- Easy to understand by non-programmers - Only API testing tool that can Mock, Do performance testing, Mix UI . { { "roomInformation": [{ "roomPrice": 618.4 }], "totalPrice": 618.4 }, """, # karate's unified data handling means that even 'match' works, # which means that checking if a cookie does NOT exist is a piece of cake, # check if the response status is either of two values, # this may be sufficient to check a range of values. Instead, Karate gives you all you need as part of the syntax. If you get stuck trying to align the search path, especially if the origin is a small chunk of text that is aligned right or left - try near(). The retry keyword is designed to extend the existing method syntax (and should appear before a method step) like so: Any JavaScript expression that uses any variable in scope can be placed after the retry until part. - Mix API and UI test-automation.
It is worth repeating that in most cases you wont need to set the Content-Type header as Karate will automatically do the right thing depending on the data-type of the request. So if you return complex objects such as a custom Java instance or a JS function that depends on complex objects, this may cause issues when you run in parallel. Also look at the section on commonly needed utilities for more ideas. Format of the keyStore file. There are multiple Karate API testing examples we are going to show you in this series. get metadata about the currently executing feature within a test, functional-style filter operation useful to filter list-like objects (e.g. Karate has an elegant approach to handling any action such as click() that results in a new page load. In some cases where the response JSON is wildly dynamic, you may want to only check for the existence of some keys. You can even perform a conversion from XML to JSON if you want. For another example, see: examples.feature. To use Playwright, you need to start a Playwright server. You can ask for an element by its relative position to another element which is visible - such as a , or
and for which the locator is easy to obtain. When using stand-alone *.js files, you can have a comment before the function keyword, and you can use fn as the function name, so that your IDE does not complain about JavaScript syntax errors, e.g. function() { karatelabs /karatePublic Notifications Fork 1.7k Star 6.8k Test Automation Made Simple karatelabs.github.io/karate License MIT license 6.8kstars 1.7kforks Star Notifications Code Issues26 Pull requests0 Actions Projects1 Wiki Security Insights More Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights karatelabs/karate An advanced option is where the scenario expression returns a JavaScript generator function. You can now use Karates core API and call chained methods. Things will work even if the karate-config.js file is not present. For more complex functions you are better off using the multi-line doc-string approach. And for dealing with binary content - see bytes. Normally in dev mode, you will use your IDE to run a *.feature file directly or via the companion runner JUnit Java class. Experience working in an Agile environment with agile methodologies leveraging Jira After every HTTP call this variable is set with the response body, and is available until the next HTTP request over-writes it. bar: 'world' If a few steps in your flow need to temporarily change (or completely bypass) the currently-set header-manipulation scheme, just update configure headers to a new value (or set it to null) in the middle of a script. """, * configure imageComparison = { onShowConfig, # don't embed the image comparison UI when the latest image is the same / similar to the baseline (e.g. Now we will create a scenario in feature file. Note that Map translates to JSON, and JavaBean getters and setters translate to JS properties - e.g. Refer to the demo karate-config.js for an example and how the demo.server.port system-property is set-up in the test runner: TestBase.java. "b": 2, For a call (or callonce) - payload / data structures (JSON, XML, Map-like or List-like) variables are passed by reference which means that steps within the called feature can update or mutate them, for e.g. } One indicator of a good automation framework is how much work a developer needs to do in order to perform any automation action - such as clicking a button, or retrieving the value of some HTML object / property. you can use pure JsonPath expressions (notice how this is different from the above), # and even append to json arrays (or create them automatically), # and for match - the order of keys does not matter, # you can ignore fields marked with '#ignore', # you can even set whole fragments of xml, """ If this does not work, try value(selector, value). """, """ Make sure that the batch file is made executable depending on your OS. You could always do this in two steps: As a convenience, embedded expressions are supported on the Right Hand Side of a match statement even for quoted string literals: And do note that in Karate 1.0 onwards, ES6 string-interpolation within backticks is supported: An alternative to embedded expressions (for JSON only) is to enclose the entire payload within parentheses - which tells Karate to evaluate it as pure JavaScript. Valid options are, The number of bits used to encode each pixel, The maximum size on the smallest dimension before downsampling. Final word, Bookmark this post Karate Frameworkfor future reference. if an API needs to be called to get a JSON array, you can call a separate Scenario to set up this data. The example below shows the difference between embedded expressions and enclosed JavaScript: So how would you choose between the two approaches to create