - Met Aprile: Orari d'esercizio: 09:00 - 16:30 : Nota: Gli orari d'esercizio sono indicazioni generali fornite dal comprensorio sciistico Via Lattea - Sestriere/ Sauze d'Oulx/ San Sicario/ Claviere/ Monginevro e possono variare in funzione di circostanze particolari, giorni settimanali, vacanze scolastiche e . una crescita stimata tra il +15% e il +18% sulla stagione invernale 2021/2022. background: none !important; Dal comprensorio della Via Lattea alla Riserva Bianca fino al Monte Rosa, le localit dove potersi dilettare con gli sci, affrontando piste di diverse difficolt e scegliendo quella che pi rispecchia il proprio livello sportivo ed agonistico . It will not cover you for loss of your pass or any other medical cover. .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu li.current-menu-item a, Both offer strong value, and skiers who are torn between the two should ultimately choose based on where they think they'll be skiing the most (maybe a favorite place close to home), and which unfamiliar places they'd like to try. . Copyright 1995-2023 Mountain News LLC. try{ e.c=jQuery(e.c);var i=jQuery(window).width(),t=9999,r=0,n=0,l=0,f=0,s=0,h=0; Wetter Voie Lacte - Via Lattea. .sf-menu li.sfHover li li li li a:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a, .sidebar .tagcloud a:hover, #site-footer .tagcloud a:hover, All prices Winter 2022 / 2023 Ski pass offered for children under 5 and over 75, on presentation of proof of age FROM 03/12 TO 09/12 FROM 10/12 TO 16/12 FROM 17/12 TO 14/04 FROM 15/04 TO 23/04 57.60 / person. background:rgba(255,255,255, 0.04); Brentonicoski We cannot guarantee skiing will be available in every valley until the end of the season. Forfaits 1; Choix des options 2; Panier 3; Identification 4; Paiement 5; Retrait des forfaits 24h/24 7j/7 . 06.10-6 /-2 4 . In pochi minuti viene inviato il Voucher Regalo direttamente allindirizzo mail indicato. .progression-sticky-scrolled header#masthead-pro #header-border-bottom-progression-studios, Torino Pian Della Mussa Distanza, Abbonamento Annuale Trenitalia, points value cards purchased in the 2019/2020 and 2021/2022 season that still have credit on them can also be used in the 2022/2023 winter season. We take care of all the extras for you. .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu a:hover:before, Stara planina. Disclaimer: I prezzi degli skipass sono soggetti a variazioni e sono forniti direttamente dalle stazioni sciistiche, responsabili della loro correttezza. incl.) ul.progression-meta-index, ul.progression-meta-index a { font-size: 13px; } #rs-demo-id {} .mobile-menu-icon-pro {padding-top:17px; padding-bottom:17px; } We are happy to inform you that yesterday Sestriere was included in the Audi Fis Ski World Cup calendar drafts for the 2022/2023 winter season. font-size:15px; Sign up for our newsletter to get honest reviews on top products & services delivered weekly to your inbox. .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .sf-menu li.sfHover li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover a, Pocetna; . padding-top:30px; margin-left:auto; background:none; Procedura invece possibile attraverso la Vialattea Skicard in quanto il cliente identificato con i propri dati. #copyright-text {float:none; text-align:center;} Skipass online - 5% discount Buy your skipass online and then off to the slopes. held in trust, by NatWest bank and the Travel Trust, who insure every booking against supplier failure. @media only screen and (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1300px) { This includes Sestriere, Sauze dOulx, SanSicario, Cesana and Claviere. In addition to this, payments for your holiday are
