New course offerings to begin in the Fall of 2023. We use SchoolCaf to: Make Payments Set up Auto Pay Set Purchase Restrictions Get Low Balance Alerts Submit Meal Applications View Letters View Purchases View Menus Need to do something else? To learn about existing P-EBT requirements and the individual plans available for families for the 2022-2023 school year, please visit the P-EBT page, hosted by the Department of Social and Health Services. The nutrition services meal payment policy is intended to: -treat all students with dignity and respect; -maintain a positive experience for students during meal service; -establish practices that are age appropriate; and, -promote parents responsibility for meal payments and self-responsibility of the student. Stillwater Area High All Calendars 2022-2023 At A Glance Calendars 2023-2024 At A Glance Calendars Date Range - Use the blue funnel icon in the corner of the calendar grid to filter calendars. SPS In the News. Monday March 20. Riverview participates in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program. Tuesday, Mar. la carte items are priced separately ($3.00 per entre for middle and high school, $2.75 for elementary school, and $0.50 for milk). Good for current and new members. Seniors have 30 days after graduation to send a written request for a refund or the money with be donated to the Angel Fund to assist families in need. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Access your school desktop & documents anywhere. The Stillwater Board of Education recognizes that healthy eating patterns are essential for students to achieve their academic potential, full physical and mental growth, and lifelong health and well being. Please note, letters are sent to the e-mail address listed in Skyward under Family One. HS - Baseball Varsity at BT Washington, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Rock House Gym - Discounts available for OSU and SPS students and faculty also. The funds can be transferred to a family member or donated to the Angel Fund to assist families in need. Applications for free and reduced meals are included in the enrollment packet, may be obtained in the office, or submitted online. Go Ponies: Activities, Arts and Athletics, Go Ponies : Activities, Arts and Athletics. 20: Popcorn chicken bowl, mashed potatoes, corn, cheese and gravy, fruit, milk Yes. To pay your bill, view menus, and apply for low-cost meals visit: This targeted approach to academic intervention allowsteachers to focus on students who have fallen behind or need a little extra help, while giving other students the flexibility to learn in their own way. 651-351-8327. 8 Jazz Ensemble to UW-RF Jazz Festival, OMS 7th Grade Honors Orchestra & Band Concert, (LE) Field Trip- 4th Grade MN Orchestra Hall, March PTA Meeting (moved to main office conference room), (SMS) 8th Grade Ski Trip to Trollhaugen (all day), SMS Junior Achievement Field Trip (make up! When visiting the SPVA for in person meetings, learning labs, or school work around meal times, SPVA students can arrange to have a meal provided on site; ask SPVA staff for details. When you choose the link toMy School Menus, you will be able to: Use menus that are interactive (hover over a menu item to view serving, nutritional, and allergen information about that item); Select the language you wish to view use to view menus and nutritional information; and/or. Provideall managers with Allergen Training to better understand the importance of cleaning, sanitizing and preventing cross contamination in preparation and service areas. Band OSSAA District Solo & Ensemble Contest @ Edmond Santa Fe, 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Can't find a service that you need? 2: French toast sticks or cereal, yogurt, juice, fruit, milk Wednesday, Mar. Thursday, Mar. Time Schedule 2022 - 2023. ), (BV) GR K-Children's Theater Company Field Trip, (BV) - 3rd Grade Art Residency with Karron Nottingham, 2nd Grade Music Share "How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World", SMS Jazz Festival for Stillwater secondary schools: 6 PM-OLMS; 6:45-SMS; 7:30-SAHS, OMS Concert at SMS for Jazz Lab and Jazz Band I members. Use the blue funneliconin the corner of the calendar grid to filter calendars. Winter Season | October 31, 2022 - February 25, 2023 Day One: Monday, October 31 | TBD | St. Croix Valley Rec Center Equipment Needed: Running Shoes & Hockey Equipment.Tryout Jersey provided. Applications can be turned in at any time. Also, children can get free or reduced school meals if their household income is within the maximum income shown for their household size on the instructions. In accordance with federal USDA regulations, theSpecial Diet Statement Formmust be completed and signed by the parent/guardianas well as the childs licensed physicianbefore any accommodationsare made. Riverview School District has set meal and la carte prices for the 2022-2023 school year, in grades K-12, and for adult meals. Payments should include the following information. Thursday, Mar. Your web browser does not support the