JSON ? In fact Gherkin supports the catch-all symbol * - instead of forcing you to use Given, When or Then. This method returns a boolean (true or false), perfect for asserting if an element exists and giving you the option to perform conditional logic, or manually fail the test. But sometimes it is un-avoidable, for example to wait for animations to render - before taking a screenshot. { id: { domain: "DOM", type: "entityId", value: "#ignore" }, To run only a single scenario, append the line number on which the scenario is defined, de-limited by :. # if the expression begins with "_" or "! You should be able to run tests in parallel with ease ! For example for web-automation, a / prefix means XPath and else it would be evaluated as a CSS selector. The BDD syntax popularized by Cucumber is language-neutral, and easy for even non-programmers. Example: After click on response step we can see response of GET request. return sdf.parse(s).time; // '.getTime()' would also have worked instead of '.time' Refer to the section on XPath Functions for examples of advanced XPath usage. The above example would save the file and perform auto-embedding into the HTML report. var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); Background is used with steps or series of steps that are commons to all tests in the feature file. This is very close to how custom keywords work in other frameworks. karate.appendTo(keys, x); In real-life flows, you may need to pass cookies from the browser to the Karate HTTP client, so that you can simulate any flows needed after this step. Behind the scenes, this sets the HTTP communication read timeout. This is very useful to filter the results that match a desired condition - typically a text comparison. "a": 1, Some users need callable features that are re-usable even when variables have not been defined by the calling feature. Observe how the get shortcut is used to distill the result array of variable envelopes into an array consisting only of response payloads. As a short-cut, when running JsonPath expressions - $ represents the response. Although all properties in the passed JSON-like argument are unpacked into the current scope as separate named variables, it sometimes makes sense to access the whole argument and this can be done via __arg. For example: While the tag does not need to be in the @key=value form, it is recommended for readability when you start getting into the business of giving meaningful names to your Scenario-s. The argument can be provided after the function name, without parentheses, which makes things slightly more readable (and less cluttered) especially when the solitary argument is JSON. We recommend that you get comfortable with this because it is going to save you lots of time. This enables more concise tests, and the file can be re-usable in multiple, data-driven tests. File-upload is supported natively only by type: chrome. For some more examples check test-outline-name-js.feature. This should make it clear why Karate does not provide out of the box support for any particular HTTP authentication scheme. For those who are wondering how this works behind the scenes, since read refers to the read() function, the behavior of call is that it will invoke the function and use what comes after it as the solitary function argument. So you can do things like right-click and run a *.feature file (or scenario) without needing to use a JUnit runner. Here is an example of getting the computed style for a given element: For an advanced example of simulating a drag and drop operation see this answer on Stack Overflow. A common use case is to mix API-calls into a larger test-suite, for example a Selenium or WebDriver UI test. In the example below, note the use of the karate.get() helper for getting the value of a dynamic variable (which was not set at the time this JS function was declared). And param page = 2. def keyword is coming from Karate framework. Heres a simple recipe to set up this mechanism on your local machine. Given this custom, user-defined Java class: This is how it can be called from a test-script via JavaScript, and yes, even static methods can be invoked: Note that JSON gets auto-converted to Map (or List) when making the cross-over to Java. Karate can run tests in parallel, and dramatically cut down execution time. For example, see the sayHelloFactory() method below: And now, to get a reference to that function you can do this: This can be convenient when using shared scope because you can just call sayHello('myname') where needed. Here is an example of waiting for a search box to appear after a click(), and note how we re-use the Element reference returned by waitFor() to proceed with the flow. Here is a good example in the demos: dynamic-params.feature, The single JSON argument needs to be in the form { field1: { read: 'file1.ext' }, field2: { read: 'file2.ext' } } where each nested JSON is in the form expected by multipart file. Here is an example which also demonstrates how you could assert for expected values in the response XML. } They can be very useful in some situations. The call keyword provides an alternate way of calling JavaScript functions that have only one argument. You have to repeat the Examples section for each tag. For JUnit 5 you can omit the public modifier for the class and method, and there are some changes to import package names. The last row in the table is a little different from the rest, and this short-cut form is the recommended way to validate the length of a JSON array. The key should not be within quotes. } To signal the end of the data, just return null. JSON can be combined with the ability to call other *.feature files to achieve dynamic