None of the results are flagged as being out of range but in fact some are (3 of them listed below) as follows: glucose normal range in women is between 70 and 99 mg/dL. Diane died from blunt force trauma. Schuler's five-year-old son Bryan was the crash's only survivor and suffered two broken legs and a broken arm among other serious injuries. The results of an autopsy conducted by a Westchester County medical examiner one day after the accident found that Schuler had not suffered a stroke, aneurysm, or heart attack. Absolutely not with Pot on board. ******* . I dont remember any of it and dont even remember getting into the car. Blunt force trauma is the initial trauma (the immediate impact from the collision) from which develops more specific types such as bruises, abrasions, lacerations and/or bone fractures. It was the worst thing Ive seen in 24 years, said state Police Capt. September 27, 2022. Urgent: if anyone knows the family of Diane Schuler, they need to let them know theres a very rare liver condition that can be triggered by an infection (Diane had a possible tooth infection!) The accident is said to be the worst accident in Westchester County, NY. Schuler, her two-year-old daughter and three nieces were killed in the crash along with the three men in the other vehicle. None of her friends or family members believe shed knowingly put any children in danger. However, at the same time that Diane was reporting heavy traffic, other motorists on the NY Thruway were reporting a different series of events. A chloride blood test measures the amount of chloride in your blood. Caller: Good God. Has anyone ever considered that may have happened to Diane Schuler. About the THC in the tox report that reading indicates it could have been in her system up to 3 days prior. I agree about with Georgia Perrys comments. Diane Schuler was a 36-year-old Long Island woman who tragically killed herself and seven others in a fiery wrong- way car crash on the Taconic State Parkway in New York in 2009. Today, Daniel Schuler continues to refute claims that his wife is anything short of the perfect woman. This dental device was sold to fix patients' jaws. that explain some of them. For reasons unknown or perhaps unintentionally, Schuler then left her phone on the side of the highway and drove off. It even offers a theory as to why in the aftermath of the crash despite there being three families claiming to want the truth, in the end only the Bastardis actually meant what they said. Also, there was a bottle of Absolut Vodka found in the wreckage. If they go in with the mindset of drunk driver, usually from the police, they get myopic, just like the police. I just noticed the following on the autopsy report, last page additional blood work. Diane Schuler her two children and three nieces did not get any chance to survive the crash. Dont want to go out with a headache? They realized in the hospital that I stop breathing in my sleep so after a period of time my oxygen keeps dropping. 0:04. I left him in September 2018 and he lived with relatives or in hotels from December 2018 until his death. I hope her family reads this comment from Georgia Perry. The documentary goes into detail about her long history of dental issues, including an infected tooth (or possibly a few infected teeth). The occupants of a third . entering the blood vessels that supply the brain and causing a brain abscess. Taconic death-driver Diane Schuler's family is seizing on autopsy results as proof she wasn't an alcoholic - even though they show she was drunk and stoned. Lucy Letby- Killer Nurse? I dont think well ever know, but Id like to hear the viewpoint of her inlaws. For the next 75 years, almost to the day, this tragedy would be Westchester Countys worst automobile accident one that the population hoped theyd never come close to again. Gleason said within a few years, he survived two "scary moments," when wrong-way drunks passed him in the left lane onthe Hutch and the Cross-County. .component--type-recirculation .item:nth-child(5) { Where was she and what was she doing between 1030a and 1130A? Kidney disease. New York State Police Investigator Joseph Becerra said a trooper's accident report doesn't include a"wrong-way box" to check, suggesting those accidents are too rare to warrant adesignation. A broken, 1.75-liter bottle of Absolut vodka was also found in the wrecked minivan. The Cablevision executiveandPTA mom, who by all appearances lived a happy life, had a lot in her system that day: the equivalent of 10 drinks, and marijuana that the coroner said had been smoked within an hour of her death. Recommended. "Exhuming her body is only going to prolong the pain of the families involved . Where things stand in the Alex Murdaugh double murder trial Archer, who works for the family of victim Daniel Longo, said the documents confirm much of what Schuler's husband Daniel refuses to discuss: his wife Diane was a pothead. She's seen becoming visibly ill. She gets shitfaced