#progression-checkout-basket .progression-sub-total, #progression-checkout-basket a.checkout-button-header-cart, #progression-checkout-basket a.cart-button-header-cart, h2.mega-menu-heading, nav#site-navigation { font-family: 'Catamaran'; } Cene ski karata su podeljene u tri cenovna perioda: - Pred / Post sezona. But no matter which kind of pass you choose, one thing's for certain: You'll have plenty of new destinations to dream about. At Aspen Snowmass, our pass and access products help you connect with our terrain in a way that maximizes fun for everyone - our local community, our Aspen Snowmass passholders, our day ticket guests, and our Ikon and Mountain Collective passholders. .sf-mega h2.mega-menu-heading, .sf-mega ul, body .sf-mega ul, #progression-checkout-basket .progression-sub-total, #progression-checkout-basket ul#progression-cart-small li { border-color:rgba(255,255,255, 0.08);} Ski Pass. Wenn es ein Skigebiet gibt, dass an die Kostenkontrolle fr Familien mit Kindern im Skiurlaub denkt, dann ist es die Almenwelt Lofer. ul.progression-meta-index a:hover { } Skipass 6 Tage249 Anleitung lesen . Salta al contenuto principale Dove Sciare . opacity:1; Im Skigebiet von San Sicario, das fr einen Tagesausflug sehr zu empfehlen ist, fhren die Hnge durch den grten Eichenwald Europas. } ski pass 2022/2023 prices&season periods International tickets valid on the lifts of Breuil-Cervinia and Valtournenche and on all the lifts in Zermatt (Zermatt Bergbahnen AG and GGB Gornegrat-Monte Rosa-Bahnen). Le nostre offerte per vacanze a gennaio sono pensate per chi ama sciare e vuole godersi la settimana bianca con skipass incluso nel prezzo, ma anche per chi desidera rilassarsi in montagna. width:1200px; Prices vary according to the season between: Adults: 59 - 69 . With the 6 day pass you get 2 days free in Montgenevre. .progression-studios-shop-text-container, .progression-beer-container, .progression-menu-content, .progression-beer-content, .progression-studios-event-container-index, .progression-blog-content { background:#ffffff; } If you have more than one card, the points available in the first card will be deducted and the remainder taken from the second card, and the turnstile will open. } E poi ancora dell'8 gennaio al 30 gennaio 2022 approfittate dell'offerta Hotel/Residence + Skipass per sciare anche dopo le feste natalizie. Rispetto all'ultima altalenante stagione - in cui rinvii, aperture e chiusure anticipate l'hanno fatta da padrone - per quest . .progression_studios_header_sidebar_forced header#masthead-pro .sf-menu li.highlight-button { margin-right:18px; margin-left:18px; width:264px;} } 600 units at a price of 50.00 Find prices for single day, half-day and multi-day ski lift passes in Sestrire. margin-left:-600px; Quante volte visiterai il resort Sestrire? Discounts: Ikon offers discounted pass prices for active-duty and retired North American military personnel and their adult dependents, active licensed nurses, and enrolled college students. #prohibition-progression-header-top .sf-menu ul { Visittrentino: il sito ufficiale dell'ente del Turismo della regione del trentino un'ottima . For activation you will need your credit card details, security code and also the authentication code (usually generated by your bank's app). min-width:10px; Share Holidays choose with friends, and may only be used with the express permission of SNO Group Ltd. SNO, Apsley House, 176 Upper Richmond Road, London, SW15 2SH. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider TTA, International
.progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu li.sfHover a:before, shopping_cart Carrello (0) Home. Cesare Maestri, il ragno delle Dolomiti, uno fra i pi grandi alpinisti di tutti i tempi, racconta le sue scalate memorabili e i momenti pi importanti della sua esistenza: la storia di uno scalatore cui la montagna ha regalato grandi Jul 1, 2005 2,536 1,500 363 The Foothills. - 7 giorni Residence + 6 giorni Skipass Via Lattea per 2 persone Euro 862,00. L'acquisto dei biglietti in anticipo il modo migliore per risparmiare. If, for any reason, the holder of a 2021-2022 pass does not use the pass between the date of purchase and December 9, 2021, the pass holder can choose to receive full credit toward the purchase of a 2022-2023 pass. .sf-arrows .sf-with-ul { /* ]]> */ Licence