data-driven testing in Karate. If you have to set a bunch of deeply nested keys, you can move the parent path to the top, next to the set keyword and save a lot of typing ! var results = scriptAll('.js-tree-browser-result-path', '_.innerText'); input: ##(subSchema) This is actually the intent most of the time and is convenient. You simply roll your own. With the above in place, you dont have to keep switching between your src/test/java and src/test/resources folders, you can have all your test-code and artifacts under src/test/java and everything will work as expected. The built-in karate object is explained in detail later, but for now, note that this is also injected into print (and even assert) statements, and it has a helpful pretty method, that takes a JSON argument and a prettyXml method that deals with XML. Step 2: Add Cucumber plugin in Eclipse > Restart eclipse. A very useful behavior when you combine the optional marker with an embedded expression is as follows: if the embedded expression evaluates to null - the JSON key (or XML element or attribute) will be deleted from the payload (the equivalent of remove). c {}, """ So you get the picture, any kind of complicated sign-in flow can be scripted and re-used. Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. After run TestRunner class, we can see Junit console report. There is no concept of a default where for e.g. useful to scrape text out of non-JSON or non-XML text sources such as HTML, like the above, but returns a list of text-matches. If you get stuck and ask a question on Stack Overflow, make sure you provide a cURL command that works - or else it would be very difficult for anyone to troubleshoot what you could be doing wrong. Remove elements from a list in karate? It is worth internalizing that during test-execution, it is upon the method keyword that the actual HTTP request is issued. The recommendation is that you prefer chrome for development, and once you have the tests running smoothly - you can switch to a different WebDriver implementation. Hello World Index Capabilities Simple, clean syntax that is well suited for people new to programming or test-automation All-in-one framework that includes parallel-execution, HTML reports, environment-switching, and CI integration But there is an elegant way you can specify a default value using the karate.get() API: A word of caution: we recommend that you should not over-use Karates capability of being able to re-use features. So when you use the combination of callonce in a Background, you can indeed get the same effect as using a @BeforeClass annotation, and you can find examples in the karate-demo, such as this one: callonce.feature. The signal to stop the loop is to return any not-null object. Also note that this is pure JSON which means that you have excellent IDE support for syntax-coloring, formatting, indenting, and ensuring well-formed-ness. predicate syntax, and situations where this comes in useful will be apparent when we discuss match each. So we use the same Gherkin syntax - but the similarity ends there. "hotels": [ This can be done via the maven-surefire-plugin configuration. You can replace the values of com.mycompany and myproject as per your needs. This tag selection capability is designed for you to be able to compose flows out of existing test-suites when using the Karate Gatling integration. The name of the SOAP action specified is used as the SOAPAction header. Herea table of the alternative in-line forms compared with the standard form. Note that more builder methods are available from the Runner.Builder class such as reportDir() etc. What this means is that you are free to use whatever makes sense for you. to avoid constant failures due to loading animations), """ You can potentially include the steps of deploying (and un-deploying) the application-under-test using this approach - but probably the top-level JUnit test-suite would be the right place for those. And JSON arrays would become Java List-s. Since a scroll() + click() (or input()) is a common combination, you can chain these: This returns an instance of Mouse on which you can chain actions. You can even initialize the JSON in a separate step and pass it by name, especially if it is complex. id: '#regex[0-9]+', And path blog The rest can also be used even in primitive data matches like so: If two cross-hatch # symbols are used as the prefix (for example: ##number), it means that the key is optional or that the value can be null. Note that the karate-config.js is re-processed for every Scenario and in rare cases, you may want to initialize (e.g. Step 1: Create a feature file under src > test > java folder. (Also added cucumber plugin and restart the eclipse). } Bob,Wild When JavaScript executes in Karate, the built-in karate object provides some commonly used utility functions. To support all the various options such as Docker, headless Chrome, cloud-providers etc., Karate introduces the concept of a pluggable Target where you just have to implement two methods: start(): The Map returned will be used as the generated driver configuration. JsonPath and Karate expressions are not supported. # now you can jump straight into your home page and bypass the login screen ! Imagine a situation where you want to get only the element where a certain attribute value starts with some text - and then click on it. Some XPath expressions return a list of nodes (instead of a single node). To create paginated pdf document from the page loaded. This means that you cannot use any Karate JS objects or API-s such as karate.get() or driver.title. This can loop until any user-defined condition and can use any variable (or Karate or Driver JS API) in scope. This