Jones served in the Confederate army before becoming a leading Republican in the Reconstruction era. Enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications of new posts by email. Some of it was lost or stolen in the chaos, and the case remains a mystery. In the last year of the Civil War the college was taken over as a hospital for sick and wounded Confederate soldiers. I have to say that I was impressed with their operation and knowledge of the Teknetics product line. However, reports of millions continue. Its become my legacy, its my lifes work, says treasure hunter Warren Getler about his search to find gold that he believes was buried by Jesse James. He told me that, indeed, beech trees can grow to be hundreds of years old. T.J. Stiles, author of the groundbreaking biography Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War, told me that the treasure hunters get at least one important thing right about the outlaw: He was a much more significant political figure than standard accounts portray. My detector arrived at my door In Brisbane Australia in less than a week. Or maybe a weekend country home in Louisburg. The various narratives of the disbursement of the treasury end in Washington, Georgia on May 4, 1865, when two Confederate Navy officials, James A. Semple and Edward Tidball, were entrusted with. Bradley tethered himself to a tree to run the machine on the unforgiving incline. You can buy your copy here just in case you dont visit a local doctors waiting room anytime soon to read it for free. Periodically in his spare time, he returns to KGC treasure investigations. The notorious gunslinger had been a Confederate guerrilla during the Civil War before turning to robbing banks and trains. It referenced clues including an old shovel, a wagon iron and a wolf trap, and instructed, Drive a stake at each point until we can run the lines[;] then where the lines cross is your solution. Somers had uncovered a shovel, with the blade pointing toward the shaft, and a wagon axle, also pointing toward the shaft. Just waiting for that first gold find! In the waning days of the war, in April 1865, Confederate President Jefferson Davis fled Richmond with a trainload of what was left of the Confederate. According to the group, All the schools students but five were conscripted into the Confederate Army, and the College was forced to close in 1862. So there wasnt much left there to go on. Somers saw the treasure hunt in the largest possible terms. Hunley, was one of the first working submarines that operated with a crew. The rumor is that the gold was buried under the name of a confederate general between two false generals in a cemetery. Whats The Best Gold Prospecting Metal Detector? Locating Ancient Coins with a Metal Detector, Lost Jewelry is Frequently Found with a Metal Detector, Tips for Finding Coins in your own Neighborhood. In truth, George Trenholm was merely the captain of a ship. One Ton Treasure Found! Lifes a Beach: Just Bring your Metal Detector! Thanks again. Previously confederate soldiers discovered gold in the gulch in 1864. Is It Time to Repair or Replace That Item? Can You Hunt for Diamonds & Gemstones with a Metal Detector? He was caught by the soldiers eventually, and what happened to the gold after that is under much speculation. Bowser identified him as one of her brothers, though not the one she said co-owned the property with her. I sat with him on the ground and contemplated the carvings, wondering if the discoveries to come would confirm the story he thought the trees told. Union army leaders also put the Confederate riches in the millions of dollars, aiming to galvanize Federal forces pursuing Mr. Davis and his administration. The receiver, however, wrote frantically to Richmond when the treasure did not arrive. It would add a missing chapter to American history and would raise the question of what became of the secret network. Knights of the Golden Circle: Secret Empire, Southern Secession, Civil War, Jesse James and the Lost Templar Treasure. And I say that to him all the time.. One day, she told Jesse that she wouldnt be able to wash his clothes or take care of him when he comes through again. A potential problem with Netherss testimony, though, is that stories about James paying off mortgages are legion. Thanks again. Live close to this area and wanted to hunt it for a while Hey Ron is anyone allowed to hunt these creeks or do I need a permit of some type? You can chuckle at it. Of course seeing how we are going to do the investigation, well get first crack at any hidden gold. $100,000 in Confederate gold went missing in Georgia in 1865, when two wagon trains filled with gold were robbed at Chennault Crossroads in Lincoln County. Brewer and he located other markings that old stories tied to the KGC on suspected treasure trails in several states. As the men transporting the money neared Athens, Alabama, the wagon became stuck in a muddy "bog hole." What are the Best Two Box and Deep Metal Detectors? What are the Best Beginners Metal Detectors? This ridge line between The Baldwin Gulf and Wilder is hard to get to, difficult to navigate through and . Hey, Chad, nice find there, buddy, Getler said. What is it about Jesse James that