var wc_add_to_cart_params = {"ajax_url":"\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","wc_ajax_url":"\/?wc-ajax=%%endpoint%%","i18n_view_cart":"View cart","cart_url":"http:\/\/www.lonesomepinebrewing.com","is_cart":"","cart_redirect_after_add":"no"}; } .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .sf-menu li.sfHover li li li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a, SOGGIORNI DAL 18 AL 31 GENNAIO 2021. .progression-studios-woocommerce-index-container a:hover h3, h3.event-title-progression a:hover, .progression-menu-container h2 a:hover, h2.progression-blog-title a:hover, h2.beer-index-headline a:hover { color:#fa4e3c; } }catch(d){console.log("Failure at Presize of Slider:"+d)} ITALIJA SESTRIERE SKIJANJE 2022 ZIMA Trenutno najpoznatiji skijaki centar koji je bio domain Olimpijskih igara 2006, ali i domaeg prestinog Svetskog kupa. padding-bottom:30px; padding:80px 0px 65px 0px; Vi aspettiamo! Your email address will not be published. Highlights im Skigebiet Ratschings-Jaufen. As a guarantee for the 2021/22 season, this type of ski pass is valid for two consecutive winter seasons 2021/22 and 2022/23. Jahorina Prestige. The ski area is high and the snow is fine. Liebe Italienfans, wir haben ein 25 jhriges Jubilum! And an Ikon Pass installment payment plan is also offered through May 4. Go to the section "Services for logged Users" and click on "DTL skipass". From now on, you can collect your ski pass at your hotel reception desk. Children require a valid ID (or a scan of their ID, if buying online) to receive the childrens discount. Learn more. .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu li.sfHover li li li li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a:hover, .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a, .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu li.sfHover li li li li li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a:hover, .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a, #progression-studios-footer-divider { You can purchase a half day pass for 31. body #progression-checkout-basket a.checkout-button-header-cart, a.progression-button, body #content-pro .woocommerce p.form-submit input#submit, a.more-link, .width-container-pro .sidebar a.button, .width-container-pro .woocommerce button.button, #content-pro .lost_reset_password input.button, .width-container-pro .woocommerce input.button, .width-container-pro .woocommerce a.button, body .woocommerce nav.woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation li.is-active a { } } 2- Per chi non riuscir a passare presso i nostri uffici entro il 30/09/2021, ci sar la possibilit, in via del tutto ECCEZIONALE, di sostituire le contromarche VERDI Raspa Club stagione 2020/2021 con le nuove "Raspa Club" stagione 2021/2022. Incidente Altedo Oggi, Vail's wide-ranging program encompasses the Epic Pass, Epic Local Pass, and Epic Day Pass (one- to seven-day options); plus, a series of regional and specialty passes, including Whistler Blackcomb Unlimited, Summit Value Pass, Tahoe Local Pass, Northeast Pass, and more. Liebe Italienfans, wir haben ein 25 jhriges Jubilum! 05/01/2021 Vista l'ordinanza del Ministro della Salute Roberto Speranza che posticipa l'apertura degli impianti al 18 gennaio, informiamo i nostri gentili Clienti che comunque tale eventuale apertura rim. Incidente Sirmione Oggi, Sva prava zadrana 2021. The Numberjacks; The Meanies +39 0122 750698 info@hotelbelvederesestriere.com-www . 03 Alta Badia Very interested to ski in Europe after all this virus biz settles down (hopefully) and Northern Italy . w apartamentach z penym wyposaeniem oraz aneksem kuchennym- gotujemy samodzielnie. .sf-menu li.sfHover li h2.mega-menu-heading a:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover li h2.mega-menu-heading a, } padding-bottom:27px; The cost for the insurance is 3.50 per day. Buchen Sie jetzt hier Ihren Skiurlaub inkl. Acht Liftanlagen erschlieen die rund 25 km Pisten - aber das ist lngst noch nicht alles, was Ratschings-Jaufen zu bieten hat! margin-top:8px; Incidente Sirmione Oggi, If you ski in several ski areas during the same day, you will be charged the price of the Dolomiti Superski day ticket (see price list below). min-width:25px; Plus, with the CDC recently announcing travel in the US is safe for those who are vaccinated, adventure trips for next season are looking bright. For beginners who feel that they will not get value for money from a full pass then a reduced pass is available that will give you access to the lifts in the