is possible by prefixing contains with a ! When using a browser-driver, a call in shared scope has to be used. And since header names are case-insensitive - it ignores the case when finding the header to match. And you can even chain a retry() before the waitForUrl() if you know that it is going to take a long time: This is very convenient to use for the first element you need to interact with on a freshly-loaded page. But you can easily achieve any complex logic by using the JS API. Also see the option below, where you can data-drive an Examples: table using JSON. This example also shows how you can use a custom placeholder format instead of the default: Refer to this file for a detailed example: replace.feature. Think of it as just like waitFor() but without the wait part. There is a neat way to tag your tests and the above example demonstrates how to run all tests except the ones tagged @skipme. Unlike other API testing tool like Cucumber, JBehave and Specflow, Karate has written all step definitions so we dont have to write it. Comprehensive support for different flavors of HTTP calls: You can easily choose features and tags to run and compose test-suites in a very flexible manner. Karates callonce keyword behaves exactly like call but is guaranteed to execute only once. In normal programming languages, global variables are a bad thing, but for test-automation (when you know what you are doing) - this can be really convenient. Use this in case a submit() for the previous action is un-reliable, see the section on waitFor() instead of submit(). lastUpdated: { on: "#ignore" }, params, headers, cookies, form fields, multipart fields and multipart files take a single JSON argument (which can be in-line or a variable reference), and this enables certain types of dynamic data-driven testing, especially because any JSON key with a null value will be ignored. Query Params: To filter/sort the resources from the server we used Query parameter. political education But to be able to run JUnit 5 tests from the command-line, you need to ensure that the latest version of the maven-surefire-plugin is present in your project pom.xml (within the / section): To run a single test method, for example the testTags() in the example above, you can do this: Also look at how to run tests via the command-line and the parallel runner. You signal that a submit is expected by calling the submit() function (which returns a Driver object) and then chaining the action that is expected to trigger a page load. For tests that need to wait for slow pages or deal with un-predictable element load-times or state / visibility changes, Karate allows you to temporarily tweak the internal retry settings. This is typically combined with multipart file as shown below. This is like the opposite of set if you need to remove keys or data elements from JSON or XML instances. Karate implements the W3C WebDriver spec, which means that you can point Karate to a remote grid such as Zalenium or a SaaS provider such as the AWS Device Farm. The above would result in a URL like: http://myhost/mypath?someKey=hello&anotherKey=foo. Karate also has a dedicated tag, and a very active and supportive community at Stack Overflow - where you can get support and ask questions. Even though Wikipedia says "web-API", it can do web UI . What started as a powerful, scriptable framework combining API and UI test automation, is adopted as a best-practice today - in teams around the world. One of these is the use of a Gherkin file, which describes the tested feature. Note that this example only does a string equals check on parts of the JSON, but with Karate you are always encouraged to match the entire payload in one step. By now, it should be clear that JsonPath can be very useful for extracting JSON trees out of a given object. This will also do automatically perform a karate.embed() - so that the image appears in the HTML report. Karate has 6100 GitHub stars and is used by 37 of the Fortune 500 companies. { _ >= 0', These examples (all exact matches) can make things more clear: Note that you can alternatively use JsonPath on the left-hand-side: But of course it is preferable to match whole objects in one step as far as possible. So if you have a Feature with multiple Scenario-s in it - they will execute in parallel, and even each Examples row in a Scenario Outline will do so ! You could get by by renaming the file-extension to say *.txt but an alternative is to use the karate.readAsString() API. Top 45+ API Testing Interview Questions and Answers, Generate Random Number and String in Java, How To Upload Files Using AutoIt In Selenium | How To Handle Windows Pop Up Using AutoIt, 5 Different Ways of Swap Two Numbers in Java, Program to Find Duplicate Characters in a string in Java, Perquisites and Setup for Karate Framework, Karate- Headers, Path and Query Parameters. if you acquired a string from some external source, or if you generated JSON (or XML) by concatenating text or using replace, you may want to convert a string to JSON and vice-versa. before you fire the method. 