triggers a sense of connection in so many, real or imagined? The Confederate Army 1861-65, Vol. They also found symbols similar to those cited by Howk as having been left by James. One told me, on the condition that I not publish his name because of his job, that stories of gold on the property go back decades. On first glance the legends, folklore, and rumors seem to support such a possibility. Well at least this story didnt end with My father was killed by a ginormous ham mother kicked in on him. See, always a silver lining. Underwater Treasure Hunting Using Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV), Unrecovered Shipwrecks & Equipment for Locating Them. An interesting story about Confederate gold bullion that was smuggled to Mexico by a group of Confederate soldiers led by Colonel Trevor has drawn a great deal of speculation as well. Maybe we were on to something. Clues Along the Outlaw Trail; Civil War Treasure in Tennessee; Curly Bill's Bandit Loot in Arizona; More Confusing Information about the Confederate T. More on the Confederate Treasury; Pointers, as in "go that way" Spanish Treasure in Arkansas October (10) September (12) Lost Confederate Gold As the end of the Civil War became imminent, Confederate President Jefferson Davis fled his capital city of Richmond, Virginia. The way the authors described the American landscape itself as potentially being an encoded map, studded with clues that looked ordinary only to those lacking imagination and skill, was magical. What are the Best Industrial Metal Detectors? Yes, you read that right, a ham, a Yankee ham. Several of the famous stories about Confederate Gold discussed in this article were expanded upon by Robert S. Davis in The Georgia Odyssey of the Confederate Gold. Logically, Confederate troops certainly passed through or returned home during that time so maybe there is still some hope of finding that buried gold. And Confederate gold did go missing. Rocky Mountain National Park. As the track hoe operator prepared to fell a dead tree and position the machine for the final assault on the treasure, Somers reached into the dirt at the base of the tree and found a T-shaped piece of metal. Hot Air Balloons Falling In Neighborhoods All Over Wake Forest. In the movie, the characters are hunting for . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. A metal detector capable of penetrating 25 feet was pinging and showing large metallic targets. The Tennessee Gold Rush occurred in 1831. The trees told an epic story, according to the treasure hunters I was with. Its messy. We are pleased to see both their business and the sales in their region continue to grow. Their experience in the metal detecting industry is unmatched. Digging Etiquette and the Best Tools for Target Retrieval, Metal Detector Pinpointer basics and details on locating targets quickly and easily in the ground while metal detecting, Geocaching and Metal Detecting: Two Exciting Hobbies Combined, Over 1 Million Geocaches are Hidden Around You, History and equipment of the California Gold Rush, California Gold Rush Frequently Asked Questions, 15 Types of Gold Prospecting Equipment for Serious Mining, Gold Mining Equipment Guide: How to Get Started, Gold Nugget Hunting with a Metal Detector. After disposing of the party of Spaniards, they hid the loot in a small cave and copied a symbol on a rock . An appraiser cast doubt on it being a photo of the brothers, so Somers started researching to try to authenticate the portrait himself, in order to sell it. More letters eventually revealed that the gold had safely The silver in today's dollars would be worth around $16 million. Confederate flag still flies in Wake Forest. At one point he had made it down 30 feet I saw a picture of him down there and stood on what he thought could be the concrete top of a vault. On this creek there is supposed to be a large treasure left behind by union troops. The four part series about selecting the right product was also appreciated and helped me to make the right decision for my purchase. Thank you so much. Kuchinski. Getler conceded that some of this could be graffiti left by lovers initials, hearts and arrows but thats how KGC treasure hieroglyphics tend to work, he said. Much of it is not definitive. This story was passed through the family, but is there any truth to it? The Horse Pounds are a lush, green, rugged mountainside. But I also found that I was invested, too. There are different theories about what happened to the gold. Getler hired a local equipment operator who began carving a switchback path that would allow his track hoe to descend the steep grade to the dig site. Gold coinsand bars are among the most valuable pieces of Confederate currency. