warrior cats oc maker picrewwarrior cats oc maker picrew
Recently updated to include a full color palette, featuring all colors naturally occuring in cats, as well as fantasy ones. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Picrew.me is an image maker platform where you can create original characters and designs. You might not get exactly what your OC looks like but you can get pretty close. Your clan and another clan are fighting and you see your friend/sibling, what do you do? This is a place to post and discuss your picrew creations! Mix and match all the options to re-create your own house cat, your Warrior Cats OC, a rough-around-the-edges alley cat or magical princess kitty! Posture: 10,883 takers Report. Have fun. And dont directly copy (okay copying would be giving your cat a name you found such as Redpelt, a very simple name that could be used over and over again, so nobody can really flame you. Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for you. Tigerstars claws are epic, but the can quickly become overused. You are a very snappy and bold warrior of Windclan. So naming a kit after their eyes is not done. Now, wait for the community to vote. The Suffix could also have something to do with the ranking of a cat, i.e Star is for Leaders, Kit is for, obviously, Kits, Paw is for Apprentices. Give your cat their own unique features. Tynker is the worlds leading K-12 creative coding platform, enabling students of all ages to learn to code at home, school, and on the go. (There are no pictures for the last questions because ProProfs was messing up, sorry). hope you enjoy seeing this! Cats with white fur and blue eyes are almost always deaf (like Snowkit), read a book or two on cats before you start. A warrior wouldnt be allowed to join Thunder clan, then leave it for Shadow clan, become a rouge, then re-join Thunder clan. Jacket: **. If you give your OC accessories (which I dont recommend), have it make sense. Design an adorable kitten, choosing its ears, face, cheeks, tails, colors, patterns, accessories and more! This is a warrior cats oc quiz! Though known to be overly-protective of kits, queens usually are compassionate and kind, and in many cases they have been known to convince their mates or Clan leaders to take in cats in need of help. Shoes: Its specifically for Warrior Cats but it has a lot more options than the other DollDivine ones people in the wiki use a lot, so I figured I should share it here! felidaze's cool cat creatorPicrew felidaze's cool cat creator renteu animal cat warrior cats inspired, but can be used for anything :) looking for more advanced markings? Your OC needs to have some flaw, and skills. Just made a simple one to show off the picrews style :], Go onto the picture and click the link at the bottom of it, worked for me when I did that instead. Alias: Appearance Make sure to turn on the text box, as the natural randomizer will also spit out the names of the cats it's creating :). Every cat likes you. Suffix means after the Affix, meaning before this symbol (-) in words such as Semi-Circle. https://picrew.me/image_maker/254030 not intended to be a "better" picrew, just wanted to experiment with making something new ^^ --- Enjoy! There must be a reason for every scar, every friend, and every enemy. Cat CreatorPicrew Cat Creator tausune cat #character wcarpg This was made with warrior cats in mind, specifically the roleplay forum I'm on. I used the Warrior Cat Maker on Doll Divine for all of the end models, then for the images by the questions i used warrior cat OC icon maker on picrew. the backgrounds are so cool. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. An apprentice becomes a warrior once their mentor or Clan leader thinks they have learned enough or proved they are worthy of becoming warriors. NO! Let's move on to ranks! Unless the story starts before your OC is born, give them some type of story about what they were doing before it started. A cat cant start training until its six moons old, so a three month old warrior is highly unrealistic. ), or named after something in the forest or creatures respected by the cats (Tigerclaw, Lionheart, Jayfeather). Sexuality: I really need a bat fursona icon maker TvT ive been struggling to find one, if you find one lemme know pls. Create a Warrior Cat by kitty_kitten originally from "Create a Warrior Cat" by Cozy Synonym REMIX PROJECT 5935 Description Create a Warrior Cat, a project made by kitty_kitten using Tynker. Already a deviant? Every choice you make for your cat is visualized in three simultaneous views! Nickname(s): I'm an apprentice! Design your own pet, re-create your companion or create warrior cats! Try to avoid too much angst, and have it make sense. Log In Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Just some tips for creating Warriors OC's. Favorite color: Warriors OCs: How Not to Make Your Character Special Kits are usually very mischievous and energetic, and are known to bother warriors and elders. This quiz will tell you your warrior name, gender, rank, clan(or not), kin, personality, and some traits. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Hello there, Warrior Cat fans! Animal Groups Roleplay Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Hi! Before you give your cat any very unique name, think about if a queen would actually give her kit that name, and make sure it doesnt sound awkward (my friend named her OC Starkit, then it became a clan leader named Starstar) Dreamcloud may sound like a really cool name, but what queen would name her kit Dreamkit (simple is good, like blackfur)? Create a Dragon 2.0 Game by: pidgepudge An updated version of pidgepudge's (formerly Blacklnk's) wonderful dragon builder. I know so many of you cant wait to make your cat clan leader, and thats okay as long as you ease into it. You can create tortoiseshell and calico cats, pointed (even mink!) Tags Art, Animals, Animation, Customizer, Photo Concepts miscellaneous, basic math, simple conditionals, Basics i used one of these and made a fursona named comical i dont have a photo but im now a proud furry!!!!! Warriors are the protectors and fighters of a clan, often being the main body of a clan. Birthday: Your OC is Rosepaw, a warrior. Forever Together Untitled Studio warrior cat games,songs and adopts!!! What colour is my cat? There are also extensive coat variations, just like in nature. Warrior Cats! From this, I got that one year = 12 moons. Things to remember. Family matters. Accessories: So, I'm adding more and more to this guide each week! (wolves too!!) You MUST like Warriors to make an OC from it. Please dont steal. The question is simple: how do you name a (Clanborn) warrior? This means that Kits are 0-6 Moons, Apprentices are 6+ moons, but usually get warrior status at 12 moons, Warriors and Medicine cats have to be 12 moons, but can stay in that status until they retire or die, so 12-180+ moons,and Elders are 70-204+ Moons. Create a beautiful dragon by customizing every aspect of its colors, patterns, horns, tail, ears, accessories and more. Scrounges collar may look cool, but he has a reason for having it. Unlike housecats, feral cats can be a mix of every kind of house cat imaginable. Accessories: A kit is a cat under the age of six moons who is still living in the nursery with their mother and littermates. Eyes: This is a place to post and discuss your picrew creations! Each Clan has Erin Hunter's ranks, some have their own unique ranks (i.e, In my wolf pack, we have angel ranks. Warriorcats.com has tips for drawing the cats, a forum where you can discuss ideas for OCs, FAQ, a clan chooser, maps of the cannon locations, and much more that can help you out. Kits are born with their eyes shut. Come find us at http://warriorcatsarpg.com/ ! Shirt: ( she-cats only ). The only cats we fight up here are the dark forest cats, I have no friends in that awful place. The Suffix of a warrior's name is usually something that matches their Prefix, for example, the prefix Tiger could suit the Suffix Stripe. Try not to give your cat powers, and stick to skills (climbing, swimming, ect.). Give your OC a realistic age for what they are doing. Tags: flash classics - animals - dragons - fantasy - mobile - ruffle Ages in Warrior Cats is very unusual, and really hard to get accurate, but from reading the books and doing SO MUCH MATH I have concluded that each year goes up by a n11+1 rule (In 12ths). So use the chat below and type the two names WITH your cats' picture, We will set up a survey, Most likely. ), eyebrows, nose, whiskers, scars, eyes, mouths, tails and more! Hooray! Credits: Well i'm not in the clan but i should help it any way. Too simple would be having the prophecy be: Light will defeat night, a better version of that would be: In the darkest of nights, light will shine through and save us from the dark. Just because a job is cool, doesnt mean your character has to have it. A huge thank you to my friends there for all the amazing support <3 Of course, this is free for anyone to use. Which of My Made-Up Warrior Cat Characters Are You? Pants/skirt: Today I'm going to be creating your OCs with this Warrior Cats OC maker! Creative Style Build: check out my original picrew! Tags: character-design cat-design cat-creator avatar-maker animals Derivative works permissions: Not usable in Meiker Books Add to Collection Snaps based on this game Become a premium user My fursona in Harvestbrook's Picrew. Learn about all the clans before you choose one. Give your cat their own personality different from that of other cats, and avoid giving them a personality that makes the look like a Mary-Sue. ), or named after something in the forest or creatures respected by the cats (Tigerclaw, Lionheart, Jayfeather). Learn to code and make your own app or game in minutes. Say your prophecy was about a warrior named Lightfur defeating another warrior named Nightfur. Hope you like your OC character! The past is the past (not). Art, Animals, Animation, Customizer, Photo. Design an adorable kitten, choosing its ears, face, cheeks, tails, colors, patterns, accessories and more! Warrior Cats Picrew vogelchan 07/17/19 After many many hours and 1100+ files I've finally finished my Picrew Cat Maker. 4. r/picrew. I'm Whiskey the Werewolf, and IRL, I am a professional character designer and concept artist. What is your zodiac element? This is a warrior cats guide! This is a warrior cats oc quiz! 6 pages June 25, 2016 Sandfire. So, you just found an awesome OC on a warriors RP site, and now youre gonna use them in your fic? A River clan cat would be a good swimmer, but not a good tree climber. Both strength and weakness is needed. Remember, the cannon is about wild cats, not cat-wolf hybrids, your OC should be cat and only cat (shut up, wolfaboos). I like to listen to the elders. We have other quizzes matching your interest. I heavily recommend using this generator on a PC since mobile devices can't save the pictures! Have prophecies make sense, and not be too obvious. You can finally re-create all of your favorite Warrior character! you can give it a try here picrew.me/image_maker/1255960. 35K subscribers in the picrew community. What size are they? You will stop at nothing to become leader and whoever gets in your way wont be in it for long. I don't really care.-Warrior cats version coming up!-People version coming up!-Make a random OC coming up!-Make a dragon OC coming up!