5-7+ years of software QA testing experience automating tests for both Web UI and backend APIs . Get all my courses for USD 5.99/Month - https://bit.ly/all-courses-subscriptionIn this Karate UI Automation Tutorial, we will learn how to switch browser tab. The answer is no. A good example is when you want to use a CSV file as the request-body for a file-upload. : * param myparam = 'value' or url: * url 'http://example.com/v1?myparam'. Which suggests that the step should be in the When form, for example: When method post. Best-practice would be to implement Hybrid Tests where the values for the auth-cookies are set only once for the whole test-suite using karate.callSingle(). * match response contains only deep { foo, # and you can use 'contains' the way you'd expect, # some more examples of validation macros, # this is also possible, see the subtle difference from the above, """ Do note that if you prefer a pure Java API - Karate has that covered, and with far more capabilities. The match keyword will work as you expect. Defining the request is mandatory if you are using an HTTP method that expects a body such as post. Here is a summary of what the different shapes mean in Karate: There is no need to prefix variable names with $ on the left-hand-side of match statements because it is implied. Automation Testing, Karate. Technology Partner This is rarely used, unless you are expecting binary content returned by the server. Of course this can be useful if the element you are seeking is diagonally offset from the locator you have. Karate has a very useful payload templating approach. } There are two things that can happen to the returned value. This turns out to be very useful in practice, and this particular match jsonArray contains '#(^partialObject)' form has no in-line equivalent (see the third-from-last row above). The first will simply return a List of Element instances. For an example of how JavaScript looks like on the Karate side see Function Composition. It is also very useful when we want to run our feature files with some conditions using tags or we want to run specific feature file, all things are control by TestRunner class. If you mix Karate into a Maven or Gradle project with many other dependendies, you may run into problems because of dependency conflicts. For a detailed discussion on BDD and how Karate relates to Cucumber, please refer to this blog-post: Yes, Karate is not true BDD. The business of web-services testing requires access to low-level aspects such as HTTP headers, URL-paths, query-parameters, complex JSON or XML payloads and response-codes. "c": 5 Here is an interesting example where a JavaScript event can be triggered on a given HTML element: When starting with _, the ES6 arrow function syntax is also supported. Karates native support for JSON means that you can assign parts of a JSON instance into another variable, which is useful when dealing with complex response payloads. Calling any Java code is that easy. Note: You can use Jsonpathfinder to find the path of json data. Note callonce is not supported for a driver instance. If you are a Java developer - Karate requires at least Java 8 and then either Maven, Gradle, Eclipse or IntelliJ to be installed. The same concept applies to XML and you can build complicated payloads from scratch in just a few, extremely readable lines. Read the documentation of the stand-alone JAR for more - such as how you can even install custom command-line applications using jbang ! This also works as a getter to get the current window dimensions. to save space and speed up report loading), * configure imageComparison = { hideUiOnSuccess, # ignore areas of an image (e.g. Hot Network Questions Note: In Background section we put base URL and header details which are common for all scenarios. """, # note how we returned an array from the above when the condition was met, # and now we can use the results like normal. For example: You can reset default settings by using the following short-cut: Since you can use configure any time within a test, you have control over which requests or steps you want to show / hide. any valid JavaScript expression, and variables can be mixed in, another example: equivalent to the above, JavaScript function invocation, Pretty print the request payload JSON or XML with indenting (default, Pretty print the response payload JSON or XML with indenting (default. You have the option to adjust the scope of the match, and here are examples: Note that {:4} can be used as a short-cut instead of {*:4}. Things are designed so that you can plug-in what you need, without needing to compile Java code. // trigger download of latest image with custom file name A karate-timeline.html file will also be saved to the report output directory mentioned above (target/karate-reports by default) - which is useful for visually verifying or troubleshooting the effectiveness of the test-run (see video). """, """ common.feature. And thats all there is to Karate configuration ! In rare cases you may need to set a variable from this routine, and a good example is to make the generated UUID visible to the currently executing script or feature. Naturally, only one value can be returned. Note that if you need to do a lot of case-insensitive string checks, karate.lowerCase() is what you are looking for. What is Karate DSL? entityState: "ACTIVE" Note that the optional(), exists() and locate() APIs are a little different from the other Element actions, because they will not honor any intent to retry() and immediately check the HTML for the given locator. We are going to save you lots of time this tag selection capability is designed you... Of it as just like waitFor ( ) is what you need to remove keys or data elements JSON. Pixel, the built-in Karate object provides some commonly used utility functions very useful for extracting JSON trees out the! The opposite of set if you need as part of the Fortune 500 companies, where you can use Karate... The demo karate-config.js for an example and how the demo.server.port system-property is set-up the! Under src > test > java folder 37 of the stand-alone JAR for more - such post... Instead, Karate gives you all you need as part of the data just... Many other dependendies, you may run into problems because of dependency.. 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