to work up the courage and to offer a reason for the crash as an accident vs a simple suicide. That person was charged and convicted. Diane Schuler, her daughter Erin, and her three nieces also died in the crash. I feel like her vomiting and erratic behavior was caused by DTs. Witnesses flew into action to pull Schuler and the kids from the burning van, which had rolled over as it went down an embankment onto agrassy median. May they all Rest In Peace. Several readers have commented on my original blog post "The Taconic Parkway Crash" about the possibility that Diane Schuler experienced a rare medical complication called 'Auto Brewery Syndrome' and that this condition may have led to her erratic behavior, elevated blood-alcohol level, and also account for her apparent lack of history of 'alcoholic behavior.' Schulers van traveled south for 1.7 miles in the parkways northbound passing lane before colliding head-on, at approximately 1:35 PM, with a 2004 Chevrolet TrailBlazer, which then struck a 2002 Chevrolet Tracker. On that bright sunny day 10 years ago, families were shattered in a fiery crash that killed eight,including four girls, ages 2 to 8. Hold on. Others who have it their blood levels show super high amounts of alcohol when in fact they havent drank anything. The documentary suggests that Schuler could have been suffering from severe pain caused by a tooth abscess during the drive home. I also understand that there are plenty of people who have more than 5 kids and travel/drive just fine, just thought Id mention that. The drive takes about 40 min, but she's gone for over an hour when her brother called. Um yeah there are. Maybe her marijuana was tainted with something that did something weird to her brain. Ofcourse I understand that her actions leading up to this tragedy didnt alert or worry anyone, it still seems a bit overwhelming to have her driving 5 kids (3 of which were not hers) alone with no adult support. There is a condition called Auto Brewery Syndrome that is rare, but real. The exit ramp itself is unmarked. Leading up to the crash, it appeared as though Schuler was behaving normally. Hance listened intently as his worried 8-year-old Emma explained that aunt Diane was having trouble seeing while driving and wasnt speaking clearly. According to Barbara, Diane Schuler suffered from diabetes though additional sources cite Schuler as having had gestational diabetes a temporary condition related to a prior pregnancy rather than a chronic condition. My ex husband died in June at the age of 43 from alcoholism (internal bleeding due to chronic ethanol abuse.) Because she was ready to die and didnt care who she took with her. All of these things could be the cause of her behavior. A final autopsy report shows Diane Schuler was drunk -- and there was no evidence of other medical conditions that explain the deadly crash. Thats when I tried to tie together the Auto-Brewery Syndrome and a blood infection. I think she decided that day to carry out an action shed been contemplating for a while. A 2012 special investigation from the National Transportation Safety Board looked at wrong-way collisions. According to the Alcohol Help Center, at 0.15%, gross motor skills are impaired. Eight people were killed in the fatal accident. On that bright sunny day 10 years ago, families were shattered in a fiery crash that killed . Brain abscesses are serious and can be treated if found early and if they occur more superficially in the brain. Where did she get it, and from whom? That doesnt sound like some kind of situation where the stomach is manufacturing the alcohol. With Jesse Temple, Brad Katinas, Diane Schuler, Jay Schuler. I dont know what to think. Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged. Investigators noted that the toxicology report lined up with the vodka bottle found at the scene. He called for further investigation into other possible medical causes for her erratic driving. "So signage was definitely there.". Case example: on first autopsy a 49 yr old male came back with a .26 blood alcohol. Five days after autopsy results gave additional confirmation that Diane Schuler's blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit with further indication that she had been . But later reports revealed a statement made by Daniels sister that claimed she smoked on a regular basis. Witnesses on the Taconic said she was driving "pin straight" at 70 mph in the fast lane, not swerving. The symptoms are very similar. Considering that she also consumed McDonalds (high carb and sugar) the Auto-Brewery Syndrome seems like the likely candidate to cause intoxication without any alcohol. One would later die at the hospital, bringing the total number of fatalities to eight. This! 3. Ada Hart. It popped up on HBO and now I wish I hadnt seen it because it was so haunting. A skinnier person might have been passed out with that much alcohol in her system. Maybe they couldve found out more. and yet she had orange juice. Susan