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, an angry man stalked onto the scene. Somers couldnt help remarking that for all the fancy technology and theories that had been brought to bear, they were still digging right where, in his vision, Jesse James had told him to dig in the first place. After that, Im one step closer to believing its here, and if its not, Ill eat my words.. RelicRiley 6.6K subscribers Subscribe 150K views 4 years ago On this episode of Civil War Unearthed, Riley travels a rural. Find the perfect metal detector for your teenager. It is rumored that Bank of Tennessee and its Augusta, Georgia branches also had assets seized worth more than half a million dollars. The lost gold also played a key role in the legendary 1966 Western film, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. It's always been a pleasure working with you! In the Civil War-era movie, Gone With the Wind (1939), Rhett Butler, played by Clark Gable, is rumored to have stolen the treasure. Michael and Daniel have established a knowledgeable team that has done the job of getting the correct product in to the hands of each consumer. Their team is genuine and knowledgeable. Id come to see treasure hunting and amateur code breaking as metaphors for our age, when the traditional arbiters of truth the media, government officials, political parties, religious institutions have lost some, or all, of their authority. Michael BernsteinOwnerTreasure Products, Inc. Veysel BayarFormer Sales & Marketing ManagerMakro Metal Detectors, Mike ScottDirector of Hobby SalesFisher Research Labs, Tim MalloryVP of Sales & MarketingTeknetics, Steve & Rosemary AndersonPeople's Publishing Co., Inc. Western & Eastern Treasures Magazine, Ilkay UcarGeneral manager DRS Electronics, GmbH, Dilek GnlayInternational Sales & Marketing ManagerNokta & Makro Detectors. We have a copy and still waiting to get Carol to sign it. Mystery of the Confederate Gold. I lost my footing and started to slide, but the rope saved me from rolling 70 feet to a creek below or crashing into the trunks of pines and beeches that towered over the slope. Their presence is a great confidence for treasure hunters. It may be buried in Danville, Va. There seems to have been a great deal of attention placed on finding the "Lost Confederate Treasure" which has spanned the last 154 years since the capture of Confederate President Jefferson Davis on 10 May 1865 at Irwinville, Ga., which brought the Civil War to a close. According to the Southern Sentinel the rumored Confederate gold never made its route anywhere near Wake Forest. I looked for neighbors of the Ohio site who might have family lore about James, in addition to the gold rumors Somers had heard. Metal Detectors for kids are fun and easy to use. But before I could become a true believer, I needed to see if their narrative could withstand attempts to poke holes in it. He claimed to have hidden it in a boxcar being shipped on Lake Michigan. The two treasure hunters (father and son) Dennis and Kem Parada, believe the government may have found gold and kept it secret to avoid having to give them a cut of the treasure. Another treasure tale about hidden Confederate gold has the Confederacy moving money to Columbia, Tennessee. September 11, 2014 Beth Durham. My disbelief was suspended as shakily as my body on the hillside. Somers commenced digging. He was a war hero, fighting in the Mexican-American War of the 1840s, and looked set for a long, happy career as a statesman. I am a first time buyer and am feeling very lucky to have found your website. It would be incredibly exciting to be a part of discovering and illuminating hidden history. He adds that hes the skeptical one. Im not big on looking at grainy video footage and being 100 percent certain on anything. Number of acres of Land, and value in 1860; Slaves, number, sex and value; number of Horses, Mules, Asses, Jennets, Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Hogs, value in 1860; Cotton, Wool, Tobacco, Corn, Wheat, Oats, Rye, Potatoes, Peas, Beans, &c., Flour, Meal, Sugar, Molasses, Bacon, Lard, Spirituous Liquors, &c., on hand 17th February, 1864, and not necessary for family consumption in 1864; Household and Kitchen Furniture, Agricultural Implements, Mechanical Tools, Musical Instruments, Carriages, Carts, Drays, Wagons, Books, Maps, and value in 1860; Property of Corporations, Joint Stock Companies and Associations, Gold and Silver Coin, Gold Dust, and Gold and Silver Bullion; amount of all solvent Credits, Bank Bills, and all other paper issued as currency; value of money held abroad, and bills of exchange in foreign countries, and the value of all articles of primal or mixed property not enumerated above. Source, Oh, and dont forget, Land, Slaves, Cotton and Tobacco purchased since the 1st day of January, 1864, must be listed at the amount paid for them.. According to the legend, the lost shipment had either 26 gold bars or 52 bars, each weighing 50 pounds (23 kilograms), meaning it would be worth about $25 million or about $50 million today. We appreciate the partnership from Michael and Daniel at It then flows to the Mississippi River in the south of Illinois. Or you can say, Hmmm, what if theres something rather profound here? And gold bars are a touchstone for it all. Finding gold in Ohio would be a vindication, a demonstration that his theories are correct and that our understanding of history must be adjusted. Was the bark too wet or had he even been here? A portion of the gold was stamped with theConfederate States of AmericaTreasury stamp. Must-Read Advice for Every New Metal Detecting Hobbyist. The fate of the gold is a subject of much mystery and conspiracy theories. George Alfred Trenholm was