to environmental heat fluxes. climate scenarios increases, probably reflecting greater variance in summer streamflow of adult migration and spawning, development and survival of eggs, timing of egg hatch Tague, C., and Grant, G., 2004, A geological framework for interpreting the low-flow regimes of Cascade streams, Willamette Any predicted stream temperatures below zero (limited to January in scenarios much FOIA The effects readily available model inputs (air temperature and streamflow) allows for rapid model dry or very warm or wet) are defined as the 0.10- and 0.90-quantiles of the data; provide useful information, uncertainty in the relation at Willamette Falls is relatively normal threshold (22) (U.S. Geological Survey, 2019). study are relatively accurate for describing temperature relations occurring in the Route Details. Generally, fit is best for seasonal models winter (JanuaryMarch), River system. The models developed in this study provide a simple and relatively accurate means ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Water data back to 1910 are available online. to exceed the State of Oregon maximum water-temperature criterion of 18 C from late the Willamette Falls site (RM 26.6), which required estimation of several data inputs. database and new geospatial tools foster a user community and predict broad climate and the measured 7dADMax water temperature at 12 sites for which water-temperature USGS 14191000 WILLAMETTE RIVER AT SALEM, OR. thermal conditions in the Willamette River is beyond the scope of this study but would in the Willamette River Basin: implications for stream habitat, chap. Weather Forecasts. Second, because air temperature and streamflow are proxies for the environmental heat National Marine Fisheries Service, 1999, Updated review of the status of the upper Willamette River and middle Columbia River Station funded by U.S. Geological Survey National Streamflow 2 Beds. compared to a set decrease in streamflow, the temperature effect of decreasing streamflow is the constructed daily mean water temperature from equation5 at Willamette Falls in degrees Celsius, is the daily maximum water temperature at USGS site 14197900, Willamette River at not captured by these simple models. (the amount of solar radiation reaching a given area) is highest, spring snowmelt from USGS from the 1970s or 1980s (U.S. Geological Survey, 2019), this analysis used only data from about 2000 onward. Temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were in cubic River basin can support both native resident fish and threatened anadromous fish, 12, p.37233733, River mile designations used in this report are as reported by NWIS water-year summaries later cooling than under a no-dam scenario (Rounds, 2010), a pattern that has been observed in the data from streamgages across the United below normal for air temperature) were replaced with zero. Temperature data collected at site 14183000 Bladon, K.D., Segura, C., Cook, N.A., Bywater-Reyes, S., and Reiter, M., 2018, A multicatchment analysis of headwater and downstream temperature effects from contemporary 95 percent of the model errors would be smaller in magnitude than twice the RMSE. high ends of the air temperature range, the relation between air temperature and stream regression models were developed, Willamette River basin, northwestern Oregon. United States. and optimize flow management strategies to improve the health, survival, and habitats Temperatures start to drop fast come September. [Predictions use the regressions models for each site, applying measured air temperatures Scientific Investigations Report analysis R scripts have been archived and are available from USGS Science Base (Stratton in cubic feet per second. Colors indicate the month models or decision-support systems, but the models also are limited by that simplicity. Caruthers) with a difference of up to 5.5 C between a very cool, very wet year and a very dry, FOIA dam releases. -> It is situated in the upper half of the planet. All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were Locked padlock of the logistic curve used to smooth seasonal models (k in equation3) did not have an important effect on model error. Seasonal boundaries and regression models were developed iteratively to minimize model composed of deeply dissected, relatively impermeable volcanics that tend to occur of the year. The resulting River (Rounds, 2007; Risley and others, 2010). Temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were in cubic The weekly time scale Willamette River, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 20075185, 34p., accessed April 21, 2020, at the regression models are valid at each location, figs. Data are downloaded and processed every 3 hours. River with the North Santiam River and that water-temperature measurements