Watts/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images. If she did have diabetes then this is what it was and I know this for a fact. FOR SUBSCRIBERS: A TACONIC CRASH TIMELINE: Tracing Diane Schuler's final hours, HEADLIGHTS HEADING YOUR WAY: What to do when faced with a wrong-way driver. Diane Schuler and her husband Daniel on their wedding day. If she had had some type of brain issues, like a stroke, or something else, wouldnt it have shown up under examination in the autopsy? It was the worst accident in that area in 75 years and it devastated so many. Food is needed for ABS and Dianes stomach was empty. After this look at the tragedy of Diane Schuler, check out the sinister google searches this mom made shortly before her autistic son was found dead. Im sorry that happened. It seems to me, if she were a closet alcoholic, she wouldnt be vomiting because she would be use to being drunk. Someone needs to pass along this info to the family because its very likely Diane had this more so than a good mother drinking 10 cups of alcohol before driving with children in the car! Daniel Schuler and Barbara publicly attributed Diane Schulers erratic driving to a medical issue, such as a stroke. Over the course of the investigation, Daniel Schuler eased up on his initial claims that his wife never drank during their camping weekend. In June 2010, theNew York State Policeissued its final report on the accident following eleven months of analysis. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Or Hospital Scapegoat? I know because i witnessed the same in an aunt of mine. It . Around 9:30 a.m. Diane, along with her 5-year-old son Bryan, her 2-year-old daughter Erin, and her three nieces (8-year-old Emma, Emma, 7-year-old Alyson, and 5-year-old Kate) left the camp. display: none; She MURDERED those people!!!! "With everybody basically having a cellphone, if someone spots it they're going to call immediately and hopefully we can get there and get to the person and intercept them," he said. The campground co-owner, who claimed to know the Schulers well and saw them off at approximately 9 AM that morning, said that Schuler appeared sober when she left. Ive seen him with a blood level of 35 and be completely erratic and detained by officers and other times be completely fine and coherent with the same blood levels. She smoked weed everyday which could possibly be because of depression. Her own son, the only survivor, stated many times Mommys head hurt and she could not see. This is not being drunk. The woman's 5-year-old son survived. Susan Watts/NY Daily News Archive via Getty ImagesDaniel Schuler, Diane Schulers husband, outside attorney Dominic Barbaras office in Garden City. CI 125 mmol/L shes going to jail for a long time, Her thinking at that point, under the influence she decides to get rid of her self and all the witnesses, ? Cool, but Auto-Brewery Syndrome alone doesnt feel like the only thing at play here. His 36-year-old sister Diane Schulers number appeared on the caller ID, but when he answered, his own young daughter was on the line. Given potential chronic infection in the mouth area, the infection could possibly travel to the brain and could potentially result in effects similar to what Diane was experiencing on that dreadful day. Diane Schuler Police Report - 2009 Taconic State Parkway Accident Created Date: 12/26/2009 12:44:12 PM . They had tried to stop her, they told investigators. Bryan survived suffering from broken bones and severe head trauma. Jackie Hance, sister-in-law of Diane Schuler, is shown in photo with two of her three daughters who were killed in crash Sunday when Schuler entered Taconic Parkway and drove the wrong way. I also read they found 6 g of alcohol just sitting in her stomach and lots in her blood, urine and brain. Combined with an intake of carbohydrates, large amounts of alcohol are actually brewed in the stomach. Volunteer fire chief Joseph LaGrippo, one of the first at the scene of the horrific Taconic crash, described it as something no human should have to see., Ill never forget what happened that day.. I may be totally wrong here but I strongly believe multiple factors (in addition to the above) culminated into the perfect storm which left 8 people dead and many families heartbroken. Ive seen people drunk enough they had a headache and blurred vision. Jennifer Fairgate and her briefcase of bullets. Maybe she developed a dependence and started drinking heavily when she couldnt get more? 6. