Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. For editing the name, which is not default, along with any other changes you want to make. This does not solve the problem of the convex iris, but I do think it makes eyes look a little more natural. Amethyst Shepard, a FemShep headmorph mod (please use Trilogy Save Editor &/or Gibbed Save Editor) This mod contains headmorphs for the entire Mass Effect Trilogy. 5.3.3 DISTRIBUTION OF EXTERNAL MODULESWhen the Licensee has developed an External Module, the terms andconditions of this Agreement do not apply to said External Module, thatmay be distributed under a separate license agreement. All you need to do is copy and paste the Value code of the following corresponding textures codes of which non-standard hair mesh you replaced earlier. Default jane is a good example and I see custom sheps with sharper jaws and less chin/neck fat, but I cant figure out how they do it lol. Go to Headmorph Tab->Vector Parameters->Skin Tone. Spoiler JohhnyY wrote: Okay, so I am sorry if on those 42 pages someone wrote this, but just trying to help (cant really place that into bug section either).You cant change ME1 Gibbed's has a save editor working (it's a beta, but for an easy change, it works fine), but, they've renamed the files paths for the hair stuff in ME3. TO MODDERS: As stated in the raw plot tab, do not use plot IDs that are too high in your mods as the game will add new plots up to those added by your mod. 2. I appreciate this article greatly. 2.500 works for deeper skin.Lip Shine:Controlled byHED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar. Expand "Vector parameters" Expand "HED_Hair_Colour_Vector" Underneath "HED_Hair_Colour_Vector" you see three parameters. Import / Export head morph. Delete the hair mesh at the top and leave the value blank.Emis_color:#1AD12A00HED_Scalp_Diff:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.PROCustomFade03.HMF_HIR_PROCustomFade03_DiffHED_Scalp_Norm:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.PROCustomFade03.HMF_HIR_PROCustomFade03_NormHAIR_Diff:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Classy.HMF_HIR_Cls_DiffHAIR_Norm:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Classy.HMF_HIR_Cls_NormHAIR_Tang:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Classy.HMF_HIR_Cls_TangHED_Scalp_Spec:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.PROCustomFade03.HMF_HIR_PROCustomFade03_MaskEYE_Diff:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.IllusiveMan.HMM_HED_PROIllusiveman_Eye_DiffEYE_Spec:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.IllusiveMan.HMM_HED_PROIllusiveman_Eye_SpecThe Politician (LE2)Start with Classic Jane head.HED_Lips_Tint_Scalar:0.250EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector:#182640FFHED_Hair_Colour_Vector:#957853FFHED_Lips_Tint_Vector:#4F0C0A00Emis_Color:#2A414FFFEYE_Diff:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.IllusiveMan.HMM_HED_PROIllusiveman_Eye_DiffEYE_Spec:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.IllusiveMan.HMM_HED_PROIllusiveman_Eye_SpecThe Diplomat (LE2)Start with New Jane head.Hair Mesh:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_MDLHED_Blush_Scalar:2.500HAIR_Shine_Desaturate_Scalar:0.600HAIR_Spec_Contribution_Scalar:2.300HED_Addn_Colour_02_Scalar: 1.000HED_Lips_Tint_Scalar:0.200HED_Blush_Vector:#4F160200SkinTone:#5A1C0500EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector:#020202FFHED_Hair_Colour_Vector:#020202FFHED_Addn_Colour_Vector:#000000FFHED_Lips_Tint_Vector:#050100FFHED_EyeShadow_Tint_Vector:#050100FFHED_Scalp_SpecShift:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Human.HMF_HIR_PROAll_SpecShiftHED_Scalp_SpecShift2:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Human.HMF_HIR_PROAll_SpecShiftHAIR_Diff:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_DiffHAIR_Norm:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_NormHAIR_Mask:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_MaskHAIR_SpecShift:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Human.HMF_HIR_PROAll_SpecShiftHAIR_SpecShift2:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Human.HMF_HIR_PROAll_SpecShiftThe Officer (LE3)Start with New Jane head.Hair Mesh:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_MDLHED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar:0.500HED_Addn_SPwr_Lips_Scalar: 100HAIR_Spec_Contribution_Scalar:20.000EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector:#581E13FFHED_Hair_Colour_Vector:#6A432AFFHAIR_Diff:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_Diff. This alleviates some of the problem of being able to see the top of thesclera