beginners area. Highlights im Skigebiet Ratschings-Jaufen. Perks of buying early: Any pass purchases made during the initial sale (March 16 - late April) will receive a bonus third day at any resort. Jasna skipass prices 2022-2023 and methods of payment. } .sf-menu a:before { 355 a persona in appartamento da 4 persone in villaggio olimpico compreso skipass via lattea 6 giorni. Cross-country skiing: 60 km of trails. Play inspired by the life of Maria Callas (1923-1977). However, there are several cosy places where you can have a drink. footer#site-footer { font-size: 14px; } After all, it's a big world, and there's always snow somewhere. footer#site-footer.progression-studios-footer-full-width .width-container-pro, See the Indy Pass website for details. Other factors include age and the number of days you plan on skiing. Book with the confidence that you are protected against supplier failure. STEP 1: Pay your member dues and open invoices on the ACRA member portal. Ikon Pass cost: Adult (23+) $999; Young Adult (12-22) $739; Child (5-12) $319; Age 4 and under $149. .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu a { Night-time skiing is not included. International tickets purchased in Italy cannot be used departing from Switzerland at the beginning of the day. .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu li.current-menu-item.highlight-button a:hover:before, .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled .sf-menu li.highlight-button a:hover:before, } .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled #progression-shopping-cart-count a.progression-count-icon-nav i.fa-shopping-bag, Sar anche praticato uno sconto di 1 euro per premiare chi effettua lacquisto online, ad esclusione del prodotto internazionale Montiluna/Montgenvre. Individual resort season passes. Due to restrictions on ski points value cards in the 2021/22 winter season, points value cards purchased in the 2019/2020 and 2021/2022 season that still have credit on them can also be used in the 2022/2023 winter season. .progression-studios-transparent-header .progression-sticky-scrolled header#masthead-pro, .progression-sticky-scrolled header#masthead-pro { background:rgba(13,13,51,0.9); } max-width:390px; @media only screen and (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1300px) { body #prohibition-header-search-icon.active-search-icon-pro #panel-search-progression, .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .sf-menu li.sfHover li li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a, background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position:center center; background-size: cover; } Disoccupazione Requisiti Ridotti 2021, Ski pass prices are often dynamic and subject to change. Via LatteaFrankreich Ihre Prferenzen100% 20 km 76 km 220 km 84 km. Un abbonamento stagionale la scelta migliore per gli sciatori accaniti e per tutti coloro che desiderano tornare a Sestrire durante l'intera stagione invernale. } Passport proof required. 1-day and 2-day skipasses are valid only in the Obergurgl-Hochgurgl Ski Area. Sestriere lift ticket prices are quoted in Euro. color:#cccccc; La sindrome di Gertrude quella che ha portato la Signora in questione, meglio nota come monaca di Monza, a rispondere "s" a uno che avrebbe fatto meglio a ignorare. Apri il pdf con i prezzi e le strutture aderenti alla Promozione Free Ski Scarica la Promo free ski web 2021 def, >> HOTEL / RESIDENCE + SKIPASS You will find lot of open space around lifts number 11 and 12. Here are the best ski passes for the 2021-2022 season Ikon Pass Ikon Pass Alterra Mountain Company offers the Ikon Pass along with variations including the Ikon Base Pass, and the 4-Day Ikon Session Pass; each with different pricing, mountain access, and blackout dates. Some ski resorts offer dynamic lift ticket pricing, which means the price changes depending on the time of year and how far in advance you buy the lift ticket. Parcheggio Metropark Vicenza, 355 a persona in appartamento da 4 persone in villaggio olimpico compreso skipass via lattea 6 giorni. Since it goes on sale later than other passes (in June), some details are yet to be announced. CASSE AUTOMATICHE A Sestriere (presso cassa Kandahar), a Sauze dOulx (presso cassa ABC) e a Pragelato (presso cassa Pattemouche), si potranno acquistare presso le casse automatiche numerose tipologie di skipass. Bewertung Schneehoehen.de. Izuzetno funkcionalno i moderno skijalite, sa velikim brojem smetajnih kapaciteta, sportskih objekata (bazen, klizalite, staza za tranje), restorana, barova, nonih klubova. .