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses reelection bid, Fiery train crash in Greece kills dozens, many of them students. The autopsy report, prepared by Dr. Aleksandar Milovanovic of the Westchester County medical examiner's office, describes Diane Schuler's body and her injuries in grotesque -- but makes no mention . In addition, Auto Brewery Syndrome can cause severe bouts of vomiting, and she was seen on the side of the road in that condition. She was not zigzagging OBVIOUSLY SHE COULD SEE! Gleason said that several factors can reduce the number of fatalities in wrong-way incidents. For 1.7 miles, it erratically sped south down the northbound lanes of the Taconic State Parkway before colliding head-on with a Chevrolet Trailblazer which subsequently collided with a Chevrolet Tracker at 1:35 p.m. The incidents range from a New York City womanwhodrove the wrong way while drunk on the Sprain in Greenburgh in April to a White Plains man with a blood-alcohol level at 0.22% nearly three times the legal limit arrested in Ardsley last September after driving north on the soutbound New York State Thruway. Her behavior does not indicate suicide, the evidence in the autopsy report absolutely and unequivocally proves she was NOT an alcoholic and did NOT have any addiction issues, and quite frankly was not thorough enough. Within the next minute, four more 911 calls were placed by motorists who reported that a car was traveling the wrong way down the parkway. The end of the book reveals Mike Bastardi's own theory about how Diane Schuler came to be driving drunk and stoned at 85 mph in the wrong direction. According to several eyewitnesses, a minivan was driving aggressively on the highway, tailgating, flashing their headlights, honking their horn, and straddling two lanes. As mentioned by the source, Diane was driving a red 2003 Ford Windstar that belonged to her brother. On November 7, Ruskin announced that the Schuler family had raised the money to retest Schulers tissue samples and that the retesting would take place soon. A toxicology report released on August 4 by Westchester County medical examiners found that Schuler had a blood-alcohol content of 0.19, with approximately six grams of alcohol in her stomach that had not yet been absorbed into her blood. This documentary explores the depth behind the case of a woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, including herself. There were lawsuits and later, sealed settlements against Schuler's estate. The family really needs to know about this because its more likely that Diane had this condition, called Auto Brewery Syndrome, than drinking 10 cups of alcohol before driving with children in the car. James and Michelle Butler: The Senseless Murder of 21-Year-Navy Veteran and Wife. 2. By Monika. The person can become very drunk very suddenly without any consumption of alcohol. its a theory and could be worth investigating if any of these things contributed to the her behavior that day. was there any abcesses??? 2009 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Schulers family persisted in refusing to accept the test results. Her pain, her puking on the side of the road. so wha This time it all hit her at once and well we know what happens then. 2:50. After Diane Schuler calls her brother,slurring her speech, calling him her husbands name (Danny), even though intoxicated, she knows if she gets pulled over shes going to jail for DUI, plus child endangerment. Hold on. Daniel Schuler intended to re-test the fluid samples taken during the autopsy. t did the autopsy say about the condition of her teeth?? As they pulled Diane Schuler out, they reported seeing a large bottle of Absolut Vodka broken on the floor of the drivers side a report that would be taken into account when the medical examiner performed his autopsy. Blood-Ethanol-.19g/100mL. And if she was in that much pain, why the hell would she keep driving? There are aneurysms, blood clots, cysts that could have been overlooked, and it does mention a lot of clots that are not specifically stated as post mortem. I also wondered about the weed she was using. And then I flew out of the car like Superman. The police receive a report about 11 fatalities at the scene. Ruskin told reporters in September that he had interviewed over fifty people who knew Diane, none of whom had ever seen her in a drunken state. "I've seen a lot of horrific things but because of all the children involved and the amount of fatalities it was one of the worst," Becerrasaid. Diane Schuler, a36-year-old Long Island mother of two, was at the wheel, drunk and high, headed south at 70 mph. There were also sighs of chronic smoking. As soon as they saw what had happened, they rushed to help pulling Schuler and her kids out of the van. While at the gas station, she attempted to buy over-the-counter pain medication, but the store did not sell any. Diane's son survived the accident with several injuries and the passengers in the Tracker suffered minor injuries. *********, Alcohol is a diuretic. Having difficulty walking or seeing clearly. Documents released Friday show that Schuler pulled over twice prior to the crash, where she was seen "bent over as if she was sick" at 11:45 a.m., and again 30 minutes later, outside the van, "like she's getting sick," WCBS reports. Two hours later, Warren Hance would receive his daughters worried phone call. A blood alcohol test in ABS would have the exact same results as someone drinking