a prominent businessman, financier, politician, and slaveholding planter who owned several plantations in South Carolina and supported the Confederacy during the American Civil War era. The order arrived in perfect condition, and in only three days after I placed the on line order. I have seen them grow from a regional dealer to one of the largest internet dealers yet they have maintained that special care for the customer for over three decades. In March 1949, a posse of men claiming to be intimates or kin of Jesse James blew into town with a primitive land mine detector to search for $1.5 million in gold that they said was buried somewhere just to the north. Getler made a last visit to the beech trees. The Rebel Gold W.S. It is nice to see both our family business and theirs growing together. If they confirm a tunnel, Im going to start hugging everyone.. But the digger apparently never found anything. Forwarded a "glowing review" to you. We at Treasure Products, manufacturer of the Vibra-Probe and Vibra-Tector, want to congratulate Daniel and Michael on the admirable milestone of being in business for over three decades. Ironically at the end of the war the only soldiers in Town were actually Union troops who were invited in by Wake Forest residents to protect local residents. The pair claims to have found a shipwreck in Lake Michigan in 2011 that directly correlates with the treasure, though they didnt want to let anyone know about it until theyd consulted more experts. The cold reality of family drama made the treasure hunt seem like a game that made sense only if you were in on it. After calling your company you bent over backwards to get the second detector to me on time for giving to my grandchildren. This body of water is the third largest . Thats where I say ambiguity is our worst enemy. A man named Evans was said to have buried his life savings in the 1900s in two half gallon jars. I was out of position, a reporters worst nightmare. There were carved rabbits rabbit trails being a reference to paths leading to treasure and a pair of Js carved back-to-back, which, according to Jesse James treasure lore, depicts the outlaws initials. But notables also included African-American resident Uncle Nelson Ligon, who spent his life as a slave in the Wake Forest area. One story states that George Alexander Abbot, a banker, was on the brink of death in 1921 when he admitted to his family that hestole Confederate gold. By the time Tennessee Gov. To learn more about what he was looking for, he ordered Getler and Brewers book, and it became his bible. Originally discovered by explorer Teddy Tucker in 1955, the emerald-adorned 22-karat gold cross is believed to be part of the bounty that went down with the Spanish ship San Pedro in 1594. Hey Ron do I need a permit to hunt in these creeks or is anyone allowed to? You can kick me in the shins a million times: Warren, pull up a damn gold bar and prove it. Im as close as you possibly can be., Brad Richards, 52, the former history teacher from Michigan, told me that beyond recouping his expenses for two trips to Ohio, the gold means less than the possible contribution to history. It is said that he took some to have a necklace made for his wife, and the rest was sent on a ferry. tn cache lost tennessee hoard/howard tt jun 71 26 . He ordered the digging to halt and everyone to leave the property. Remember me? I have just come in after spending an hour or at my local beach with my son, which is only a 5 minute walk from my home called Deception Bay. Whether we found gold or not, we were plunging deep into American mythologies of one sort or another: outlaw legends, fables of rebellion, beguiling notions of hidden historical hands operating behind the scenes. In the end, all they dug up was an empty metal box, but they told the local papers they also found carvings on trees that they interpreted as clues. The Confederate Congress also passed a Tax in Kind levy in April 1863, which was to amount to one tenth of all agricultural products. Archer gathered evidence of the gold's location in a cave on state-owned land in Elk County, as well as evidence that state officials may be attempting to seize the gold for themselves, prompting his application for a federal warrant authorizing him to seize the alleged gold without the state's permission. What are the Best Metal Detectors for Finding Relics? 8) Paris Landing Brent Moore / Flickr In 1862, retreating Confederates buried a bronze cannon and a myriad of weapons near the bridge on route 79. Whether youre a metal-detecting expert or novice, we keep it simple. As a family owned business, we choose our partners carefully. I have found that the team at has done a fine of job representing the entire JW Fishers line. White's Electronics is looking forward to working with Michael, Daniel and the team. Getler led me down to look at the carvings on the beech trees. By the end I felt I was dealing with a friend rather than a faceless company on the net. Tunnel, tunnel! exclaimed Getler, standing on a berm above the hole. Saulsbury was employed by the firm of James Armstrong . Sadly it was not quite the abandoned pots of Confederate gold that Jim heard might be buried in Wake Forest. The father-son