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled #progression-shopping-cart-count a.progression-count-icon-nav i.fa-shopping-bag, Il Gruppo Monterosa Ski si sta preparando per la stagione 2022/2023.. Sc arica il programma stagione 2021/2022 clicca . width: calc(100% - 36px); Sindaco Sestriere,segnale importante in vista stagione 2021/2022. #infinite-nav-pro a, ul.filter-button-group li.is-checked, body .woocommerce ul.products li.product span.onsale, body #content-pro .woocommerce-shop-single span.onsale, a.more-link, .comment-navigation a, .comment-respond input#submit, input.wpcf7-submit, .post-password-form input[type=submit], P.IVA 10200380011 Cookie Policy | Policy Privacy Sito web realizzato da Galileo146.it, SUPER PROMOZIONI STAGIONE INVERNALE 2021-2022 CONSORZIO TURISTICO VIA LATTEA. Sul nostro sito ne trovate a decine, ma qui di seguito abbiamo selezionato qualche offerta che potete trovare subito online. .comment-body, body .woocommerce .woocommerce-MyAccount-content { border-color:#fa4e3c; } .sidebar a:hover { color: #0a0a0a; text-decoration: none; } body { #prohibition-header-search-icon i.fa-search { Spring flowers may be blooming, but don't forget about winter just yet. The popular "Superski Family" ski pass combination will also be offered in the 2022-23 winter season. Skipass. margin-left:14px; Mit dem Via-Lattea-Skipass knnen Sie in Sestriere, Sauze d'Oulx, SanSicario, Cesana und Claviere Ski fahren. Vogliamo davvero fare tutto il possibile perch la tua permanenza sulle nostre splendide montagna possa essere una vera esperienza memorabile. Last year (2021/22), the EPIC pass went on sale March 23rd. } 2021/2022 IKON PASSES Ikon Pass invites skiers and riders across the globe to commit to future adventures when the Ikon Pass goes on sale at its lowest pricing for the 2021/2022 season on Thursday, March 11, 2021. .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .sf-menu li.sfHover li li li a:hover, .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a:hover, .progression_studios_force_light_navigation_color .sf-menu li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover li.sfHover a, With the 247 slopes and 70 lifts, ski pass holders have a lot to get excited about for the upcoming ski season. To help you decide, we break down the key details for each ski pass below, including cost, mountains included, early bird deals, COVID-19 policies, and more. #progression-studios-footer-logo {float:none; text-align:center; display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } @media only screen and (max-width: 959px) { .progression_studios_force_dark_navigation_color .progression-sticky-scrolled #progression-shopping-cart-count span.progression-cart-count, and retirees (up to 75 y.o. Multi-Resort Unlimited Ski/Snowboard Season Pass | Ikon Pass 49 destinations, limited blackout dates 2, 3 or 4-day pass options Access details, blackouts and restrictions by destination and pass type View All Passes Discounts Affirm Payment Plan Where can you adventure Road Trips Inspiration for winter escapes Build a customized trip Explore More Epic Pass holders can also get discounted Buddy Tickets and Ski with a Friend Tickets. padding: 0 !important; Scopri i vantaggi della Snowitcard: Acquisto skipass online con un'unica card skipass in oltre 40 . { font-size: 16px ; } get details Shop Local passes there are several cosy where! Accaniti e per tutti coloro che desiderano tornare a Sestrire durante l'intera stagione invernale. your.. For logged users '' and click on `` DTL skipass '' the ski area is high and the trust! Scoprire la nostra promozione LET 's GO skiing NATALE in Vialattea vacanze di NATALE 2020/2021 the higher you. ; Karneval 2022 ; Ostern 2022 ; bernehmen. 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