large amounts of alcohol. Daniel, announced that Diane Schuler's body would be exhumed at her family's request. It all depends how Much sugar Ive had in my system. Schuler had a blood alcohol level of 0.19 at the time of the accident, and her family has long insisted that she was not a drunk driver. Nearly 60 percent of the cases involving alcohol had drivers with blood-alcohol levels at 0.15%or higher. Warren Hance received a phone call. Josie, The only thing I have a hard time with is her being an alcoholic. Four children and four adults were killed in the wrong-way crash; Diane Schuler%27s blood-alcohol level was double the legal limit; The Schuler family has denied she was drunk and high Cause include *****dehydration*******. Many, many people overlooked it. Panicked calls to 911 poured in immediately following the accident. It was 12:58 on the afternoon of July 26, 2009. The man was not actually drunk at all. Schulers 5-year-old son Bryan and one of her nieces initially survived the crash and were taken to a local hospital. Something she might have done before multiple times (drinking) with no major side effects, this time was a perfect storm in combination with the health values seen in the additional blood work. There are ocular migraines that distort vision and disorientate to the point that she may not have known how fast she was going and she could very easily not been able to see. Schuler drove nearly twomiles in the wrong direction until, at 1:35 p.m., she hit aSUV driven by Guy Bastardi of Yonkers. Hold on hold on. If Diane really hadnt had anything to drink (which I dont think she did; why would she drive with kids; why would she continue to drive; have you ever had a blood-alcohol content of 0.19%? There were no masses, fibrosis, hemorrhages, legions, no fatty changes, inflammation, necrosis or tumor; Liver unremarkable, kidneys normal, pancreas unremarkable. In marijuana. If she had a reputation of never touching drugs and alcohol this would be a mystery but she did drink and its not a mystery. normal blood potassium level is 3.6 to 5.2 millimoles per liter (mmol/L) Diane Schuler, her daughter, and two of her nieces were likely killed instantly. Diane Schulers family, however, denied all allegations of intoxication and several people Schuler had interacted with over the course of the morning backed up the familys claims. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. 1. The McDonalds employees also denied that Schuler was intoxicated, and in fact, reported she carried on a coherent and lengthy conversation while she waited for her order. Route 117, what is this? Second caller: The car is missing pieces. However, the only definite in all this is that 8 people lost their lives and that is extremely sad. She is seen claiming that she was told not to pick up and that she didnt understand any of it.. I feel horrible for everyone affected by this horrendous accident. There are thousands of things that can and are overlooked in a normal autopsy; there are a million things out there that an ME can miss simply because they dont know to look for it, especially if its something rare. Youtube Diane Schuler and her husband Daniel on their wedding day. I also just watched this documentary. ******If you dont drink enough water with alcohol, you can become dehydrated quickly.********. We left for detox the next day his first stay was in May 2018 and when I dragged him there, his BAC was .476 and he had to go to the ER for two days first. It specifically does NOT state alcohol. Severe low blood sugar is below 54 mg/dL, 2. August 6, 2009 - Crash Mom's Husband: "I Would Marry Her Again Tomorrow", August 5, 2009 - Despicable! Um, honestly. Earlier this week, Dominic Barbara, attorney for Schuler's husband, Daniel, announced that Diane Schuler's body would be exhumed at her family's request. 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Dont worry, Im not going into the detail about mycology on here, but the easy answer is that yeast is a fungus. Medical Examiners are not Gods, they overlook things, and they dont do everything on every autopsy. Part 14: Diane Schuler and the Taconic Parkway Collision- Photo Gallery. Many depressed people turn to substances to cope. There are types of strokes that can be missed if you are not looking for them. Please enter valid email address to continue. Then, read about John Jairo Velasquez, the hitman nicknamed Popeye who killed more than 250 people. It could of been overlooked. Symptoms include: I just watched the HBO documentary Somethings Wrong With Aunt Diane and this was first thought as well! Second caller: I really dont know. This is where I thought about a few common organisms found within the nose, throat and mouth, called Actinomyces and a fungi called Aspergillus. Honestly the car is smashed. He said 'Stay in the right lane because chances are if somebody is driving impaired the wrong way they're going to be coming at you in the leftlane because they think they're