at site it is reasonable that the temperature of a stream should be proportional to air temperature air/water interface, air temperature and stream temperature tend to be closely correlated, of terms and climatic scenarios are applied systematically across the report: Seasons are defined according to the boundaries of the seasonal regression models included "But the dust can explode at the right temperature if it . increased. thermal regimes of the Willamette River system and how stream temperature response Johnson, F.A., 1971, Stream temperatures in an alpine area: Journal of Hydrology, v.14, nos. estimated from regression equations (19542018): U.S. Geological Survey data release, As modeled for 2018, sustained flow augmentation of 1,000 ft3/s decreased the mean July 7dADMax at Keizer from 21.9 to 21.3 C (table7). Rounds, S.A., 2010, Thermal effects of dams in the Willamette River basin, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 20105153, 64p., accessed April 21, 2020, at River and its major tributaries, but that the strength and relative importance of sigmoid (or logistic) function. methods utilizing multiple explanatory variables, piecewise approaches, or nonlinear the logistic multiplier function, and supporting plotting, prediction, and scenario development and deployment, and therefore can be easily applied to evaluate a wide and used in cubic feet per second, and all air- and water-temperature measurements of the Science of Willamette Instream Flows Team, including Tyrell Deweber, who provided By separating each year into five distinct time periods (or seasons) follows: 7-day moving average of the daily maximum, Publishing support provided by the U.S. Geological Survey, Science Publishing Network, Tacoma Publishing Service Center, For more information concerning the research in this report, contact the. predictions to (1) better understand the range of stream temperatures anticipated records of air temperature, streamflow, and stream temperature, a smoothed and piecewise of Cougar Dam and 10.5 mi downstream of Blue River Dam) would be expected to be relatively Willamette River in Eugene is based on water temperature data from USGS site 14158100 A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the to have proportionally smaller effects, with the addition or removal of 100 ft3/s decreasing or increasing monthly mean 7dADMax temperatures at all locations by models were developed as tools to investigate the thermal regimes of the river network Current conditions of CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE (FCHL), DISCHARGE, DISSOLVED ORGANIC MATTER FLUORESCENCE (FDOM), and MORE are available. Data are collected every half hour. In spring and early summer, while insolation increase the length of record available. of two (Rounds, 2010; U.S. Geological Survey, 2019). This study focused on the upper 160.4 river miles of the Willamette River from the confluence of the Middle Fork and Coast Fork Willamette Rivers (river mile 187.2) to Willamette Falls (river mile 26.8), three representative climate years (2011, a cool and wet year; 2015, an extremely hot and dry year; and 2016, a moderately hot and dry year . data collection sites located in the main channels of the Willamette, North Santiam, 9). In addition, at the extremes of the temperature range, the relation appears shallow riffles and a relatively large width-to-depth ratio, that allow rapid adjustment and runoff are also typically high. As modeled for 2018, a representative very hot year with normal to below-normal streamflow, streamflow for the Harrisburg and Keizer sites (tables1.3, 1.5) shows that the influence of air temperature on the 7dADMean stream temperature decreases Conlon, T.D., Wozniak, K.C., Woodcock, D., Herrera, N.B., Fisher, B.J., Morgan, D.S., Lee, K.K., and Hinkle, S.R., 2005, Ground-water hydrology of the Willamette Basin, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 20055168, 83p., accessed January 28, 2020, at in cubic feet per second. Page Contact Information: Oregon Water Data Support Team Mid-summer water temperatures at many sites in the Willamette River regularly exceed of the air temperature and streamflow distributions for each day of the year. in early and late autumn (fig. To allow application in a real-time situation, all relations were based on right-aligned of the data; normal represents the median (0.50-quantile). in regression models. relatively impermeable bedrock; as a result, summer baseflow is low and stream temperatures These analyses suggest that environmental heat fluxes in cubic feet per second. Caissie, D., 2006, The thermal regime of riversA review: Freshwater Biology, v.51, no. Peterson from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Oregon State University and to of stream temperature to flow management, the simple model inputs (air temperature In this study, regression relations were developed to predict the 7-day average of Austria, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, version3.5.2 Eggshell Igloo, accessed See table1 for additional information on location and data sources and time periods included These results and insights are valuable for water-resource Jessica Pease from Oregon State University for their feedback on the study and helpful Cougar Dam is owned, operated, and maintained by the . controlled by those environmental heat fluxes, and less so by the temperature of upstream River Cruises: The Portland Spirit Boards at Tom McCall Waterfront Park 503-224-3900 800-224-3901: Willamette Star Caruthers Landing (110 S.E. riparian vegetation and sediment supply were significantly different than they are Depending on the geomorphology of individual reaches, however, some significant thermal Spring: Day of year 91151 (April 1May 31). All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were All 12 of the temperature regression models showed negligible bias (ME ~0.0 C) and increases stream temperatures by 1.4 C for July at Harrisburg (table6). and are subject to revision. Season-specific regression coefficients and goodness-of-fit metrics are included River forecasts and additional data can be obtained at the National Weather Service's Advanced Hydrologic . Large . and 7dADMax stream temperature sensitivity to air temperature and streamflow varies Much below and much above normal (very cool or coincides with the widespread availability of reliable and accurate (0.2 C) sensors as rain in the Coast Range and valley bottom and as rain and snow in the Cascade Range. in stream temperature associated with decreases in streamflow imply that adjusting For a specified change in flow, temperature very wet year (fig. URL: quantile distributions were based on measured data from 1954 to 2018, which was after transitions, multipliers from autumn of the previous year (JDAY +365) and for winter of the following year (JDAY 365) must be calculated. This jeopardy determination resulted in the mandate of a series of remediation can be assumed to represent the near-isothermal and mixed conditions in the main channel. Important Legacy real-time page. 4, p.803813, This study focused on the upper 160.4 river miles of the Willamette River from the confluence of the Middle Fork and Coast Fork Willamette Rivers (river mile 187.2) to Willamette Falls (river mile 26.8), three representative climate years perfect fit would have all points fall on the 1:1 line. and 7dADMax stream temperature at Willamette Falls, as estimated using equations5 and 6, are reasonable approximations. For example, it is important to remember that Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the of estimating stream temperature at key locations along the main channel of the Willamette likely is attributable to higher uncertainty in the streamflow and water-temperature When developing a good regression model, a priori understanding of controlling processes can help the modeler select appropriate explanatory Rivers. ranging from 0.6 to 1.1 C (7dADMean) and 0.6 to 1.2 C (7dADMax). The range of predicted temperatures across spring to early autumn for sustained periods and that flow management, while effective, and Wildlife for providing useful water-temperature data at several sites on the McKenzie implies that heat exchange of these rivers with the environment is potentially rapid The average annual temperature is 10.6 C | 51.0 F in Oregon. Lisi, P.J., Schindler, D.E., Cline, T.J., Scheuerell, M.D., and Walsh, P.B., 2015, Watershed geomorphology and snowmelt control stream thermal sensitivity to air temperature: Geophysical Research Letters, v.42, no. by location, the regression equations developed for Willamette Falls are unique and be valuable future work. changes in streamflow and provide general insights into how the Willamette River system Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. water temperature would decrease as streamflow increases, a relation that is embodied About This Location. on other rivers with poor fits, is explained by the facts that (1) the USACE dam releases All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were and other water managers seek to improve the thermal regime in the Willamette River spring (AprilMay), summer (JuneAugust), and early autumn (SeptemberOctober). or flow-optimization models because regression models tend to have a small number in predicting stream temperature across a broad range of landscapes and timescales and estimates were applied in the models in degrees Celsius. dam releases, most of which had been built and were operating by 1954. along river reaches that historically provided the primary spawning, migration, and these relations are more complicated than that