in certain animations. Trying out a custom MShep, he's supposed to have black hair + black stubble + black eyebrows, but so far, only black hair. especial on x/z/y stuff. When you are satisfied, download your picture. Using the save editor in Mass Effect 2, you could get some NPC hair styes onto Shepard, ( Has anyone figured out how to do this yet? Try brute force values for Go to the "Head Morph" tab. But unfortunately I can't find the hair names on the mod page so I can't just type it in. All I get is Role-Play, Gamplay, and Morality for ME1LE. But its going to The game makes an autosave, open that autosave in the Trilogy Save Editor. Hair color can be changed under HED_Hair_Colour_Vector. Hair color can be changed under HED_Hair_Colour_Vector. Will stick some mod hair on him and see how that goes. click the "Toolbox" tab. If you are doing a lot of changes, you'll want to reload that save often as it is edited so you can see your results. If you're on PC, you can easily change Shepard's hair color with this program: Trilogy save editor repKyle1995 2 yr. ago Oh nice, I'll have to try that out! 0.000 has a faint shine on female characters. I know where and how to change the hair colour, I just don't know the codes. Open the latest save file in Trioligy save editor. I've messed with the jaw bone to no avail :(. Do the same for the _Norm code. Updated 2.0 - Split into two files. Jane Revisited - Femshep Headmorphs for the Complete Trilogy, So You'd Like To Customize Your FemShep Further. Change hairstyles -> Use instructions and hairstyle codes on the official Even More Hairstyles mod page. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Ashley's hair can be used in LE1/LE2, but her hair mesh still isn't weighted properly in LE3 and cannot be used until someone mods that.Offset Bones:can tweak certain aspects of a face if you have a good starting base built. God she looks so awful compared to LE2 I can't take this. Required to change emiss colours for eyes (custom Shepards only!). thank you! I actually just figured this out, but you don't need to mess around with the hex values at all! 1. Go to Headmorph Tab->Vector Parameters->Skin Tone. Updated 2.0 - Split into two files. Features. If I change the offset bones in LE3 nothing happens, in LE2 it worked perfectly. First, change the hair mesh to: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_PROShepard.HMF_HIR_PROShepard_MDL Then, change Put in the proper hair code information and save it. A very helpful guide for all but the colors. Skin: HED_SPwr_Scalar controls the highlight shine on the face. Youll need the Trilogy Save Editor for the Legendary and Gibbed Save Editor for the classic versions. So it should already be blond. Hair is significantly less shiny in LE2 than it is in LE1 or LE3. WebLightXs hair color editor - Color Splash tool has got you all covered, here. NOTE: this highlight colour will affect the mouth as well. Paths are particular here. EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector is eyes. Page 80 of 201 - Trilogy Save Editor - posted in File topics: In response to post #95216553. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Features. On blonde or white hair, you may find that shine values make it look more ash/grey than you planned. This value controls the intensity of the glow of the eye implants. But its going to I'm using the most recent version of the save editor and my character just got to the Citadel, we haven't talked to the Council yet. Do I have to do this in Mass Effect 2, or can I do this in ME1? So it should already be blond. The default value is ~5 and makes Shep look vaguely sweaty in LE1/LE2, but plasticky in LE3. Click open and the box will disappear and you'll see your Shepard's information has been loaded into the Player > Basic tab. Open save editor, in general tab copy "identity code", start a new game and past the code, make changes, wait out intro until you can save the game, open that save in editor, in the save editor go to the "head morph" tab, choose export save as "insert name here", open your original save with the character you are playing, open "head morph" tab and choose "import" and import that morph you created, save and that it. Any assistance would be appreciated. If you are wanting to edit an existing save file, you will need this. Now, giant overbites and weird green hair with red eyeballs! Mouth size:outerUpperLip_left andouterUpperLip_right will shrink or grow the whole mouth along the Y axis. The former darkens the eyebrow colour as you increase values; the latter makes the eyebrows thicker/bigger. This software is similar to Gibbed's save editors (and forks) but adds a lot of stuff. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. The code I tried from Nexus Mods was 010101FF, but the colour vector doesn't take letters. Required to fix custom female Shepards missing glowing eyes. Negative values on the Y represent the left side of her face, positive values on the right, but you want those numbers to be mirrors of each other.brow_left Y:-1.338 => 0.000 (change of +1.338)brow_right Y:1.338 => 0.000 (change of -1.338)outBrow_left:Y:-4.762=> -5.062 (change of -0.3)outBrow_right:Y:4.762=> 5.062 (change of +0.3)For some eyebrow shapes, you may wish to lift on the Z-axis by 0.1. Our tool will automatically detect your hair. Any assistance would be appreciated. Now, open the extracted file player.sav in HxD. On blonde or white hair, you may find that shine values make it look more ash/grey than you planned. (May reduce CPU / GPU usage on some configs), Fixed `invalid value: '6', expected variant index 0 <= i < 6`, Open save dialog in the same directory of the save, ME1LE: Added player talent points and some stats, ME1LE: Added squad (with talents, talent points, inventory and stats), ME1LE: Added map name, location and rotation, ME1LE: Added difficulty, character creation date and player controller. To fix it, you'll need to edit the actual vertices that define the head shape, essentially moving them farther back behind the hair so it appears to fit properly. Now, open the extracted file player.sav in HxD. Open that save with the save editor, then find Export Head Morph under Player - Appearance. CeCILL FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENTVersion 2.1 dated 2013-06-21 NoticeThis Agreement is a Free Software license agreement that is the resultof discussions between its authors in order to ensure compliance withthe two main principles guiding its drafting: * firstly, compliance with the principles governing the distribution of Free Software: access to source code, broad rights granted to users, * secondly, the election of a governing law, French law, with which it is conformant, both as regards the law of torts and intellectual property law, and the protection that it offers to both authors and holders of the economic rights over software.The authors of the CeCILL (for Ce[a] C[nrs] I[nria] L[ogiciel] L[ibre]) license are: Commissariat l'nergie atomique et aux nergies alternatives - CEA, apublic scientific, technical and industrial research establishment,having its principal place of business at 25 rue Leblanc, immeuble LePonant D, 75015 Paris, France.Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS, a public scientificand technological establishment, having its principal place of businessat 3 rue Michel-Ange, 75794 Paris cedex 16, France.Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique -Inria, a public scientific and technological establishment, having itsprincipal place of business at Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt, BP105, 78153 Le Chesnay cedex, France. I realize its might sounds complicated if you are not familiar with this stuff, its quite easy and fast, takes like 1 minute not counting the time you have to sit trough intro of the game again. ), Changed dialog library, I hope it will fix `Open` dialog not opening, Added ME1LE resources (credits, grenades, medigel, salvage) and face code, Changed backend (again) with a more robust one, it will choose a supported backend on your system (Vulkan, DX11/12, etc. In the character creator, do custom character and then scroll down (its down on Xbox, ymmv) to where it says input code or similar, put the code in. Will give it a try and let you know. Credits to Moraxix for the Even More Hairstyles Mod. Youll need the Trilogy Save Editor for the Legendary and Gibbed Save Editor for the classic versions. All I get is Role-Play, Gamplay, and Morality for ME1LE. click the "Toolbox" tab. This software is similar to Gibbed's save editors (and forks) but adds a lot of stuff. The hair model for the default FemShep is; BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_PROShepard.HMF_HIR_PROShepard_MDL Changing to the default FemShep hair model is easy enough in both ME2L and ME3L. Thanks goes out to Karlitos for the Trilogy Editor, without that fine thing, we would be stuck with boring colors and plain faces. Article 10 - TERMINATION10.1 In the event of a breach by the Licensee of its obligationshereunder, the Licensor may automatically terminate this Agreementthirty (30) days after notice has been sent to the Licensee and hasremained ineffective.10.2 A Licensee whose Agreement is terminated shall no longer beauthorized to use, modify or distribute the Software. 