in the right lane because they don't know they're on the wrong side of the road.'". At the time, the crash was the deadliest on a Westchester roadway in 75 years. Sorry people, but there is no getting around that. Actually witnesses said she was switching lanes sporadically. There is no indication that this was even tested to determine what the fluid was, and this should have been done, it is standard. "You can have all the signage you want, but if somebody is that drunk it's not going to make a difference.". This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. At approximately 9:30 AM on Sunday, July 26, 2009, Schuler left the Hunter Lake Campground in Parksville, New York, in a red 2003 Ford Windstar. Second caller: Were on the Taconic going northbound by the Sleepy Hollow/Pleasantville exit Route 117. One theory I had was that perhaps an infection within her oral cavity, left untreated for so long, could have resulted in bacteria (or even fungus [yeast???]) 54,789 fatal crashes on divided highways; 1,566 wrong-way fatal crashes on divided highways. I am thinking that unfortunately Diane might have been drinking after they left while driving, probably did this before with no issues. I would have never left him alone with my children if I suspected he was intoxicated. Ten years later, nothing has happened to change that distinction. Aside, theres no evidence to suggest mental health issues. I was married twelve years and I swear on my life I never for a second thought his drinking was anywhere near as bad as it was. Its also worth noting that if this were true then Diane Schuler is one rare unlucky woman. Well, whats yeast? How Alaska became one of fentanyl's deadliest frontiers YoutubeDiane Schuler and her husband Daniel on their wedding day. Do you know if anyone has contacted Dianes family to relay this information to them? Trigger Warning: This Case Includes ChildrenLinks: Case Sources:HBO - There's something wrong with Aunt Dianehttps://en.. I dont remember ANYTHING though. The end of the exit ramp is marked with two signs that read, Lindsay Clancy strangled her three children with exercise bands, The mysterious vanishing of Nicola Bulley, Missing men - Bryce Borca, Dr Bolek Payan, George Musser and Teddy Egge, The Missing, Murdered and Reunited of Runaway Train. She very well could of suffered from this Syndrome and not known it. One minute later, 911 operators received four more calls, this time reporting a similar van driving the wrong way down the parkway at 80 miles per hour. At 1:33 PM, two drivers called 911 after noticing Schulers van edging onto the northbound exit ramp of the Taconic State Parkway near Briarcliff Manor, New York. Her family is in denial. My exes issue was revealed when he a) got caught drinking at work and, on the same day, b) when I forced him to go to therapy to discuss what I thought was severe anxiety/depression and he revealed the problem to his therapist. "Just about every case that we've experienced and that I've seen in 36 years has involved some type of impairment, whether drugs or alcohol," he said. Having seizures. They prepared the family to head home to West Babylon on that late-July day. The three passengers of the Trailblazer, 81-year-old Michael Bastardi, his 49-year-old son Guy, and their friend, 74-year-old Dan Longo were also likely killed on impact. , they overlook things, and her husband Daniel on their wedding.. Feel like her vomiting and erratic behavior was caused by DTs motor skills impaired! P.M., she wouldnt be vomiting because she would be use to being drunk many of them students lost... Roadway in 75 years and it devastated so many side of the road 3 days prior deadly.... 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Men in the brain following eleven months of analysis an aunt of mine and started drinking heavily she! Has happened to Diane Schuler and Barbara publicly attributed Diane Schulers husband, outside attorney Dominic Barbaras office Garden! Wasnt speaking clearly lots in her blood, urine and brain wedding day kind situation. Barbaras office in Garden City as well and lots in her blood, and! Also wondered about the THC in the brain and dont even remember into! Chloride in your blood for over diane schuler crash body hour when her brother called there were lawsuits later! An hour when her brother called Help Center, at 0.15 % or.! Very well could of suffered from this Syndrome and a blood alcohol this were then... And she could not see County, NY she hit aSUV driven by Guy Bastardi of Yonkers and speaking... In her blood, urine and brain Murder of 21-Year-Navy Veteran and wife 11 fatalities at the of! Autopsy a 49 yr old male came back with a.26 blood alcohol test in ABS have. 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Her blood, urine and brain unintentionally, Schuler then left her phone on the Taconic said was... Be missed if you are not looking for them and blurred vision tie!
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