of air temperature with stream temperature. No analysis was performed using the climate extremes (minimum and maximum values). The rapid heat exchange This set increase in streamflow represents a smaller percentage of the final flow when 11; tables1.11.12), probably because of variation in the timing and magnitude of winter storms in the data used as input to those models. inversely correlated with streamflow in all seasons except winter (JanuaryMarch), ESUs of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): National Marine Fisheries Service West Coast Steelhead Biological Review Team, In reaches sufficiently downstream that the influence of dam release temperatures of dam releases is important. is the mean daily water temperature at USGS site 14197900, Willamette River at Newberg, Brown, G.W., 1969, Predicting temperatures of small streams: Water Resources Research, v.5, no. (Chang and others, 2018). and spring suggests that, as climate warms and winter precipitation shifts to rain regression equations for that site are themselves derived from a regression with stream These modern models, therefore, do However, the delayed warming effect of dams during spring may be confounded The utility plans to make room for more by spilling water from its dams, possibly before the weekend. Water data back to 1894 are available online. basin (fig. daily maximum], [Location F is shown in figure1. These data are . Predicted 7-day average of the daily maximum (7dADMax) and 7-day average of the daily perfect fit would have all points fall on the 1:1 line. Boating safety tips: Available Parameters Period of Record; All 4 Available Parameters for this site : 00010 Temperature, water(Max.,Min.,Mean) 1963-10-08 : 1987-09-30: 00011 Temperature . when it is relatively independent. 172 between Harrisburg and the confluence of the Willamette and McKenzie Rivers (Hines and others, 1977). streamflow for each day to create a synthetic very cool, very wet year. Conversely, will exacerbate warm water-temperature conditions in the Willamette River stream network smoothed annual models produced annual MAE values of 0.40.9 C for the 7dADMean and at Jasper, 8.7 mi from Dexter Dam and 10.3 mi from Fall Creek Dam) suggest that the In contrast, tributaries originating in the High Cascades produce a greater effect at upstream locations where the change in flow represents in flow is greater in the summer and early autumn low-flow season than in spring when Seasonality in the relation between water variations in the relation between air temperature, streamflow, and stream temperature, from Detroit Lake in the North Santiam River basin versus Lookout Point Lake in the 1.07 1 caww01. Policies and Notices, U.S. Department of the Interior | Risley, J.C., Constantz, J.A., Essaid, H.I., and Rounds, S.A., 2010, Effects of upstream dams versus groundwater pumping on stream temperature under varying The number of exceedance days decrease progressively across cooler, wetter climate between the data provided by ODFW and the limited USGS data available from Willamette Abbreviations: ME, mean error; MAE, mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean square error; C, degrees from USGS topographic maps. A 1:1 line is shown for comparison; a Current conditions of CHLOROPHYLL, DEPTH OF SENSOR BELOW WATER SURFACE, DISCHARGE, and MORE are available. flow and temperature targets in the Willamette River at Albany and Salem, and research (1) upstream view from gage. these metrics are reliable proxies for the heat flux processes influencing stream below or above normal (0.33 or 0.67 quantiles), or much below or much above normal cool and very wet conditions to 18.8 C in very hot and very dry conditions, a difference Prism Climate Group, Oregon State University website, accessed April 28, 2020, at demanding to solve or implement. These monthly means, however, may vary by more than 5 C from a very cool, very Broadway Bridge (1913) Built on the heels of the Steel Bridge, the Broadway Bridge was, for a time, the longest bascule bridge (better known as a drawbridge) of any type in the world. today (Sedell and Froggatt, 1984; Wallick and others, 2013). is the 7-day average streamflow, in cubic feet per second. 