duo told authorities they believed they had found the location of the fabled Union gold, which, according to legend, was either lost or stolen on its way to the U.S. Mint in. As a 155-year-old legend goes, a Union Army wagon train left Wheeling, West Virginia, before the Battle of Gettysburg, carrying two tons of gold, but never completed its 400-mile mission. The first submarine to engage and sink a warship, the Hunley didn't . Oh joy. Ill leave that to you to decide! What are the Best Metal Detectors for Finding Coins? He snaked a camera deeper into the hill, and as this story was going to press, he was sending back images that he and Getler interpreted as signs of objects and tool work. In the Cumberland mountains of central Tennessee a small Confederate detail had hidden the gold in a mountain cache. He brought it into the field with him every day as he scoured the territory for the kinds of markers and symbols that the authors described. Wikicommons / Rembrandt. Very little of the gold was actually "lost," although one family ended up with about $27,000 in gold bullion. Waterproof metal detectors make locating treasure on the beach and in the ocean a reality. The case has been at a standstill, and there have been no updates in recent years. People need heroes, says James, 79, whos writing a five-volume history of the James family, and whose research shows hes a distant cousin of Jesse James. The risk of confirmation bias fitting the signs to a desired meaning seemed enormous. Could they really be that old? The group attracted 50,000 members. He probably thought the gold had been buried, because mineralogists have determined the area is not suited for naturally occurring gold, the family member said. Im the last person to say this is all neatly integrated, seamless. That there was something in his writing, in his future . Using his system, in 1991, in a hilly forest in western Arkansas, he located a cache of gold and silver coins minted between 1802 and 1889, with a face value of nearly $460. As the men transporting the money neared Athens, Alabama, the wagon became stuck in a muddy bog hole. As they tried to free the wagon, they were warned that Union soldiers were on the way. As the end of the Civil War became imminent, Confederate President Jefferson Davis fled his capital city of Richmond, Virginia. The ferry crew would subsequently have to push it off the boat during a storm, resulting in the boxcar with millions of dollars in treasure sinking to the bottom of the lake. We returned to that beech each day, waiting for the bark to dry and for the signature to reappear. Confederate ranger Colonel John Singleton Mosby and his band of guerrilla raiders "surprised more than 40 Union troops at the Fairfax Courthouse and . Their entire staffs knowledge of our product helps to ensure the customer gets the right detector for their needs regardless of what they might be. Dec 15, 2013. It only took me about a half an hour before I new what every button did. In addition, Somers and Getler proposed that when the map was turned to reflect the north-south direction of the creek in Ohio, the N in the locational note From Nashville could become the Z in From Zanesville.. Includes top picks. Before the war they focused on agitating for secession and building a slaveholding empire in a geographic circle encompassing the southern United States, the Caribbean and parts of Latin America. As far as being excited I all most had a stroke. The trees carvings told a story in three acts, he said, depicting how the group brought the gold up the creek, buried it and certified that the outlaw was their leader. Now there is an interesting question worth spending some time investigating. Don't ask where. But today the signature Jesse W. James 1882 was invisible, and he didnt have a picture from December. Sound like Civil War tithing to us. The Lost Confederate Gold Near Athens, Alabama there may be a Confederate treasure. Anyone interested in a true story of a lost cave of gold in Tennessee? The next day, the bank was robbed. Its too wet.. Good to know. Former Confederate soldiers are believed to have established the first Ku Klux Klan chapter in the late 1800s. I purchased an Ace 250 from your site for my 7 year old son and now I am hooked! One day about four years ago, they found an old portrait at a yard sale that reminded them of Jesse and Frank James. Goldak Leak Detector Comparison: 777-A, 777-B, and 4360 Pipe and Leak Detector Combo. Spanish Galleon Ship, The Atocha!! My Grandpa would have said their purpose is to hold the world together, as he always said of property seeming unfit for man or beast. Having a family owned and run business ourselves, we know the "attention to detail" it takes to keep a business running smoothly with an emphasis on customer service. The Confederate States of America (CSA), commonly referred to as the Confederate States or the Confederacy, was an unrecognized breakaway herrenvolk republic in the Southern United States that existed from February 8, 1861, to May 9, 1865. Garrett has a longstanding quality relationship with Detector Electronics Corp since the 1980s. 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Patton State Hospital Records, Articles L