2. loading, displaying, running, or storing the Software on any or all medium. Then, click and hold your cursor and move it across your subjects hair to apply the color. No warranty is given as regards the existence ofprior rights over the name of the Software or as regards the existenceof a trademark. Every X/Y/Z value has its own axis for the part you are manipulating. Saidwarranty, and the financial terms and conditions of its application,shall be subject of a separate instrument executed between the Licensorand the Licensee. Since then, it has been changed because the game will accept higher values than 1.0, which the color picker did not allow for. click the "Export" button. On black or dark brown hair, you want more shine, to keep it from looking like a blob. For LE2 I set HAIR_Spec_Contribution_Scalar to2.200. ForHAIR_Shine_Desaturate_Scalar, setting it to 0.500 gives a pretty distinct effect.On black or dark brown hair, you want more shine, to keep it from looking like a blob. If the default femshep hair tints differently. WebLightXs hair color editor - Color Splash tool has got you all covered, here. Then you can play the starting cutscene with the hair you want (Note: Make sure you pick the hair color you want in the character creator, otherwise change it in the Trilogy Save Editor.) This controls the colour of the internally-generated highlight on Shep's face (see HED_SPwr_Scalar). Is there a point in the story you have to reach before you can change the resources? Do not change the LipCorners! When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Source: Miranda sorted everything out except my eyebrows, which did not travel into ME2 with me. Click open and the box will disappear and you'll see your Shepard's information has been loaded into the Player > Basic tab. The plot table is now `25x bigger` than before by just adding one plot! Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. There's a lot of fun stuff to play with here that won't break your Shep, and a lot of good guides out there from OT Mass Effect. You can see the changes clearest in LE3 squad screen. 3. entitlement to observe, study or test its operation so as to determine the ideas and principles behind any or all constituent elements of said Software. Article 3 - ACCEPTANCE3.1 The Licensee shall be deemed as having accepted the terms andconditions of this Agreement upon the occurrence of the first of thefollowing events: * (i) loading the Software by any or all means, notably, by downloading from a remote server, or by loading from a physical medium; * (ii) the first time the Licensee exercises any of the rights granted hereunder.3.2 One copy of the Agreement, containing a notice relating to thecharacteristics of the Software, to the limited warranty, and to thefact that its use is restricted to experienced users has been providedto the Licensee prior to its acceptance as set forth in Article 3.1<#accepting> hereinabove, and the Licensee hereby acknowledges that ithas read and understood it. ), Changed backend from OpenGL to Vulkan, I hope it will fix GPU and OpenGL related bugs, Converted raw texts to title case for better readability, Added ME1LE `General` tab with basic information such as Name, Gender, Origin, Notoriety and Morality, Added ME1LE `Head Morph` tab with Import / Export and raw data, Added clarification for editing ME1 plot in ME2 save, Fix ME1LE `unexpected end of file` error for some people, Initial Mass Effect 1 Legendary support (only plot), Support for the 2 Mass Effect Trilogies (Original and Legendary), 100% of the saves can be edited (except ME1OT), Multiple bonus powers for all games (except ME1OT), Free (as freedom) and open-source software with. All rights reserved. Changing Shepards' hair. On blonde or white hair, you may find that shine values make it look more ash/grey than you planned. To convert, use any conversion website online. nerinda 2 yr. ago You can find the hair color in the head morph tab (raw -> vector parameters -> HED_Hair_Colour_Vector) repKyle1995 2 yr. ago Thanks! Le1/Le2, but I do think it makes eyes look a little more natural can see the of. Iris, but I do this in Mass Effect 2, or storing the software or as regards existenceof. Significantly less shiny in LE2 it worked perfectly, change the hair mesh to: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_PROShepard.HMF_HIR_PROShepard_MDL,. It from looking Like a blob so you 'd Like to Customize your Femshep.! Able to see the changes clearest in LE3 squad screen try brute force values for go Headmorph. Shiny in LE2 it worked perfectly `` Head Morph '' tab Mods was 010101FF, but I this! 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Articles T