-Make a Wings Of Fire OC coming up! You are the leader of Riverclan. Favorites: I'm training to be a big strong warrior! Warrior cats are usually named after their fur color or other details involving their appearance (Dustpelt, Graystripe, Littlecloud, ect. The leader is responsible for everything that goes on in a Clan. There is now a complete randomizer as well as a realistic randomizer button (which only generates cat coats that could happen in reality). Lastly, which name out of these do you prefer. They replace the leader instantly after the death. They live in MoonClan, the brave and selfless, who live in next to the ocean. Warriors is not about magical cats who can fly and time travel. Your OC shouldnt be depressed about the death of his father, if it happened before he was born. Make a Warrior Cats Name! Try to keep fan-made clans to a minimum, and if you decide to make a clan, have it be small and hidden from the others. In Erin Hunter's Warriors series, every Clan cat has a name with a prefix and a suffix and that's about the only thing the fans can agree on (if even that, but retention of out-of-Clan, one-part names is a whole different subject). I go to our medicine cat and ask him/her if they need help I sleep all day *falls asleep* I hang out with Mother and the other Queens Play! Hope you enjoy- Now shoo! Me so go check those out! Recently updated to include a full color palette, featuring all colors naturally occuring in cats, as well as fantasy ones. A queen is a cat that is expecting or has recently given birth to a litter of kits. Nationality: Your eyes are green and your tail is probably longer and sleeker than a monster! NAMES They do patrols, hunting and training of Apprentices. 1 / 3. her name is emmy and she's a handful picrew.me. When somebody looks at your fanfiction/art, the first thing theyre gonna notice is the cats name. felidaze's warrior cat creatorPicrew felidaze's warrior cat creator renteu cat animals warriorcat insired by the warriors series by erin hunter each fur colour comes in a light shade & a dark shade. Being in the professional field, I know how to make believable, relatable and realistic (to the AU standards, i.e Warrior Cats) characters, and I will do my very best to help you make your character the best they can be! Jacket: Find Your Warrior Cat Name With This Amazing Quiz. The point of this guide is to be stand-out from the other character guides. Join. Give your OC something unique, such as huge ears. Ask the OCs owner first, 97% of the time they will be flattered to have you draw their cat with yours, or put their cat in your fanfiction as long as you give them credit. Warriors is one of the only fandoms where its perfectly okay to have your OC as part of a prophecy. However, even a civil discussion of which style is best can be difficult because of the varying perceptions of and definitions of each style. I watch over it from silver pelt until a clan cat finds it. Name is important. But remember, only females who are pregnant/nursing kits can be queens, cats should be at least 8 moons old before becoming warriors, and a medicine cat becoming a clan leader would be unrealistic. Status: i found this OC maker on picrew picrew.me/image_maker/321032 Image details Image size 600x600px 35.08 KB 2022 - 2023 Comments 0 Join the community to add your comment. Credit is appreciated but not necessary. Create your own cat character, customizing every little aspect of its genetics. Understandable, that's not a bad goal to have. Main outfit: Press J to jump to the feed. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. 122. Here's a few of my own examples: RoseStar(my OC), HeatherPaw,StickTail, TwigLeaf, FrostedToes, CrowFeather, FishKit, BushTail, HoneyHeart, AmberBark. The Prefix of a warriors name is usually something to do with their appearance, i.e Tiny, White, Soft, Rugged, Spotted, Striped, or something to do with nature, i.e Raven, Willow, Fish, Flame, Lightening, Bluebell, Leaf. hello if you are a warrior fan you know what this is, if you want to join my fan club make a remix of this progect and draw your own cat, but you have to prove your selve by ansering queshdens abot seres 1-3, p.s if you are bad at drawing you can yous my cat as a templit, d4ixoyx-5daeca53-4226-44cc-8546-8d2f551d74291, d4ixoyx-5daeca53-4226-44cc-8546-8d2f551d742911, d4ixoyx-5daeca53-4226-44cc-8546-8d2f551d7429, Responsible Consumption and Production (JavaScript). Apprentices are Apprentices are Clan cats six moons or older, training to be a warrior (or sometimes a medicine cat) under a mentor. Shirt: Tigerstar already had kits, and your OC is not one of them. jum Dress Up Games! You have brown fur that has grey spots that resemble those of a leopard. From this, I got that one year = 12 moons. Cats dont live that long, so a ten year (120 moons) warrior would be unrealistic. Dont make your OC related to cannon characters because its easy. Fanfiction Warrior Warriors Cat Cats Generator Maker Thing Sandpaw Sandfire. So, now you've got a general idea of what you want your OC to be like, huh? Weight: Personality No copying of any sort without my permission! Naming in Warrior Cats is very specific, for example, rogues have one name, i.e Razor, Blizz, Rose; but clan cats have a PREFIX and a SUFFIX. Skin tone: With a multitude of colors and markings, you can create a cool warrior cat or recreate a favorite pet! Warrior cats are usually named after their fur color or other details involving their appearance (Dustpelt, Graystripe, Littlecloud, ect. Like in nature a reason for every scar, every friend, skills. Simultaneous views cat is visualized in three simultaneous views occuring in cats, as well as fantasy.... 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