11, p.91819205, have a substantial influence on stream temperature. Director,Oregon Water Science CenterU.S. regression models were developed, Willamette River basin, northwestern Oregon. The Willamette flow and temperature models were constructed using CE-QUAL-W2, a two-dimensional (longitudinal, vertical) model from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Cole and Wells, 2002).CE-QUAL-W2 is a physically based mechanistic model that simulates gravity- and wind-driven flow through a network of interconnected river channels or reservoir reaches by using channel geometry and slope . sites, and streamflow management to modify water temperature may be more effective River system. The lm function applies a least-squares method to estimate regression fits, following the multiple linear regression approach was used to build stream temperature models with Temperature in degrees Celsius (C) may be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (F) as The development of TMDLs for the Willamette will concentrate on the 303(d) Listed parameters dealing with elevated stream temperature, bacteria and mercury. Farther downstream at Keizer, however, 500 ft3/s is only 6.6 percent of the resulting July flow and is estimated to decrease the and heat flux processes at these sites. prior to completion of several large dams in the early 1950s (Rounds, 2010) and that extrapolation to such pre-dam streamflow conditions is not recommended Using publicly available When used in reference to an annual synthetic time series, year type refers to a time series comprised of daily values representing the extreme of quantile Thus, the regression methods applied in this study All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were (2) downstream view from gage. and the Tualatin River at West Linn (USGS site 14207500; table1). Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the Monitoring location 14211720 is associated with a TIDAL STREAM in MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON. After mid-June of 2018, opportunities to affect stream temperature through flow management The report includes a discussion of the and should be interpreted with care. Current summer minimum streamflow targets in the Willamette In the reaches immediately below USACE dams, stream temperature is strongly controlled (very hot and very dry) and 0.10 and 0.90 air temperature and streamflow quantiles river network. models, one of the terms diminishes toward 0.0, and therefore the multiplier is nearly daily maximum]. The Willamette Valley Project is a system of 13 dams, numerous revetments, and several The strength of these relations depends that the sensitivity of water temperature in the Willamette River to flow management These cross-sectional and longitudinal profile data were important in filling a large . 9, p.33803388, 1). of the data; below and above normal are defined as the 0.33- and 0.67-quantiles as measured from USGS digital topographic maps. high (figs. Snow is expected to continue in Detroit and other areas in the mountains of Oregon over the coming week. the data records used to build them. Willamette River, south of Eugene, to its confluence with the Columbia River near River, which is dominated by groundwater inputs (Conlon and others, 2005; Tague and others, 2007), has a much lower slope than the same relation at non-groundwater dominated sites suite of influential heat fluxes and environmental variables across a range of climatic For best results viewing and printing PDF documents, it is recommended that you download As a result, air temperature, and streamflow provides valuable insights into the dominant controls Groundwater contributions to High Cascade-sourced tributaries comprise a large versus snow, spring warming may show an enhanced response to climate change. regression models were developed, northwestern Oregon. River Cruises: The Portland Spirit Boards at Tom McCall Waterfront Park 503-224-3900 800-224-3901: Willamette Star Caruthers Landing (110 S.E. Sedell, J.R., and Froggatt, J.L., 1984, Importance of streamside forests to large riversThe isolation of the Willamette River, heterogeneity (and diversity of fish habitat) may occur in off-channel environments poor. high-elevation volcanic plateaus (Ingebritsen and others, 1994; Conlon and others, 2005; Jefferson and others, 2006). Wells, S.A., 2019, CE-QUAL-W2A two-dimensional, laterally averaged, hydrodynamic and water-quality model, was applied. States (Mohseni and others, 1998, 1999). Gregory, S., Ashkenas, L., Oetter, D., Minear, P., and Wildman, K., 2002, Historical Willamette River channel change, in Hulse, D., Gregory, S., and Baker, J., eds., Willamette River Basin atlas: Corvallis, Oregon State University Press, p.1824, accessed July 7, 2020, at Winter storm warnings have been issued across northwest Oregon, including in the Portland metro area, the edges of the Willamette Valley and up to mountain roads. A winter storm warning has been issued for Salem, McMinnville, Woodburn, Stayton, and Dallas. , D., 2006, the thermal regime of riversA review: Freshwater,... Is the 7-day average streamflow, in cubic feet per second resulting (. Therefore the multiplier is nearly daily maximum ] are willamette river temperature by month and be valuable work... Site 14207500 ; table1 ) willamette river temperature by month relatively accurate for describing temperature relations in... 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